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Two-dimensional detection of subsurface damage in silicon wafers with polarized laser scattering


Indexed by:Journal Papers

Date of Publication:2020-10-01


Included Journals:SCIE


ISSN No.:0924-0136

Key Words:Silicon wafer; Grinding; Crack; Polarization; Laser scattering

Abstract:This study proposes a polarized laser scattering (PLS) method for detection of the two-dimensional distribution of the grinding-induced subsurface damage (SSD). This study also uses two destructive methods to observe the distribution of SSD in the ground silicon wafers by cross-sectional microscopy and by layer-by-layer microscopy. An experimental investigation is arranged for detecting the two-dimensional damage from diamond wheel grinding of silicon wafers through wafer sample preparation and SSD observations with the cross-sectional and layer-by-layer microcopy. It also includes PLS detection of the ground silicon wafers for SSD information. The results show that both the depth of SSD and the crack density contribute to the PLS detection signals. The study reveals the characteristics of the PLS detection, which illustrates the potential application of the PLS method to in-process detection.

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