个人信息Personal Information
- [61]刘晓华, 沈胜强.The Research Progress of Small and Medium Size Desalination Units.[A],2013
- [62]杨勇, 冯振业, 沈胜强, 刘晓华.高水平研究型大学发展建设中的校园环境优化研究[J],建筑与发展,2013,10:8-9
- [63]刘宏升, 刘晓华, 张博.面向卓越工程师培养的流体力学教学改革[A],2013,121-124
- [64]沈胜强, 郭亚丽, 刘晓华.Performance analysis of LT-MED desalination systems with various feed configurations[A],2013
- [65]Zhang, Bo, Yang, Luopeng, Shen, Shengqiang, Liu, Xiaohua, Kun, LP (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Energy & Power Engn, Key Lab Sea Water Desalinat Liaoning Prov, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Analysis of adjusting method for load performance of TVC-MED desalination plant[J],International Conference of the European-Desalination-Society on Desalination for the Environment, Clean Water and Energy,2013,51(4-6):857-862
- [66]刘晓华, 杜宇, 沈胜强, 陈文博, 刘大伟, Liu, X.-H.(lxh723@dlut.edu.cn).基于低真空运行模式的水电联产系统热力分析[J],大连理工大学学报,2012,52(1):11-15
- [67]刘晓华, 沈胜强.The Research on Thermal and Economic Performance of Solar Desalination System with Evacuated Tube...[A],2012
- [68]沈胜强, 刘晓华, 郭亚丽.Simulation and parametric study of an indirect solar seawater desalination plant[A],2012
- [69]杨洛鹏, 沈胜强, 刘晓华.Analysis of adjusting method for load performance of TVC-MED desalination plant[A],2012
- [70]沈胜强, 郭亚丽, 刘晓华.混流流程多效蒸发海水淡化装置性能分析[A],2012
- [71]刘晓华.Water Treatment of Seawater Thermal Desalination[A],2012
- [72]刘晓华, 沈胜强.太阳池海水淡化系统性能的研究[A],2012
- [73]刘晓华, 沈胜强.Performance analysis of parallel feed LT-MED desalination system with thermal vapor compressor[J],Advanced Materials Research,,2012,247(1):3058-3063
- [74]刘晓华, 沈胜强, 陈觉先.Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Horizontal Tube Falling Film Evaporation[A],2012
- [75]Mu, Xingsen, Shen, Shengqiang, Yang, Yong, Liu, Xiaohua, SQ (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Energy & Power Engn, Key Lab Desalinat Liaoning Prov, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, Peoples R China..Experimental study of falling film evaporation heat transfer coefficient on horizontal tube[J],DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT,2012,50(1-3):310-316
- [76]沈胜强, 梁刚涛, 刘晓华, 牟兴森, 刘瑞, Liu, X.-H.(lxh723@dlut.edu.cn).水平管降膜蒸发器传热特性研究[J],工程热物理学报,2012,33(8):1391-1394
- [77]刘晓华, 沈胜强, 罗建松, 杜宇, 张小曼, Liu, X.-H.(lxh723@dlut.edu.cn).水电联产低温多效蒸发海水淡化系统优化研究[J],大连理工大学学报,2012,52(4):492-496
- [78]刘晓华, 沈胜强.The Research on Thermal and Economic Performance of Solar Desalination System with Salinity-gradi...[A],2012
- [79]沈胜强, 梁刚涛, 龚路远, 牟兴森, 刘瑞, 刘晓华, Shen, S.(zzbshen@dlut.edu.cn).水平管降膜蒸发器传热系数空间分布[J],化工学报,2011,62(12):3381-3385
- [80]Liu, Xiaohua, Cao, Guojian, Shen, Shengqiang, Zhao, Guangbin.Performance Analysis of Parallel Feed LT-MED Desalination System with Thermal Vapor Compressor[A],2011,347-353:3058-3063