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个人信息Personal Information
办公地点:海洋科学与技术学院 D05 307
个人简介Personal Profile
入选 2022 、2023年全球前 2% 顶尖科学家榜单(World’s Top 2% Scientists 2022)中的“2022 年度科学影响力排行榜”(Single-year impact)(查询链接:https://jokergoooo.shinyapps.io/top2pct_scientists/ 查查看,万一发现自己也在上面呢。。 )。
1. 今年(2023)开始可以招博士后(已经招到了一个),大工的博后待遇真的挺好的。。。
1. Wiley出版社期刊Journal of Applied Microbiology (IF: 3.772) 编辑(Handling Editor) (2021-2023,倦了,不想干了哈哈哈), 负责生物降解、材料和微藻部分的稿件送审和决定
2. Springer出版社期刊International Microbiology (IF: 2.479),副主编(Associate Editor) (2021-2024), 负责环境微生物相关的稿件送审和决定(当编辑挺累的,要处理好些稿件)
3. Frontiers in Microbiology (IF: 6.041),副主编(Associate Editor) (2022-),负责微生物生物技术相关的稿件送审和决定(这个期刊有很多副主编,所以这个不算啥哈)
4. Frontiers in Nanotechnology的review editor (2019-,高级审稿人,无编辑权限), https://loop.frontiersin.org/people/504816/overview
5. 美国化学会(ACS),中国化学会(CCS),美国微生物协会(ASM), 国际水协会(IWA)会员(都不是fellow。。。。哈哈哈哈~)
6. 第三届辽宁省食品科学技术学会监事
担任过ISME Journal (Nature), NPJ clean water (Nature), Environmental Science and Technology (ACS), Biotechnology and Bioengineering (Wiley), Water Research (Elsevier), Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (Elsevier), Chemical Engineering Journal (Elsevier), Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier), Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier), Chemsphere (Elsevier), Environmental Science: Nano (RSC), Microbial Biotechnology (Wiley), Small (Wiley), Chemistry of Materials (ACS), Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology (Springer), Environment Science: Water Science and Technology (RSC), Journal of Molecular Liquids (Elsevier), Journal of Environmental Science (Elsevier), BioMed research international (Hindawi), Scientific report (Springer nature), Biodegradation (Springer), Frontiers in Microbiology, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (Springer), Environmental Engineering Science (liebertpub),Aquaculture (wiley), Environmetal Science and Pollution Research (Springer),微生物学通报,生物工程学报,环境工程学报等期刊审稿人。(期待啥时候能做Nature系列的期刊审稿人。。。)
本人博士期间的工作主要在于环境污染物的生物降解过程及其相关蛋白质的结构-功能关系。围绕联苯代谢途径中的间位开环产物水解酶的结构-功能关系展开。主要的创新点在于将分子模拟技术,如同源模建、分子对接、分子动力学模拟等手段系统的用于环境污染物降解相关酶的研究中。采用的软件包括Yasara, Gromacs, Autodock, Amber, I-TASSER等。
本人对于培养学生具有较大的热情,工作六年来,所培养的已毕业研究生中(共6名毕业生),有4名同学继续攻读博士学位(其中2名在国外,比利时蒙斯大学和丹麦技术大学,另外两名在哈工大深圳校区、深圳大学),他/她们获得校优秀研究生,专项奖学金,大连理工大学优秀硕士论文,辽宁省优秀硕士论文等荣誉。所培养的本科生(特指自己参与指导的创新计划和毕业设计)有多人保送到清华大学(含深圳校区,共4人),北京大学(2人),南开大学,北京师范大学,上海交通大学,南京大学,哈尔滨工业大学,华南理工大学,中国科技大学,天津大学,厦门大学等国内知名高校。同时,指导的创新计划有5项国家级项目,依托于创新计划,多人获得攀登杯一等奖,辽宁省一等奖(2次),辽宁省创新创业年会特等奖和专业竞赛全国一等奖。培养的本科生以第一作者身份发表了4篇SCI论文(ESPR, RSC Advances, Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Hazardous Materials等)。依靠这些优秀的学生,我也获得了包括辽宁省优秀硕士论文指导教师,攀登杯优秀指导教师,辽宁省挑战杯优秀指导教师、大连理工大学优秀班主任等多项荣誉。希望以后对于微生物、纳米材料、高级氧化技术等方向感兴趣的同学可以联系我,热切欢迎对于科研真正具有热情的同学进组学习。
发表文章列表 (20210912,一共参与发表SCI论文81篇,其中一作或通讯作者(含共同通讯3篇)SCI论文28篇)
*2021年以后的懒得更新了,各位感兴趣的同学和老师可以直接点击底下的google scholor或者researchgate进行查看
[81] Zhou, H*., Li, X., Hu, B., Wu, M., Zhang, Y., Yi, X., & Liu, Y. (2021). Assembly of fungal mycelium-carbon nanotube composites and their application in pyrene removal. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 415, 125743.
[80] Yi, X., Li, W., Liu, Y., Yang, K., Wu, M., & Zhou, H*. (2021). Effect of polystyrene microplastics of different sizes to Escherichia coli and Bacillus cereus. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 1-7.
[79] Lu, Y., Zhang, S., Sun, S., Wu, M., Bao, Y., Tong, H., Ren, M., Jin, N., Xu, J., Zhou, H. and Xu, W., 2021. Effects of different nitrogen sources and ratios to carbon on larval development and bioconversion efficiency in food waste treatment by black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens). Insects, 12(6), p.507.
[78] Wang, Z., Yi, X., Liu, Y., & Zhou, H*. (2021). Complete genome sequence of a tellurate reducing bacteria Sporosarcina sp. Te-1 isolated from Bohai Sea. Marine Genomics, 100888.
[77] Liu, Y., Niu, M. S., Yi, X., Li, G., Zhou, H., & Gao, W. (2021). Boron vacancies of mesoporous MnO2 with strong acid sites, free Mn3+ species and macropore decoration for efficiently decontaminating organic and heavy metal pollutants in black-odorous waterbodies. Applied Surface Science, 561, 150081.
[76] Yang, H. H., Du, J., Wu, M., Zhou, H., Yi, X., Zhan, J., & Liu, Y. (2021). Tin-Modified ɑ-MnO2 Catalyst with High Performance for Benzene Oxidation, Ozone Decomposition and Particulate Matter Filtration. Chemical Engineering Journal, 132075.
[75] Yang, J. N., Zhou, H., Yi, X., Gao, W., Niu, M. S., & Liu, Y. (2021). Hard-NaCl template-regulated LiCoO2 catalyst with enhanced activity for aqueous and gaseous organics elimination. Surfaces and Interfaces, 26, 101376.
[74] Sun, S., Xu, W., Zhou, H., Zhang, Y., Zhang, J., Li, X., ... & Xu, J. Efficient purification of selenoprotein thioredoxin reductase 1 by using chelating reagents to protect the affinity resins and rescue the enzyme activities. Process Biochemistry, 101, 256-265.
[73] Guo, C., Zhang, X., Luan, S., Zhou, H., Liu, L., & Qu, Y. Diversity and structure of soil bacterial community in intertidal zone of Daliao River estuary, Northeast China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 163, 111965.
[72] Zhang, X., Bao, D., Li, M., Tang, Q., Wu, M., Zhou, H., ... & Qu, Y. (2021). Bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons by alkali–salt‐tolerant microbial consortia and their community profiles. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 96(3), 809-817.
[71] Xu, W., Hu, Y., Wu, M., Miao, E., Zhou, H., Zhang, X., & Zhan, J. (2021). Determination of phenolic compounds in estuary water and sediment by solid-phase isotope dansylation coupled with liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry. Analytical Methods.
[70]Zong, W., Guo, Z., Wu, M., Yi, X., Zhou, H.*, Jing, S., ... & Liu, Y*. (2020). Synergistic multiple active species driven fast estrone oxidation by δ-MnO2 in the existence of methanol. Science of The Total Environment, 143201.
[69] Zhang, X., Song, Z., Tang, Q., Wu, M., Zhou, H., Liu, L., & Qu, Y. (2020). Performance and microbial community analysis of bioaugmented activated sludge for nitrogen-containing organic pollutants removal. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 101, 373-381.
[68] Li, Z., Zhou, H., Liu, Y., Zhan, J., Li, W., Yang, K., & Yi, X. (2020). Acute and chronic combined effect of polystyrene microplastics and dibutyl phthalate on the marine copepod Tigriopus japonicus. Chemosphere, 127711.
[67] Li, Y., Liu, M., Che, X., Li, C., Liang, D., Zhou, H., ... & Zhang, Y. (2020). Biochar Stimulates Growth of Novel Species Capable of Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer in Anaerobic Digestion via Ethanol-type Fermentation. Environmental Research, 109983.
[66] Hu, Y., Liu, J., Xing, H., Zhou, H., & Wu, M. (2020). Fabrication and Application of Magnetically Catalytic Imprinting Nanozymes. ChemistrySelect, 5(27), 8284-8288.
[65] Zhang, X., Ji, Z., Shao, Y., Guo, C., Zhou, H., Liu, L., & Qu, Y. (2020). Seasonal variations of soil bacterial communities in Suaeda wetland of Shuangtaizi River estuary, Northeast China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 97, 45-53.
[64] Miao, E., Zhang, N., Lu, S., Hu, Y., Fu, L., Zhou, H., ... & Wu, M. (2020). Solid phase “on-situ” quadraplex isotope dimethyl labeling for the analysis of biogenic amines in beers by liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1613, 460712.
[63] Wu, M.*, Miao, E., Xu, W., Xu, W., Hu, Y., Zhan, J., & Zhou, H*. (2020). Determination of estrogens by solid-phase quadruplex stable isotope dansylation coupled with liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry in environmental samples. Talanta, 121272.
[62] Li, Z., Yi, X., Zhou, H., Chi, T., Li, W., & Yang, K. (2020). Combined effect of polystyrene microplastics and dibutyl phthalate on the microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa. Environmental Pollution, 257, 113604.
[61] Fu, C., Yi, X., Liu, Y., & Zhou, H*. (2020). Cu2+ activated persulfate for sulfamethazine degradation. Chemosphere, 127294.
[60] Zhou, H*., & Fu, C. (2020). Manganese-oxidizing microbes and biogenic manganese oxides: characterization, Mn (II) oxidation mechanism and environmental relevance. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology, 1-19.
[59] Liu, Y*., Gao, W., Zhou, H*., Yi, X., & Bao, Y. (2020). Highly reactive bulk lattice oxygen exposed by simple water treatment of LiCoO2 for catalytic oxidation of airborne benzene. Molecular Catalysis, 492, 111003.
[58] Liu, Y., Yan, L., Gao, W., Zhu, S. R., Zhan, J., Cao, R., & Zhou, H. (2020). Samarium doping boosts catalytic oxidation of airborne benzene over todorokite-type MnO2. Applied Surface Science, 500, 144043.
[57] Si, Z., Zhang, X., Liu, Y., Zhou, H., Chen, X., Yang, X., ... & Zhan, J. (2020). Revisiting the preparation of titanium dioxide: aerosol-assisted production of photocatalyst with higher catalytic activity than P25. Journal of Materials Science, 55(2), 565-576.
[56] Gao, W., Liu, Y., Zhou, H., Bao, Y., & Zhan, J. (2020). In situ nitrogen doping of lithium cobalt oxide via rhodamine B degradation offers the reused material a better activity. Applied Surface Science, 500, 143972.
[55] Zhang, Y., Sun, W., Elfeky, N. M., Wang, Y., Zhao, D., Zhou, H., ... & Bao, Y. (2020). Self-assembly of lipase hybrid nanoflowers with bifunctional Ca2+ for improved activity and stability. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 132, 109408.
[54] Xiao, P., Liu, Yang., Zong, W., Wang, J*., Wu, M., Zhan, J., Yi, X., Liu, L., Zhou, H*. (2020). Highly selective colorimetric determination of catechol based on the aggregation-induced oxidase-mimic activity decrease of δ-MnO2. RSC Advances, 2020, 10, 6801-6806.
[53] Wang, X., Shi, Y., Shan, J., Zhou, H. and Li, M., Electrochemical sensor for determination of bisphenol A based on MOF-reduced graphene oxide composites coupled with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide signal amplification. Ionics, pp.1-12.
[52] Zhang, X., Zhang, L., Wu, M., Tang, Q., Song, Z., Zhou, H., Bao, Y., Liu, L., Qu, Y. (2020). Comparative characterization and functional genomic analysis of two Comamonas sp. strains for biodegradation of quinoline. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology.
[51] Guo, Z.*, Liu, Y., Cheng, X., Wang, D., Guo, S., Jia, M., Ma, K., Cui, C., Wang, L. and Zhou, H*. (2020). Versatile biomimetic cantharidin-tellurium nanoparticles enhance photothermal therapy by inhibiting the heat shock response for combined tumor therapy. Acta Biomaterialia.
[50] Zhu, S., Yang, J., Liu, Y.*, Gao, W., Yi, X., Zhou, H., and Wu, M. (2020). Synergetic interaction of lithium cobalt oxide with sulfite to accelerate the degradation of organic aqueous pollutants. Materials Chemistry and Physics.
[49] Yi, X., Chi, T., Liu, B., Liu, C., Feng, G., Dai, X., ... & Zhou, H*. (2019). Effect of nano zinc oxide on the acute and reproductive toxicity of cadmium and lead to the marine copepod Tigriopus japonicus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 222, 118-124.
[48] Yi, X., Chi, T., Li, Z., Wang, J., Yu, M., Wu, M., & Zhou, H*. (2019). Combined effect of polystyrene plastics and triphenyltin chloride on the green algae Chlorella pyrenoidosa. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(15), 15011-15018.
[47] Guo, Z., Liu, Y., Zhou, H., Zheng, K., Wang, D., Jia, M., ... & Wang, L. (2019). CD47-targeted bismuth selenide nanoparticles actualize improved photothermal therapy by increasing macrophage phagocytosis of cancer cells. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 184, 110546.
[46] Wang, G., Liu, Y., Wu, M., Zong, W., Yi, X., Zhan, J., ... & Zhou, H*. (2019). Coupling the phenolic oxidation capacities of a bacterial consortium and in situ-generated manganese oxides in a moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR). Water Research, 166, 115047.
[45] Zhan, J., Li, M., Zhang, X., An, Y., Sun, W., Peng, A., & Zhou, H. (2019). Aerosol-assisted submicron γ-Fe2O3/C spheres as a promising heterogeneous Fenton-like catalyst for soil and groundwater remediation: Transport, adsorption and catalytic ability. Chinese Chemical Letters.
[44] Liu, Y., Gao, W., Zhan, J., Bao, Y., Cao, R., Zhou, H., & Liu, L. (2019). One-Pot Synthesis of Ag-H3PW12O40-LiCoO2 Composites for Thermal Oxidation of Airborne Benzene. Chemical Engineering Journal, 121956.
[43] Liu, Y., Zhou, H., Cao, R., Liu, X., Zhang, P., Zhan, J., & Liu, L. (2019). Facile and green synthetic strategy of birnessite-type MnO2 with high efficiency for airborne benzene removal at low temperatures. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 245, 569-582.
[42] Wu, M., Wang, X., Shan, J., Zhou, H., Shi, Y., Li, M., & Liu, L. (2019). Sensitive and Selective Electrochemical Sensor Based on Molecularly Imprinted Polypyrrole Hybrid Nanocomposites for Tetrabromobisphenol A Detection. Analytical Letters, 1-18.
[41] Yi, X., Wang, J., Li, Z., Zhang, Z., Chi, T., Guo, M., ... & Zhou, H*. (2019). The effect of polystyrene plastics on the toxicity of triphenyltin to the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum—influence of plastic particle size. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(25), 25445-25451.
[40] Fu, L., Zhou, H., Miao, E., Lu, S., Jing, S., Hu, Y., ... & Wu, M. (2019). Functionalization of amino terminated carbon nanotubes with isocyanates for magnetic solid phase extraction of sulfonamides from milk and their subsequent determination by liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry. Food chemistry, 289, 701-707.
[39] Zhang, H., Zhou, H., Bai, J., Li, Y., Yang, J., Ma, Q., & Qu, Y. (2019). Biosynthesis of selenium nanoparticles mediated by fungus Mariannaea sp. HJ and their characterization. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 571, 9-16.
[38] Zhang, X., Zhang, L., Zhang, L., Ji, Z., Shao, Y., Zhou, H., ... & Liu, L. (2019). Comparison of rhizosphere bacterial communities of reed and Suaeda in Shuangtaizi River Estuary, Northeast China. Marine pollution bulletin, 140, 171-178.
[37] Dai, T., Zhou, H., Liu, Y., Cao, R., Zhan, J., Liu, L., & Jang, B. W. L. (2019). Synergy of Lithium, Cobalt, and Oxygen Vacancies in Lithium Cobalt Oxide for Airborne Benzene Oxidation: A Concept of Reusing Electronic Wastes for Air Pollutant Removal. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 7(5), 5072-5081.
[36] Zhang, X., Jing, J., Zhang, L., Song, Z., Zhou, H., Wu, M., ... & Liu, L. (2019). Biodegradation characteristics and genomic functional analysis of indole‐degrading bacterial strain Acinetobacter sp. JW. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 94(4), 1114-1122.
[35] Che, L., Xu, W., Zhan, J., Zhang, L., Liu, L., & Zhou, H*. (2019). Complete genome sequence of Bacillus cereus CC-1, a novel marine selenate/selenite reducing bacterium producing metallic selenides nanomaterials. Current microbiology, 76(1), 78-85.
[34] Li, L., Jin, Y., Zhou, H., & Wang, H. (2018). Synthesis of zwitterionic N-chlorohydantoins for antibacterial applications. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters, 28(23-24), 3665-3669.
[33] Liu, Y., Zhou, H., Cao, R., Sun, T., Zong, W., Zhan, J., & Liu, L. (2019). Different behaviors of birnessite-type MnO2 modified by Ce and Mo for removing carcinogenic airborne benzene. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 221, 457-466.
[32] Liu, Y., Zong, W., Zhou, H., Wang, D., Cao, R., Zhan, J., ... & Jang, B. W. L. (2018). Tuning the interlayer cations of birnessite-type MnO 2 to enhance its oxidation ability for gaseous benzene with water resistance. Catalysis Science & Technology, 8(20), 5344-5358.
[31] Wu, M., Fu, L., Hu, Y., Su, J., Jing, S., Zhou, H., & Zhan, J. (2018). Multiplex On-Bead Isotope Dimethyl Labeling Coupled with Liquid Chromatography–High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Quantitative Analysis of Sulfonamides in Estuarine Ice. Analytical chemistry, 90(20), 12172-12179.
[30] Li, L., Zhang, F., Gai, F., Zhou, H., Chi, X., Wang, H., & Zhao, Z. (2018). Novel N-chloramine precursors for antimicrobial application: synthesis and facile covalent immobilization on polyurethane surface based on perfluorophenyl azide (PFPA) chemistry. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 96(10), 939-948.
[29] Zhou, H.*, Wang, G., Wu, M., Xu, W., Zhang, X., & Liu, L. (2018). Phenol removal performance and microbial community shift during pH shock in a moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR). Journal of hazardous materials, 351, 71-79.
[28] Wang, Z., Bu, Y., Zhao, Y., Zhang, Z., Liu, L., & Zhou, H*. (2018). Morphology-tunable tellurium nanomaterials produced by the tellurite-reducing bacterium Lysinibacillus sp. ZYM-1. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(21), 20756-20768.
[27] Zhou, H.*, Che, L., Guo, Z., Wu, M., Li, W., Xu, W., & Liu, L. (2018). Bacteria-mediated ultrathin Bi2Se3 nanosheets fabrication and their application in photothermal cancer therapy. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 6(4), 4863-4870.
[26] Zhang, X., Qu, Y., You, S., Ma, Q., Zhou, H., Zhang, L., ... & Liu, L. (2018). Bioremediation of nitrogen‐containing organic pollutants using phenol‐stimulated activated sludge: performance and microbial community analysis. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 93(11), 3199-3207.
[25] Shan, J., Wang, X., Zhou, H., Han, S., Al Riza, D. F., & Kondo, N. (2018). Variable selection based on clustering analysis for improvement of polyphenols prediction in green tea using synchronous fluorescence spectra. Methods and applications in fluorescence, 6(2), 025006.
[24] Gao, E. J., Su, J., Zhang, S., Zhou, H., Zhan, Y., Qiu, X., ... & Zhu, M. C. (2017). Synthesis, structures, fluorescence studies and cytotoxicity of a new Manganese (II) complex. Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 47(11), 1509-1519.
[23] Li, L., Chi, X., Gai, F., Zhou, H., Zhang, F., & Zhao, Z. (2017). Synthesis of novel pyridinium N‐chloramine precursors and its antimicrobial application on cotton fabrics. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 134(38), 45323.
[22] Zhou, H.*, Che, L., Guo, X., Wang, X., Zhan, J., Wu, M., ... & Liu, L. (2017). Interface modulation of bacteriogenic Ag/AgCl nanoparticles by boosting the catalytic activity for reduction reactions using Co2+ ions. Chemical Communications, 53(36), 4946-4949.
[21] Li, L., Zhou, H., Gai, F., Chi, X., Zhao, Y., Zhang, F., & Zhao, Z. (2017). Synthesis of quaternary phosphonium N-chloramine biocides for antimicrobial applications. RSC Advances, 7(22), 13244-13249.
[20] Che, L., Dong, Y., Wu, M., Zhao, Y., Liu, L., & Zhou, H*. (2017). Characterization of selenite reduction by Lysinibacillus sp. ZYM-1 and photocatalytic performance of biogenic selenium nanospheres. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 5(3), 2535-2543.
[19] Li, L., Zhao, Y., Zhou, H., Ning, A., Zhang, F., & Zhao, Z. (2017). Synthesis of pyridinium N-chloramines for antibacterial applications. Tetrahedron letters, 58(4), 321-325.
[18] Zhao, Y., Dong, Y., Zhang, Y., Che, L., Pan, H., & Zhou, H*. (2016). Draft genome sequence of a selenite-and tellurite-reducing marine bacterium, Lysinibacillus sp. strain ZYM-1. Genome Announc., 4(1), e01552-15.
[17] Zhou, H.*, Pan, H., Xu, J., Xu, W., & Liu, L. (2016). Acclimation of a marine microbial consortium for efficient Mn (II) oxidation and manganese containing particle production. Journal of hazardous materials, 304, 434-440.
[16] Qu, Y., Wang, J., Zhou, H., Ma, Q., Zhang, Z., Li, D., ... & Zhou, J. (2016). Concentration-dependent effects of carbon nanotubes on growth and biphenyl degradation of Dyella ginsengisoli LA-4. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(3), 2864-2872.
[15] Shi, S., Qu, Y., Zhou, H., Ma, Q., & Ma, F. (2015). Characterization of a novel cometabolic degradation carbazole pathway by a phenol-cultivated Arthrobacter sp. W1. Bioresource technology, 193, 281-287.
[14] Zhou, H., Qu, Y., Li, D., Zhang, X., Ma, Q., Shen, W., & Zhou, J. (2015). Difunctional biogenic Au nanoparticles for colorimetric detection and removal of Hg2+. RSC Advances, 5(53), 42931-42934.
[13] Liu, T., Xia, M., Zhang, H., Zhou, H., Wang, J., Shen, X., & Yang, Q. (2015). Exploring NAG-thiazoline and its derivatives as inhibitors of chitinolytic β-acetylglucosaminidases. FEBS letters, 589(1), 110-116.
Before 2015
[12] Zhou, H., Qu, Y., Kong, C., Li, D., Shen, E., Ma, Q., ... & Zhou, J. (2014). Catalytic performance and molecular dynamic simulation of immobilized CC bond hydrolase based on carbon nanotube matrix. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 116, 365-371.
[11] Zhang, X., Qu, Y., Ma, Q., Kong, C., Zhou, H., Cao, X., ... & Zhou, J. (2014). Production of indirubin from tryptophan by recombinant Escherichia coli containing naphthalene dioxygenase genes from Comamonas sp. MQ. Applied biochemistry and biotechnology, 172(6), 3194-3206.
[10] Qu, Y., Kong, C., Zhou, H., Shen, E., Wang, J., Shen, W., ... & Zhou, J. (2014). Catalytic properties of 2, 3-dihydroxybiphenyl 1, 2-dioxygenase from Dyella Ginsengisoli LA-4 immobilized on mesoporous silica SBA-15. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 99, 136-142.
[9] Thörn, C., Udatha, D. G., Zhou, H., Christakopoulos, P., Topakas, E., & Olsson, L. (2013). Understanding the pH-dependent immobilization efficacy of feruloyl esterase-C on mesoporous silica and its structure–activity changes. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 93, 65-72.
[8] Zhang, X., Qu, Y., Ma, Q., Zhou, H., Li, X., Kong, C., & Zhou, J. (2013). Cloning and expression of naphthalene dioxygenase genes from Comamonas sp. MQ for indigoids production. Process Biochemistry, 48(4), 581-587.
[7] Zhou, H., Qu, Y., Kong, C., Shen, E., Wang, J., Zhang, X., ... & Zhou, J. (2013). The key role of a non-active-site residue Met148 on the catalytic efficiency of meta-cleavage product hydrolase BphD. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 97(24), 10399-10411.
[6] Qu, Y., Xu, B., Zhang, X., Ma, Q., Zhou, H., Kong, C., ... & Zhou, J. (2013). Biotransformation of indole by whole cells of recombinant biphenyl dioxygenase and biphenyl-2, 3-dihydrodiol-2, 3-dehydrogenase. Biochemical engineering journal, 72, 54-60.
[5] Qu, Y., Shi, S., Zhou, H., Ma, Q., Li, X., Zhang, X., & Zhou, J. (2012). Characterization of a novel phenol hydroxylase in indoles biotranformation from a strain Arthrobacter sp. W1. PloS one, 7(9), e44313.
[4] Zhou, H., Qu, Y., Shen, E., Kong, C., Zhang, X., Ma, Q., & Zhou, J. (2013). Tuning the substrate selectivity of meta-cleavage product hydrolase by domain swapping. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 97(12), 5343-5350.
[3] Zhou, H., Qu, Y., Bu, Y., Li, X., Kong, C., Ma, Q., ... & Zhou, J. (2012). Molecular‐Simulation-Assisted Immobilization and Catalytic Performance of C-C Hydrolase MfphA on SBA-15 Mesoporous Silica. ChemPlusChem, 77(4), 293-300.
[2] Zhou, H., Qu, Y., Kong, C., Wu, Y., Zhu, K., Yang, J., & Zhou, J. (2012). Promiscuous esterase activities of the C–C hydrolases from Dyella ginsengisoli. Biotechnology letters, 34(6), 1107-1113.
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