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Effect of Winglet-Shroud Tip With Labyrinth Seals on Aerodynamic Performance of a Linear Turbine Cascade


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2016-07-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI



ISSN No.:0098-2202

Abstract:This paper is a continuous study of a previously investigated novel winglet-shroud (WS) tip configuration. Two additional sealing fins are fixed on the WS tip to further reduce tip leakage. This configuration is referred to WS with seals (WSS) tip. Secondary flow structures and total pressure loss coefficients on a transverse plane downstream of the blade trailing edge are measured. Flow in a blade cascade is also numerically simulated to obtain more information of flow fields. Compared with the WS tip, both experimental and numerical results show that the WSS tip can further improve the aerodynamic performance as expected. Relative to the plain tip, the WSS and WS tips can reduce total pressure loss on one plane downstream of the blade trailing edge by 50% and 28%, respectively. This is mainly due to reduced intensity of tip leakage vortex (TLV). For the tip leakage mass flow rate, the WS tip decreases it by 33.6%, while the implement of two additional sealing fins contributes to an extremely high reduction of 88.7%. This demonstrates that the use of sealing fins is effective to control the tip leakage flow and improve flow fields. In addition, a deeper analysis by applying a normalized helicity scheme to identify the evolution of different vortices and by tracing trajectories of the fluid near the tip offers credible supports for results.

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