副教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
性别: 男
毕业院校: 大连理工大学
学位: 博士
所在单位: 材料科学与工程学院
学科: 材料加工工程
联系方式: zbw@dlut.edu.cn 0411-84709348
电子邮箱: zbw@dlut.edu.cn
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论文类型: 会议论文
发表时间: 2021-02-02
卷号: 2017-August
摘要: Modified Halpin-Tsai equations to fit experimental data on the mechanical characteristics, such as modulus and fracture toughness of random orientation nanotubes-polymer composites at high volume fractions of the CNT fillers are discussed. Through extensive literature survey, we postulate a semi-empirical parameter p, related to the degree of CNT aggregation with increasing the volume content. Such analyses have been used to predict the value of modulus and fracture toughness of CNTs/polymer composites. Experimental data and predict value of modulus and fracture toughness of CNTs/polymer composites from literature listed in this paper. Results show that the modified Halpin-Tsai equations can not only predict the modulus but also fracture toughness of CNTs/polymer composites when the matrix is brittle and the differences between the experimental data from different publications and the predicted value are mostly around ±5% and ±10% respectively for modulus and fracture toughness of CNTs/polymer composites. © 2017 International Committee on Composite Materials. All rights reserved.