He Guo

Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Alma Mater:大连理工大学

Degree:Master's Degree


Contact Information:guohe@dlut.edu.cn


Paper Publications

An Approach for Horizon Extraction in Ocean Observation


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2009-10-17

Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、Scopus

Page Number:2524-2528

Key Words:ocean observation; horizon extraction; color channel

Abstract:A horizon extraction method in ocean observation is proposed. Extracting the horizon correctly from the sea images automatically is a challenge task in ocean environment due to the change of lighting or other diversified conditions. The approach converts a color image to a gray scale image with a fusion scheme of nine color channels, and the conversion is insensitive to the variation of light. The weight of each color channel is computed with an optimization method, which will enlarge the difference between the gray value of sky and sea. At last, the horizon is extracted from the intersection line between the sky and sea in the gray image. Image experiments and real application have validated the method.

Pre One:一种实用的运动人体检测与阴影消除方法

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  • 学士学位:吉林大学计算机系,1982

  • 硕士学位:大连理工大学计算机系,1989


  • 198610月—198710月,新西兰Progeni Company,访问学者

  • 199010月—199212月,德国PDI Karlsruhe University计算机系,访问学者

  • 199212月—200712月,大连理工大学计算机系,副教授

  • 19953月—19966月,大连市金卡工程系统,总工程师


  • 20081月—今,大连理工大学软件学院,教授

  • 20204 退休


  • 1992年—2007年,计算机导论,计算机组织与结构,计算机系统结构

  • 2009年—2019年,存储技术,计算机系统结构,并行计算


  • 研究兴趣:并行与分布式计算。