Date of Publication:2022-10-06
Affiliation of Author(s):经济管理学院
Page Number:677-686
ISSN No.:1000-6788
Abstract:By considering the driver's workload balance when a distribution company makes daily distribution plans, we present a model comparing drivers' workloads by means of Adams's equity theory. Integrating it with the traditional model of product oil distribution, a multi-objective optimization model of product oil distribution considering drivers' workload balance is proposed. As the problem represented by the model is a multi-trip, multi-compartment, multi-product and multi-objective vehicle routing problem, in order to solve it, a new Split Assign procedure is designed to improve the classical NSGA-II algorithm. Computational results based on real data are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the model and algorithm and reveal some management implications. This study can provide support for the decision of making product oil distribution plans, as well as other similar problems with the requirement of workload balance. © 2018, Editorial Board of Journal of Systems Engineering Society of China. All right reserved.