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刘琳琳 博士 副教授 硕士生导师
Email: liulinlin@dlut.edu.cn
1. 2017.12~至今 大连理工大学化工学院 副教授
2. 2013.12~2017.12 大连理工大学化工学院 讲师
3. 2014.01~2017.06 大连理工大学 博士后
4. 2007.09~2013.12 大连理工大学化学工程系 博士
5. 2011.09~2012.08 美国Texas A&M大学 访问学者
6. 2003.09~2007.07 大连理工大学化学工程系 本科
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,耦合电厂动态运行的碳捕集过程灵活调度与系统鲁棒性研究,2024.1~2027.12, 主持。
2. 科技部重大专项,玉米精深加工智能控制关键节点的分析与建模,2021.12-2026.12,参与。
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,化工工业园区多层次全局热集成研究,2019.1~2022.12, 主持。
4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,化工工业园区全局水网络系统优化与集成,2015.1~2018.12, 主持。
5. 中央高校基本科研业务费, 2018~2019, 主持。
6. 中国博士后科学基金项目,2014~2016, 主持。
1. 辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖,三等,2014
2. 中国过程系统工程年会学术论文一等奖,2014
3. 辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖,二等,2010
4. 中国石油和化学工业优秀出版物奖(教材奖),2018,2019
5. 全国石油和化工教育优秀教学团队成员。
6. 第二届全国化工原理讲课竞赛,特等奖,2023。
1. 化工原理(上)
2. 化工过程分析与综合,主编
3. 化工过程分析与综合(光盘),主编
4. 化工计算与Aspen plus应用
5. 《化学工程手册(第三版)》
6. 《化学工程名词(第二版)》
1. 中国系统工程学会过程系统工程专业委员会,委员
2. 中国化工学会信息技术应用专业委员会,青年委员
3. 辽宁省化工学会医药化工专业委员会,委员
4. 中国系统工程学会会员
5. 美国化学学会ACS会员
6. Session chair of PRES19
7. 2019年中国过程系统工程年会分会场主席
8. Reviewer of Journal of Cleaner Production,ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,Energy,Applied energy,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Computers & Chemical Engineering, Reviews in Chemical Engineering, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, Applied Mathematical Modelling, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 化工学报、高校化工学报
1. 2019年10月,22th Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction(PRES19),希腊,Keynote。
2. 2019年1月,Asia pse,泰国,oral。
3. 2018年6月,13th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, 美国,poster。
4. 2018年8月,21th Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction(PRES18), 捷克,oral。
5. 2017年8月,20th Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction(PRES17), 中国天津,Keynote。
6. 2017年5月,Process Integration (PI) Forum – a joint event of the 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes , 中国台北,oral。
7. 2015年5月,12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering(PSE2015(3年一届) / ESCAPE-25) ,丹麦哥本哈根,oral。
8. 2016年7月, 7th International Symposium on Design, Operation and Control of Chemical Processes (PSE ASIA 2016), 日本东京,poster。
[67] Wenjin Zhou, Linlin Liu *, Yafeng Xing, Jian Du *, A novel two-step approach for multi-plant indirect HENs design. Chemical Engineering Science, 285 (2024) 119559.
[66] Xi Gu, Feng Ji, Linlin Liu*, Jian Du, Global energy integration for industrial parks incorporating centralized tri-generation and inter-plant HEN. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2023. Supplementary cover
[65] Shenghui Li, Xiaojing Sun, Linlin Liu*, Jian Du, A full process optimization of methanol production integrated with co-generation based on the co-gasification of biomass and coal. Energy, 2023, 267,126566.
[64] Xuefei Yu, Shuai Zhang, Linlin Liu*, Jian Du, Optimal design and scheduling of carbon capture power plant based on uncertainty decision-making methods, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022. 380, Part 2, 134852.
[63] Feng Ji, Yachao Dong, Xiaojing Sun, Linlin Liu*, Jian Du, Industrial park heat integration considering centralized and distributed waste heat recovery cycle systems, Applied Energy, 2022, 318,119207.
[62] Xiaojing Sun, Yu Zhuang, Yachao Dong, Linlin Liu*, Jian Du. Multi-objective optimization of heat exchange network and thermodynamic cycles integrated system for cooling and power cogeneration. Applied Energy. 2022; 321: 119366.
[61] Fengyuan Wang, Shuai Zhang, Chenyu Lv, Linlin Liu*, Yu Zhuang, Lei Zhang, Jian Du. Optimal Design of Solar-assisted Steam and Power System under Uncertainty, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 130294.
[60] Xiaojing Sun, Linlin Liu*, Yachao Dong, Yu Zhuang, Jiao Li, Jian Du *, Hongchao Yin. Multi-objective optimization and thermo-economic analysis of an enhanced compression-absorption cascade refrigeration system and ORC integrated system for cooling and power cogeneration. Energy Conversion and Management,2021, 236: 114068.
[59] Linlin Liu, Chenying Li, Siwen Gu., Lei Zhang, Jian Du*, Optimization-based framework for the synthesis of heat exchanger networks incorporating controllability, Energy, 2020, 208, 118292.
[58] Linlin Liu, Yao Sheng., Yu Zhuang, Lei Zhang, Jian Du*, Multi-objective optimization of inter-plant heat exchanger networks considering utility steam supply and various locations of inter-plant steam generation/utilization, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59(32), 14433–14446.
[57] Linlin Liu, Changhao Wu, Yu Zhuang, Lei Zhang, and Jian Du*, Interplant heat integration method involving multiple intermediate fluid circles and agents: single-period and multi-period design. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020,59(10): 4698–4711.
[56] Shuai Zhang, Yu Zhuang, Linlin Liu*, Lei Zhang, Jian Du. Multi-objective Optimization for the Deployment of Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage Supply Chain Considering Economic and Environmental Performance, Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 270, 122481.
[55] Shuai Zhang, Yu Zhuang, Linlin Liu*, Lei Zhang, Jian Du. Optimization-based approach for CO2 utilization in carbon capture, utilization and storage supply chain, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2020,139: 106885.
[54] Yao Sheng, Linlin Liu*, Yu Zhuang, Lei Zhang, Jian Du. Simultaneous Synthesis of Heat Exchanger Network Considering Steam Supply and Various Locations of Steam Heaters, energies, 2020, 13, 1467.
[53] Xiaojing Sun, Linlin Liu*, Yu Zhuang, Lei Zhang, Jian Du. Heat exchanger network synthesis integrated with compression–absorption cascade refrigeration system, Processes, 2020, 8(2), 210.
[52] 于雪菲, 张帅, 刘琳琳*, 都健. 电厂和碳捕集装置同步集成与调度优化研究.化工学报, 2021, 72(03): 1447-1456.
[51]于雪菲, 张帅, 刘琳琳*, 都健. 基于信息间隙决策理论的碳捕集电厂调度. 清华大学学报(自然科学版):1-7[2022-04-30]. DOI:10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.26.008
[49] Li, C., Liu, L., Zhang, L., Gu, S., Du, J.* Simultaneous Synthesis of Controllable Heat Exchanger Networks, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2019, 76, 739-744. (CPCI)
[48] Li, W., Zhuang, Y., Liu, L., Zhang, L., Du, J.* Economic, Exergy, Environmental (3E) Analysis of Methanol Production from Shale Gas, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2019, 76, 655-660. (CPCI)
[47] Zhuang, Y., Liu, L., Zhang, L., Du, J.*, Shen, S. An Efficient Sequential Approach for Work-Heat Exchange Networks Synthesis Combined with Meta-Heuristic Strategies, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 583-588. (CPCI)
[46] Sun, X., Liu, L., Sheng, Y., Zhang, L., Du, J.* Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis with Absorption Refrigeration Cycle Integrated Considering the Optimization of Operating Condition, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2019, 76, 301-306. (CPCI)
[45] Sheng, Y., Liu, L.*, Zhang, L., Du, J. Simultaneous Synthesis of Heat Exchanger Network and Utility System Considering Inter- and Inner-stage Heaters, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2019, 76, 295-300. (CPCI)
[44] Yang, R., Zhuang, Y., Zhang, L., Liu, L., Du, J.* Enhanced Superstructure-based Model for Synthesis of Sub-ambient Heat Exchanger Networks with Expansion Process, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2019, 76, 289-294. (CPCI)
[43] Zhang, S., Tao, R., Liu, L.*, Zhang, L., Du, J. Economic and Environmental Optimisation Framework for Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage Supply Chain, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2019, 76, 1-6. (CPCI)
[42] 王璐, 毛海涛, 张磊*, 刘琳琳, 都健. 基于反向机器学习的调香设计方法. 化工学报, 2019, doi: 10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20191015. (EI)
[41] Liu, Q., Zhang, L., Tang, K., Feng, Y., Zhang, J., Zhuang, Y., Liu, L., Du, J.* Computer-aided reaction solvent design considering inertness using group contribution-based reaction thermodynamic model, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2019, 152, 123-133. (SCI)
[40] Liang, X., Zhang, X., Zhang, L.*, Liu, L., Du, J., Zhu, X., Ng, K. M. Computer-aided polymer design: Integrating group contribution and molecular dynamics, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58(34), 15542-15552. (SCI)
[39] Zhang, S., Zhuang, Y., Liu, L.*, Zhang, L., Du, J. Risk management optimization framework for the optimal development of carbon capture and storage system under uncertainty. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019, 113, 109280. (SCI)
[38] Liu, L., Bai, Y., Zhang, L., Gu, S., Du, J.* Synthesis of flexible heat exchanger networks considering gradually accumulated deposit and cleaning management. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58(27), 12124-12136. (SCI, Supplementary Cover)
[37] Li, W., Zhuang, Y., Zhang, L., Liu, L., Du, J.* Economic evaluation and environmental assessment of shale gas dehydration process. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 232, 487-498. (SCI)
[36] 杨蕊, 庄钰, 刘琳琳, 张磊, 都健*. 功热交换网络综合的研究进展, 化工进展, 2019, 38(6), 2550-2557. (EI)
[35] Liu, Q., Zhang, L.*, Liu, L., Du, J., Meng, Q., Gani, R. Computer-aided reaction solvent design based on transition state theory and COSMO-SAC. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 202, 300-317. (SCI)
[34] Zhuang, Y., Liu, L., Zhang, L., Du, J.*, Shen, S. An Extended Superstructure Modeling Method for Simultaneous Synthesis of Direct Work Exchanger Networks. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2019, 144, 258-271. (SCI)
[33] 刘奇磊, 冯锟, 刘琳琳, 都健, 孟庆伟, 张磊*. 基于Dragon描述符与改进的决策树-遗传算法的反应溶剂设计方法. 化工学报, 2019, 70(2), 535-540. (EI)
[32] 梁馨元, 张磊*, 刘琳琳, 都健. 基于分子动力学的橡胶聚合物计算机辅助设计方法. 化工学报, 2019, 70(2), 525-532. (EI)
[31] 王少靖, 刘琳琳, 张磊, 都健*, 吴恺艺. 集成NGL回收的新型天然气液化系统(AP-XTM)的概念设计与模拟分析. 化工学报, 2019, 70(2), 508-515. (EI)
[30] 吴长昊, 刘琳琳*, 张磊, 都健. 采用两种中间介质的工业园区厂际余热集成. 化工学报, 2019, 70(2), 431-439. (EI, 封面文章)
[29] 郭孝正, 刘琳琳*, 张磊, 都健. 基于截断器半连续操作的间歇过程性质集成. 化工学报, 2019, 70(2), 516-524. (EI)
[28] Li, W., Zhuang, Y., Liu, L., Zhang, L., Du, J.* Economic Evaluation and Environmental Assessment of Shale Gas Sweetening Process, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2019, 42(4), 753-760. (SCI)
[27] Gu, S., Liu, L., Zhang, L., Bai, Y., Du, J.* Optimization-based Framework for Designing Dynamic Flexible Heat Exchanger Networks, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58(15), 6026-6041. (SCI, Supplementary Cover)
[26] Liu, Q. Zhang, L.*, Liu, L., Du, J., Tula, A. K., Eden, M., Gani, R. OptCAMD: An Optimization-Based Framework and Tool for Molecular and Mixture Product Design, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2019, 124, 285-301. (SCI)
[25] Zhang, S., Liu, L.*, Zhang, L., Zhuang, Y., Du, J.* An optimization model for carbon capture utilization and storage supply chain: A case study in Northeastern China, Applied Energy, 2018, 231, 194-206. (SCI)
[24] Li, W., Liu, L., Zhang, L., Meng, Q., Du, J.* Optimization of Shale Gas Sweeting Process Coupling with Claus Process Based on Energy Synthesis, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2018, 70, 1027-1032. (EI)
[23] San, H., Meng, Q., Liu, L., Zhang, L., Du, J.* Creative Optimization and Industrial Research of Freeze Drying Process of the Cardiomyopeptidin for Injection, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2018, 70, 1201-1206. (EI)
[22] Zhang, S., Liu, L., Zhang, L., Meng, Q., Du, J.* Optimal Planning for Regional Carbon Capture and Storage Systems under Uncertainty, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2018, 70, 1207-1212. (EI)
[21] Liu, Q., Zhang, L.*, Liu, L., Du, J., Liang, X., Mao, H., Meng, Q. GC-COSMO based Reaction Solvent Design with New Kinetic Model using CAMD. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2018. (Vol. 44, pp. 235-240). Elsevier. (CPCI)
[20] Zhuang, Y., Zhang, L., Liu, L., Meng, Q., Du, J.* Simultaneous Synthesis of WHEN Based on Superstructure Modelling Considering Thermodynamic and Economic Factors. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2018. (Vol. 44, pp. 1033-1038). Elsevier. (CPCI)
[19] Liu, L., Sheng, Y., Zhang, L., Du, J.*, Meng, Q. Water networks synthesis for industrial parks respecting to unpredictable scenarios. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2018. (Vol. 44, pp. 1021-1026). Elsevier. (CPCI)
[18] Gu, S., Liu, L., Zhang, L., Bai, Y., Wang, S., Du, J.* Heat exchanger networks synthesis integrated with flexibility and controllability, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018, 27(7), 1474-1484. (SCI)
[17] Zhang, L.*, Kalakul, S., Liu, L., Elbashir, N. O., Du, J., Gani, R. A Computer-Aided Methodology for Mixture-Blend Design. Applications to Tailor-Made Design of Surrogate Fuels, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57 (20), pp 7008–7020. (SCI)
[16] Zhang, L.*, Mao, H., Liu, L., Du, J., Gani, R. A machine learning based computer-aided molecular design/screening methodology for fragrance molecules, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2018, 115, 295-308. (SCI)
[15] Liu, L., Song, H., Zhang, L., Du, J.* Heat-integrated water allocation network synthesis for industrial parks with sequential and simultaneous design. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2018, 108, 408-424. (SCI, Most downloaded article)
[14] 李伟达, 刘琳琳, 张磊, 王少靖, 都健*. 基于灵敏度分析的页岩气净化流程的模拟与优化,化工学报, 2018, 69(3), 1008-1013. (EI, 第十六届中国化工学会信息技术应用专业委员会年会优秀论文)
[13] 张磊*, 刘琳琳, 都健. 替代燃油的计算机辅助设计方法, 化工进展, 2018, 37(6), 2437-2443. (EI)
[12] Linlin Liu, Jian Wang, Haodong Song, Jian Du, Fenglin Yang, Multi-period water network management for industrial parks considering predictable variations. Computer and Chemical Engineering, 2017, 104: 172-184.
[11] Haodong Song, Linlin Liu*, Jian Du, Heat-Integrated Water Allocation Network Synthesis for Industrial Parks. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2017, 61: 475-480.
[10] Zhuang, Y., Liu, L., Zhang, L., Du, J.* Synthesis of indirect work exchange networks considering both isothermal and adiabatic process together with exergy analysis. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2017, 26(8), 1644-1652. (SCI)
[9] Zhuang, Y., Liu, L., Zhang, L., Du, J.* Direct work exchanger network synthesis of isothermal process based on improved transshipment model. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2017, 81, 295-304. (SCI)
[8] Zhuang, Y., Liu, L., Zhang, L., Du, J.* Upgraded Graphical Method for the Synthesis of Direct Work Exchanger Networks. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56(48), 14304-14315. (SCI)
2016 and before:
[7] Linlin Liu, Jian Wang, Haodong Song, Jian Du, Fenglin Yang, Synthesis of Water Networks for Industrial Parks Considering Inter-plant Allocation. Computer and Chemical Engineering, 2016, 91: 307-317.
[6] Linlin Liu, Jie Fan, Pengpeng Chen, Jian Du, Fenglin Yang, Synthesis of Heat Exchanger Networks Considering Fouling, Aging, and Cleaning. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015(1), 54(1): 296-306.
[5] Linlin Liu, Jian Du, Fenglin Yang, Combined mass and heat exchange network synthesis based on stage-wise superstructure model. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2015,23(9): 1502-1508.
[4] Linlin Liu, Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi, Jian Du, José María Ponce-Ortega, Pingjing Yao, Systematic Synthesis of Mass Exchange Networks for Multi-Component Systems, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013.52(39), 14219-14230.
[3] Linlin Liu, Jian Du, Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi, José María Ponce-Ortega, Pingjing Yao,A systematic approach for synthesizing combined mass and heat exchange networks, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2013,53:1-13.
[2] Linlin Liu, Jian Du, Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi, José María Ponce-Ortega, Pingjing Yao,Synthesis of Multi-component Mass-exchange Networks, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2013,21(4), 376-381.
[1] Po Yang, Linlin Liu, Jian Du, Jilong Li, Qingwei Meng, Heat exchanger network synthesis for batch processes by involving heat storages with cost targets, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 70(2): 1276-1282.