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Multidirectional monolayer metal nano-grating micro polarizer array based on nanoimprint lithography and plasma ashing process


Indexed by:Journal Papers

Date of Publication:2019-12-01


Included Journals:SCIE



ISSN No.:0960-1317

Key Words:nanoimprint lithography; nano-grating; polarization imaging

Abstract:A novel fabrication process based on nanoimprint lithography (NIL) and plasma ashing process is proposed for the efficient fabrication of multidirectional monolayer metal nano-grating micro polarizer array (MPA). In this process, the NIL resist serves as a multifunction layer: the definition of the nano-grating patterns and the sacrifice layer for the monolayer metal nano-grating MPA forming. As a demonstration, a quartz filter with large area of monolayer metal nano-grating MPA was fabricated by this novel process. The performance test results demonstrate that the extinction ratios of the four tested micro polarizers with different orientations are 10.25, 10.45, 9.37, and 10.55, and the maximum polarization transmittances are 40.28%, 42.31%, 40.31%, and 42.35%, respectively. The polarization imaging experiment results demonstrate that the angle of polarization measurement error is <0.3 degrees; the degree of linear polarization measurements error is <2.5%.

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