- Temperature evolution and heat transfer during the release of CO2 from a large-scale pipeline
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- 论文类型: 期刊论文
- 发表时间: 2018-07-01
- 收录刊物: SCIE
- 卷号: 74
- 页面范围: 40-48
- ISSN号: 1750-5836
- 关键字: Large-scale CO2 pipeline; Gas phase CO2 release; Dense phase CO2 release; Heat transfer process
- 摘要: Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is one of the most effective methods to cope with global warming. Pipeline transportation is an important part of the CCS chain and increasing attention should be paid to pipeline security to prevent catastrophic release of CO2. To perform industrial scale pipeline safety studies, a pipeline with a length of 258 m and an inner diameter of 233 mm was constructed to examined the CO2 release process. Several high frequency pressure transducers and several thermocouples were installed on the pipeline to measure the pressure and temperature evolution, respectively, of the CO2 release. The CO2 was released from three different orifices (15 mm, 50 mm, and Full-Bore Rupture). The study presents the temperature evolution during the gas phase and dense phase CO2 release processes. Based on the temperature data, the Nusselt Number was calculated. The heat transfer process is also discussed.