Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2008-01-01
Included Journals:SCIE
Page Number:245-251
ISSN No.:0749-0208
Key Words:irregular waves; wave breaking; wave spectrum; near-shore currents
Abstract:Near-shore surface water waves and wave-induced currents are important hydrodynamic factors in coastal zones. Propagation of irregular water waves and irregular breaking-wave induced near-shore currents have been numerical studied based on parabolic mild slope equation and near-shore currents model. Based on the JOSNWAP wave spectrum, the parabolic mild slope equation incorporating irregular and wave-breaking effects have been applied to model water waves. The wave radiation stresses exerted on currents have been calculated based on variables in the parabolic mild slope equation, and near-shore wave-induced currents have been numerically simulated based on these. The numerical results have also been validated and analyzed. It is believed that the presented numerical models are capable of adaptation to numerical simulating wave-induced near-shore circulation.