研究员 博士生导师 硕士生导师
性别: 男
毕业院校: 中国科学技术大学
学位: 博士
所在单位: 力学与航空航天学院
学科: 工程力学
办公地点: 力学楼224室
联系方式: 041184706163 科研之友主页: https://www.scholarmate.com/P/JzE7ru
电子邮箱: robinli@dlut.edu.cn
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论文类型: 期刊论文
发表时间: 2019-02-01
收录刊物: SCIE、Scopus
卷号: 236
页面范围: 179-182
ISSN号: 0167-577X
关键字: Carbon materials; Co@C; Carbon nanotubes; Gaseous detonation; Raman
摘要: Co@C/CNTs magnetic carbon nanomaterials were fabricated by a gaseous detonation method with cobalt (III) acetylacetonate (Co(acac)(3)) as precursor and a mixture gas of hydrogen and oxygen as explosion source. The current work investigates how proportion of oxygen in the mixture gas affects the morphologies, phases, and degree of graphitization of Co@C/CNTs nanomaterials. The characterization of transmission electron microscopy indicates that the samples were consisted of core-shell nanoparticles and nanotubes, and the proportion of oxygen had little influence on the morphologies of the samples. X-ray diffraction and Raman spectra analysis demonstrate that the core-shell particles and nanotubes were Co@C and CNTs, respectively. The cobalt nanoparticles generated from the decomposition of Co(acac)(3) would be oxidized to CoO when the proportion of oxygen was greater than 50% in the mixture gas. Though the degree of graphitization of Co@C/CNTs nanomaterials was little affected by the proportion of oxygen, the particle size of Co@C increased with the increase of the proportion of oxygen in the mixture gas, simultaneously, the carbon matrix was decreased. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.