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Intelligent multi-document summarization for biomedical literature by word embeddings and graph-based ranking


Indexed by:Journal Papers

Date of Publication:2019-01-01


Included Journals:SCIE



Page Number:4797-4802

ISSN No.:1064-1246

Key Words:Intelligent; text summarization; graph-based ranking; similarity calculation

Abstract:With the rapid development of clinical and laboratory medicine, the field of bioinformatics boasts of extensive clinical records and research literature. Retrieving effective information from this huge data has become a challenging task. Hence, Intelligent text summarization, which enables users to find and understand relevant source texts more quickly and effortlessly, becomes a very significant and valuable field of research. In this study, we propose an improved TextRank algorithm with weight calculation based on sentence graph to solve this problem. For the experimental dataset obtained from Pubmed, we represent terms as vectors by using Skip-gram model. We design three methods which utilize word embeddings to calculate weights between sentences. Then we build an undirected graph with sentences as nodes. At last, we use the improved TextRank algorithm to calculate the importance of sentences and further generated summarizations base on its ranking. The experimental results and analysis on the datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model.

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