He Guo

Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Alma Mater:大连理工大学

Degree:Master's Degree


Contact Information:guohe@dlut.edu.cn


Paper Publications

Image relevance feedback retrieval based on selective cluster ensembles


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2010-10-21

Included Journals:EI、Scopus

Page Number:344-348

Abstract:A new image relevance feedback mechanism based on selective neural network ensemble is proposed in this paper. At the beginning, positive and negative examples are marked by users, and several classifiers are trained using improved Bagging algorithm. Afterward a novel simple cluster method (AM) based on accessibility matrix is proposed to cluster individual networks. This new method can obtain the number of clusters automatically. Then, the most superior network in each class is chosen to form the ensemble. Finally, the similar images are located in the related class. The application in the COREL image database demonstrates that the algorithm obtains higher recall and precision ratio over other methods (e.g., neural network ensembles based on tradition K-means cluster and min-max distance (MM) cluster) and achieves low time complexity. ?2010 IEEE.

Pre One:基于选择性聚类集成的图像相关反馈检索

Next One:基于视觉注意模型的运动物体检测



  • 学士学位:吉林大学计算机系,1982

  • 硕士学位:大连理工大学计算机系,1989


  • 198610月—198710月,新西兰Progeni Company,访问学者

  • 199010月—199212月,德国PDI Karlsruhe University计算机系,访问学者

  • 199212月—200712月,大连理工大学计算机系,副教授

  • 19953月—19966月,大连市金卡工程系统,总工程师


  • 20081月—今,大连理工大学软件学院,教授

  • 20204 退休


  • 1992年—2007年,计算机导论,计算机组织与结构,计算机系统结构

  • 2009年—2019年,存储技术,计算机系统结构,并行计算


  • 研究兴趣:并行与分布式计算。