Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2021-02-25
ISSN No.:1361-8415
Key Words:Optical coherence tomography; Speckle; Image processing; Convolution neural network
Abstract:For a poor quality optical coherence tomography (OCT) image, quality enhancement is limited to speckle residue and edge blur as well as texture loss, especially at the background region near edges. To solve this problem, in this paper we propose a de-speckling method based on the convolutional neural network (CNN). In the proposed method, we use a deep nonlinear CNN mapping model in the serial architecture, here named as OCTNet. Our OCTNet in the proposed method can fully utilize the deep information on speckles and edges as well as fine textures of an original OCT image. And also we construct an available pertinent dataset by combining three existing methods to train the model. With the proposed method, we can accurately get the speckle noise from an original OCT image. We test our method on four experimental human retinal OCT images and also compare it with three state-of-the-art methods, including the adaptive complex diffusion (ACD) method and the curvelet shrinkage (Curvelet) method as well as the shearlet-based total variation (STV) method. The performance of these methods is quantitatively evaluated in terms of image distinguishability, contrast, smoothness and edge sharpness, and also qualitatively analyzed at aspects of speckle reduction, texture protection and edge preservation. The experimental results show that our OCTNet can reduce the speckle noise and protect the structural information as well as preserve the edge features effectively and simultaneously, even where the background region near edges. And also our OCTNet has full advantages on excellent generalization, adaptiveness, robust and batch performance. These advantages make our method be suitable to process a great mass of different images rapidly without any parameter fine-turning under a time-constrained real-time situation. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Alma Mater:Dalian University of Technology (DUT)
Degree:Doctoral Degree
School/Department:State Key Laboratory of Industrial Equipment for Structral Analysis, Department of Engineering Mechanics
Discipline:Solid Mechanics. Applied and Experimental Mechanics. Engineering Mechanics. Mechanical Manufacture and Automation. Vehicle Engineering. Aerospace Mechanics and Engineering. mechanics of manufacturing process
Business Address:Room 321, Department of Engineering Mechanics
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