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Shape and topology optimization for closed liquid cell materials using extended multiscale finite element method


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2014-03-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus



Page Number:367-385

ISSN No.:1615-147X

Key Words:Extended multiscale finite element method; Closed liquid cell structures; Shape optimization; Topology optimization; Compliant mechanism

Abstract:A new multiscale shape and topology optimization method is presented to design closed liquid cell materials based on the extended multiscale finite element method, which directly captures the small scale features to the large scale computation. The multiscale optimization method firstly focuses on seeking the optimum geometrical parameters and volume expansion of the fluid in the closed liquid cells in the microscale level in terms of maximizing the macroscale mechanical response of the structure. Furthermore, a new hierarchical multiscale optimization method is developed to optimize the macroscale distributions of closed liquid cells and the microscale shape of the fluid inclusion in the cells. In the macroscale level of the multiscale optimization method, the macroscale design domain is discretized by the multiscale coarse elements, while the shape of the fluid inclusions is set to be the design parameters in the microscale level. This method is firstly utilized to minimize the system compliance of the closed liquid cell structure. Moreover, due to the fact that non-uniform volume expansions of the fluid in cells can induce the elastic action, the multiscale optimization method is further extended to design biomimetic compliant actuators of the closed liquid cell materials. The multiscale optimization methods developed are implemented in the FE-package SiPESC, and the numerical examples are carried out to validate the accuracy of the methods proposed.

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