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An Incremental CFS Algorithm for Clustering Large Data in Industrial Internet of Things


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2017-06-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、ESI高被引论文、ESI热点论文、Scopus



Page Number:1193-1201

ISSN No.:1551-3203

Key Words:CFS clustering; incremental clustering; industrial Internet of Things (IoT); K-mediods

Abstract:With the rapid advances of sensing technologies and wireless communications, large amounts of dynamic data pertaining to industrial production are being collected from many sensor nodes deployed in the industrial Internet of Things. Analyzing those data effectively can help to improve the industrial services and mitigate the system unprepared breakdowns. As an important technique of data analysis, clustering attempts to find the underlying pattern structures embedded in unlabeled information. Unfortunately, most of the current clustering techniques that could only deal with static data become infeasible to cluster a significant volume of data in the dynamic industrial applications. To tackle this problem, an incremental clustering algorithm by fast finding and searching of density peaks based on k-mediods is proposed in this paper. In the proposed algorithm, two cluster operations, namely cluster creating and cluster merging, are defined to integrate the current pattern into the previous one for the final clustering result, and k-mediods is employed to modify the clustering centers according to the new arriving objects. Finally, experiments are conducted to validate the proposed scheme on three popular UCI datasets and two real datasets collected from industrial Internet of Things in terms of clustering accuracy and computational time.

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