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Chinese emotion commonsense knowledge base construction and its application


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2018-05-26

Volume:11173 LNAI

Page Number:136-146

Abstract:Commonsense knowledge usually exists in standard human to human communication, and it is very helpful to most of natural language processing works. However, Chinese commonsense knowledge, especially emotion commonsense knowledge, is still an urgent demand. In this paper, we try to construct a Chinese emotion commonsense knowledge base, which optimizes the existed structure of emotion commonsense knowledge base. First, emotion commonsense are collected and extracted from corpus, then HowNet and Tongyici Cilin are used to expand its scale, finally manually labeled and verified annotation quality are completed. The experiment results on the corpus and dataset show that the Chinese emotion commonsense knowledge base is helpful to improve the results of text polarity and emotion classification to some degree and it can be used in other emotion analysis work. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018.

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