Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2009-04-01
Included Journals:SCIE、EI
Page Number:1090-1100
ISSN No.:1006-9321
Key Words:curvilinear coordinates; three-dimensional k-epsilon-k(p) model; two-fluid model; solid-liquid flows; channel bend; bed load; bed evolution; trajectory
Abstract:To aim at the substitution of the magnitude and direction of water flow movement near bed for those of bed load transport in solid-liquid two-phase one-fluid model, and to simulate the effect of secondary flow on transverse bed load transport in channel bends and the effect of bed slope on bed load transport in a better way, a three-dimensional k-E >-k (p) solid-liquid two-phase two-fluid model in curvilinear coordinates is solved numerically with a finite-volume method on an adaptive grid for studying water- sediment movements and bed evolution in a 120A degrees channel bend. Numerical results show that the trajectories of solid-phase deviate from those of liquid-phase in the channel bend, and the deviation increases with the increase of the particle diameters. The calculated bed deformation by the k-E >-k (p) model is in better agreement with measured bed deformation than those by one-fluid model. It is proved that the k-E >-k (p) model can simulate the effect of secondary flow on lateral bed load transport with the higher accuracy than the one-fluid model.