副教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
性别: 女
毕业院校: 大连理工大学
学位: 博士
所在单位: 能源与动力学院
学科: 动力机械及工程
办公地点: 西部校区能动大楼609
联系方式: 15524791477(同微信) cuijingchen@163.com(常用) 如果电话没接,请发短信
开通时间: ..
最后更新时间: ..
发表时间: 2022-10-10
发表刊物: 内燃机工程
所属单位: 能源与动力学院
卷号: 35
期号: 2
页面范围: 36-41
ISSN号: 1000-0925
摘要: A compact dual-mode fully variable valve electro-hydraulic actuation
system, consisting mainly of drive-brake condition and mode converters
was proposed. Requirements for both engine drive and brake modes were
fulfilled with only two oil supplier and three electromagnetic valves.
Valves could be adjusted independently by each cycle, cylinder and
operating parameter. Valve events in three control strategies were
simulated using AVL Hydsim software and based on the simulated results
correlation analysis was carried out. It is revealed that in three
control strategies, valve operating parameters are adjusted
independently or continuously by controlling electromagnetic valves,
there exist highly linear correlations (correlation coefficients>.95)
between valve operating parameters and corresponding control parameters,
and the influencing coefficients change regularly with speed increasing.
备注: 新增回溯数据