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Usage of Janus green B for the improvement of the filling effect during replication process of nanoimprint nickel stamp


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2018-01-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI



Page Number:24-26

ISSN No.:1750-0443

Key Words:nickel; nanolithography; filling; electrodeposition; electroforming; seals (stoppers); Janus green B; filling effect; replication process; nanoimprint nickel stamp; void elimination; JGB molecules; high aspect ratio nanotrenches; nanoelectroforming process; electron density; metal deposition rate; sealing phenomenon; electrodeposition process; depth 200 nm; size 80 nm; Ni

Abstract:This work proposes a simple replication process of nanoimprint nickel stamp with the usage of Janus Green B (JGB) for the improvement of the filling effect to eliminate the voids forming in high aspect ratio nanotrenches during nanoelectroforming process. As JGB molecules tend to adsorb at the edge of the nanotrench with high electron density, the metal deposition rate is reduced at the edge of the nanotrench. Therefore, the voids are not formed due to the elimination of the sealing phenomenon during electrodeposition process. On the basis of the proposed process, a nickel nanoimprint stamp with six nanograting areas of 1.3 mm x 1.3 mm size, 200 nm pitch, 80 nm linewidth and 200 nm depth was replicated successfully. The experiment results demonstrate that the filling effect is gradually improved with the addition of JGB in the replication process of the nickel stamp.

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