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学科:微电子学与固体电子学. 凝聚态物理
- [41]王敏焕, 边继明, Sun, Hongjun, 刘维峰, Zhang, Yuzhi, 骆英民.n-VO2/p-GaN based nitride-oxide heterostructure with various thickness of VO2 layer grown by MB...[J],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2022,389:199-204
- [42]边继明, 秦福文.A comparative study of intermediate layers for the growth of high crystalline GaN films on amorph...[J],MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING,2022,26(c):182-186
- [43]边继明.A comparative study of one-step and two-step approaches for MAPbI3 perovskite layer and its influ...[J],CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS,2022,692(x):44-49
- [44]Wu, W., 边继明, Sun, J. C., 程传辉, 王月霞, 骆英民.A comparative study of ZnO film and nanorods for ZnO/polyfluorene inorganic/organic hybrid junc...[J],JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2022,534:1-5
- [45]刘维峰, Luo, Y. L., Sang, Y. C., 边继明, 赵艳秋, 刘艳红, 秦福文.Adjusted surface work function of InN films annealed at vacuum and at high-pressure N-2 conditi...[J],MATERIALS LETTERS,2022,95:135-138
- [46]Sun, Jingchang, 杜国同, 梁红伟, Zhao, Jianze, 冯秋菊, 边继明, Ziwen, 张贺秋, 骆英民, 胡礼中.Annealing effects on electrical and optical properties of ZnO films deposited on GaAs by metal ...[J],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2022,254(22):7482-7485
- [47]Zhang Z.K., 边继明, Kou X.Q..A novel ZnO-based graphite-insulator-semiconductor diode for transferable unipolar electronic dev...[A],2013 International Conference on Advanced Technologies and Solutions in Industry, ICATSI 2013,2022,710:29-32
- [48]Wang, Yafei, Shen, Tianyi, Yuan, Guoliang, 边继明, Fu, Xianping.Appearance-based gaze estimation using deep features and random forest regression[J],KNOWLEDGE BASED SYSTEMS,2022,110:293-301
- [49]Wang, Yafei, Zhao, Tongtong, Ding, Xueyan, Shen, Tianyi, 边继明, Fu, Xianping.A simple but effective appearance-based gaze estimation method from massive synthetic eye image...[A],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2017 12TH IEEE CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS AND APPLICATIONS (ICIEA),2022,1184-1188
- [50]Wang, Yafei, Zhao, Tongtong, Ding, Xueyan, Shen, Tianyi, 边继明, Fu, Xianping.A simple but effective appearance-based gaze estimation method from massive synthetic eye images[A],12th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA 2017,2022,2018-February:1184-1188
- [51]Chen, Ransheng, Feng, Yulin, Zhang, Chunyang, 王敏焕, Jing, Liu, Ma, Congcong, 边继明, 史彦涛.Carbon-based HTL-free modular perovskite solar cells with improved contact at perovskite/carbon...[J],Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2022,8(27):9262-9270
- [52]Yin, Yanfeng, Tian, Wenming, Leng, Jing, 边继明, Jin, Shengye.Carrier Transport Limited by Trap State in Cs2AgBiBr6 Double Perovskites[J],Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters,2022,11(17):6956-6963
- [53]Li, Qingwei, 边继明, Sun, Jingchang, Wang, Jingwei, 骆英民, Kaitong, Yu, Dongqi.Controllable growth of well-aligned ZnO nanorod arrays by low-temperature wet chemical bath dep...[J],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2022,256(6):1698-1702
- [54]邱宇, Yang, Dechao, Lei, Jixue, 张贺秋, Ji, Jiuyu, yinbing, 边继明, 赵宇, 胡礼中.Controlled growth of ZnO nanorods on common paper substrate and their application for flexible ...[J],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS,2022,25(6):2649-2656
- [55]王敏焕, 边继明, Feng, Yulin, Zhang, Yadong, Liu, Hongzhu, 史彦涛.Correlation of ETL in perovskite light-emitting diodes and the ultra-long rise time in time-res...[J],MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING,2022,80:131-136
- [56]王敏焕, Feng, Yulin, 董庆顺, 边继明, 王晨, Huang, Yang, Ma, Congcong, 史彦涛.Cs-0.(05)(FA(0).(85)MA(0).(15))(0).Pb-95(I-0.Br-85(0).(15))(3) based flexible perovskite light-...[J],CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS,2022,723:33-38
- [57]Ren X., Zhang H., Hu L., Ji J., Li Y., Liu J., 梁红伟, 骆英民, 边继明.The effect of growth time on the morphology of zno nanorods by hydrothermal method[A],2012 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology, ICMST 2012,2022,622:855-859
- [58]张贺秋, 胡礼中, 梁红伟, 骆英民, 边继明.The Effect of Growth Time on the Morphology of ZnO Nanorods by Hydrothermal Method[J],Advanced materials research,2022,622(1):855-859
- [59]Liu Xing-Long, jiangxin, 秦福文, 边继明, 张东, Chen Wei-Ji, Zhou Zhi-Feng, Zhi An-Bo, Yu Bo, 吴爱民.The Preparation and Characteristics of InxGa1-xN (0.06 <= x <= 0.58) Films Deposited by ECR-PEM...[J],Chinese Physics Letters,2022,28(10)
- [60]秦福文, 边继明, 吴爱民.The Preparation and Charateristics of InxGa1-xN(0.06 ≤x≤ 0.58) Films[J],中国物理快报,2022,28(10):108104-108104