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HMNPPID-human malignant neoplasm protein-protein interaction database


Indexed by:Journal Papers

Date of Publication:2019-10-01


Included Journals:SCIE、CPCI-S



Page Number:44

ISSN No.:1473-9542

Key Words:Protein-protein interactions; Human malignant neoplasms; Database

Abstract:Background Protein-protein interaction (PPI) information extraction from biomedical literature helps unveil the molecular mechanisms of biological processes. Especially, the PPIs associated with human malignant neoplasms can unveil the biology behind these neoplasms. However, such PPI database is not currently available. Results In this work, a database of protein-protein interactions associated with 171 kinds of human malignant neoplasms named HMNPPID is constructed. In addition, a visualization program, named VisualPPI, is provided to facilitate the analysis of the PPI network for a specific neoplasm. Conclusions HMNPPID can hopefully become an important resource for the research on PPIs of human malignant neoplasms since it provides readily available data for healthcare professionals. Thus, they do not need to dig into a large amount of biomedical literatures any more, which may accelerate the researches on the PPIs of malignant neoplasms.

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