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Measurement of residual stress in a multi-layer semiconductor heterostructure by micro-Raman spectroscopy

Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2016-10-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、ISTIC、CSCD、Scopus



Page Number:805-812

ISSN No.:0567-7718

Key Words:Residual stress; Multi-layer semiconductor heterostructure; Micro-Raman spectroscopy (MRS); Strained silicon; Germanium silicon

Abstract:Si-based multilayer structures are widely used in current microelectronics. During their preparation, some inhomogeneous residual stress is induced, resulting in competition between interface mismatching and surface energy and even leading to structure failure. This work presents a methodological study on the measurement of residual stress in a multi-layer semiconductor heterostructure. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), micro-Raman spectroscopy (MRS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were applied to measure the geometric parameters of the multilayer structure. The relationship between the Raman spectrum and the stress/strain on the [100] and [110] crystal orientations was determined to enable surface and cross-section residual stress analyses, respectively. Based on the Raman mapping results, the distribution of residual stress along the depth of the multi-layer heterostructure was successfully obtained.

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Alma Mater:Dalian University of Technology (DUT)

Degree:Doctoral Degree

School/Department:State Key Laboratory of Industrial Equipment for Structral Analysis, Department of Engineering Mechanics

Discipline:Solid Mechanics. Applied and Experimental Mechanics. Engineering Mechanics. Mechanical Manufacture and Automation. Vehicle Engineering. Aerospace Mechanics and Engineering. mechanics of manufacturing process

Business Address:Room 321, Department of Engineering Mechanics

Contact Information:Tel.: 86 0411-84708406 Email: leizk@dlut.edu.cn


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