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个人信息Personal Information
任职 : 高分子材料系副系主任
学科:高分子材料. 高分子化学与物理. 功能材料化学与化工
联系方式:Tel.: 0411-84986191
其他联系方式Other Contact Information
Email : liuch1115@dlut.edu.cn
个人简介Personal Profile
刘程,博士,研究员,博士生导师,高分子材料系副系主任和实验室主任,辽宁省高性能树脂材料专业技术创新中心、大连市高性能树脂及加工应用工程研究中心和大连市玄武岩纤维树脂基复合材料工程研究中心副主任,蹇锡高院士创新科研团队(2018年首批全国高校黄大年式教师团队)骨干成员。长期从事高性能树脂及其复合材料方向研究。先后承担了国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金项目、国家“863”项目、辽宁省应用基础研究计划项目、辽宁省自然科学基金、大连市创新基金和企业合作等多项科研项目;在Composites Part B、Composites Science and Technology、Composites Part a、Chemical Engineering Journal等期刊发表期刊学术论文130余篇,被SCI收录80余篇,EI收录70余篇。获50余项发明专利授权。多次参加国际、国内学术会议,并做口头报告,担任Chemical Communications、Polymer Chemistry、Journal of Membrane Science、Polymer、European Polymer Journal等国际期刊的审稿人,获聘SAMPE热塑性复合材料委员会副主任。
1. 2023年中国石油和化学工业联合会创新团队奖
2. 2019年教育部自然科学二等奖
Jia Hang, Cheng Liu*, Zhang Yu, Qiao Yue, Gu Hongjian, Chen Xi, Zhao Wenqi, Jian Xigao. Morphology-controlled ZnO nanoarrays in situ grown on the basalt fiber surface for improving the interfacial properties of the high-performance thermoplastic composites. Composites Science and Technology. 2024, 252:110618. (IF:8.3,复合材料TOP期刊)
Jia Hang, Cheng Liu*, Zhang Yu, Qiao Yue, Zhao Wenqi, Chen Xi, Jian Xigao. Electrophoretic deposition for the interfacial enhancement of BF/PPENK composite: GO vs. Ti3C2Tx MXene. Composites Part a-Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2024, 181:108115. (IF:8.7,复合材料TOP期刊)
Zhang Yu, An Xiaoliang, Zhao Gang, Jia Hang, Qiao Yue, Gu Hongjian, Chen Xi, Zhao Wenqi, Chen Yousi, Jian Xigao, Cheng Liu*, Weng Zhihuan*. Multi-scale "core-sheath" structure of electrospun veils to enhance the interlaminar fracture toughness and in-plane properties of CF/poly (phthalazinone ether ketone) laminates. Composites Science and Technology. 2024, 252:110612. (IF:8.3,复合材料TOP期刊)
Yue Qiao, Cheng Liu*, Hang Jia, Yu Zhang, Wenqi Zhao, Yueni Li, Ting Jin, Shouhai Zhang, Xigao Jian, Phthalocyanine-terminated poly(aryl ether) sizing: An efficient strategy in interfacial interactions optimization of CF/PPESK composites with excellent thermal-resistant, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2024, 179,108057 (IF:8.7,复合材料TOP期刊)
Jia Hang, Qiao Yue, Zhang Yu, Liu Cheng*, Jian Xigao. Excellent and effective interfacial transition layer with an organic/ inorganic hybrid carbon nanotube network structure for basalt fiber reinforced high-performance thermoplastic composites. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023, 465:142995. (SCI、EI收录,IF:15.1,化工材料领域TOP期刊)
Gu Hongjian, Liu Cheng*, Liu Qian, Zhang Yu, Wang Meng, Chen Xi, Chen Yousi, Wang Jinyan, Jian Xigao. Synthesis of novel heat-resistant and soluble poly(aryl ether sulfone ketone) s containing ether-type bisphthalazinone moiety. European Polymer Journal. 2023, 196:112305. (SCI、EI收录,IF:6.0)
Gu Hongjian, Liu Cheng*, Liu Qian, Jia Hang, Qiao Yue, Zhao Wenqi, Chen Yousi, Jian Xigao. High- and low-temperature resistant and intrinsically flame retardant poly (bisphthalazinone thioether sulfone ketone)s: Synthesis, structures and properties. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023, 471:144480. (SCI、EI收录,IF:15.1,化工材料领域TOP期刊)
Zhang Yu, Liu Cheng*, Jia Hang, Qiao Yue, Dang Xinxin, Weng Zhihuan, Chen Yousi, Zou Jiaxuan, Jian Xigao. Effect of electrospun PPENK nanofiber loaded with ZnO nanowires on the mode II fracture toughness, flexural properties and ILSS of CF/poly (phthalazinone ether ketone) composites. Composites Part B-Engineering. 2022, 244:110172.(SCI、EI收录,IF:13.1,复合材料TOP期刊)
Jia Hang, Liu Cheng*, Qiao Yue, Zhang Yu, Fan Kaiyuan, Zhang Manxia, Jian Xigao. Highly Enhancing the Interfacial and Mechanical Properties of Basalt Fiber/Poly(phthalazinone ether nitrile ketone) Composite by Thermoplastic Sizing Agents with Different Structures. Polymers. 2022, 14(14):2947.(SCI、EI收录,IF:5.0)
Liu Cheng*, Qiao Yue, Jia Hang, Li Nan, Chen Yousi, Jian Xigao, Improved mechanical properties of basalt fiber/phthalonitrile composites modified by thermoplastic Poly(phthalazinone ether nitrile)s, Polymer, 2021, 228, 123947. (SCI、EI收录,IF:4.6)
Jia Hang, Liu Cheng*, Qiao Yue, Zhang Yu, Dang Xinxin, Chen Yousi, Jian Xigao. Enhanced interfacial and mechanical properties of basalt fiber reinforced poly(aryl ether nitrile ketone) composites by amino-silane coupling agents. Polymer. 2021, 230:124028. (SCI、EI收录,IF:4.6)
Liu Cheng*, Qiao Yue, Li Nan, Hu Fangyuan, Chen Yousi, Du Gaize, Wang Jinyan, Jian Xigao, Toughened of bismaleimide resin with improved thermal properties using amino-terminated Poly(phthalazinone ether nitrile sulfone)s, Polymer, 2020, 206, 122887. (SCI、EI收录,IF:4.6)
团队成员Research Group