- 多载荷联合作用下含缺陷结构载荷比计算
- 点击次数:
- 论文类型: 期刊论文
- 发表时间: 2022-06-29
- 发表刊物: 石油化工设备
- 所属单位: 化工学院
- 期号: 6
- 页面范围: 38-41
- ISSN号: 1000-7466
- 摘要: The load ratio is a required parameter in safety assessment of defective structures. Under actual working conditions,the defective structures are usually subjected to multi-loads combination.However,the calculation methods of load ratio have not been available in the condi-tion of multi-loads.The unit sphere method suitable for multi-loads conditions was raised.By e-lastic-plastic method,the assumption of unit sphere model was validated in the case of elbow with circumferential through crack.
- 备注: 新增回溯数据