Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2021-02-02
Page Number:737-743
ISSN No.:0099-1112
Abstract:It is still unclear how water turbidity affects the underwater polarization pattern. Current simulations only consider single Rayleigh scattering of water molecules and ignore multiple Mie scattering of suspended particles. In this study, a method based on a combination of Monte Carlo numerical simulation and Mie scattering theory is used to establish a model of the turbid underwater polarization distribution. Stokes vector and Mueller matrix are used to simulate the underwater polarization patterns within Snell's window. The distribution patterns and dynamic changes of the simulation are consistent with field measurements. The maximum depth that the polarization pattern can he maintained is calculated for different water types. The influence of water turbidity on polarization patterns is discussed. This model provides a tool for researchers to quantitatively analyze the distribution of turbid underwater polarization. In addition, the study is valuable for remote sensing and marine surveillance.