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教授   博士生导师   硕士生导师

性别: 男

毕业院校: 大连理工大学

学位: 博士

所在单位: 机械工程学院

学科: 机械电子工程. 机械制造及其自动化

办公地点: 机械工程学院知方楼5037室

联系方式: 18041185880;0411-84707876

电子邮箱: mjw2011@dlut.edu.cn



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Pre-compensation for continuous-path running trajectory error in high-speed machining of parts with varied curvature features


论文类型: 期刊论文

发表时间: 2017-01-01



卷号: 30

期号: 1

页面范围: 37-45

ISSN号: 1000-9345

关键字: trajectory error; dynamic error pre-compensation; continuous-path running; high-feed-speed machining; parts with varied curvature features

摘要: Parts with varied curvature features play increasingly critical roles in engineering, and are often machined under high-speed continuous-path running mode to ensure the machining efficiency. However, the continuous-path running trajectory error is significant during high-feed-speed machining, which seriously restricts the machining precision for such parts with varied curvature features. In order to reduce the continuous-path running trajectory error without sacrificing the machining efficiency, a pre-compensation method for the trajectory error is proposed. Based on the formation mechanism of the continuous-path running trajectory error analyzed, this error is estimated in advance by approximating the desired toolpath with spline curves. Then, an iterative error pre-compensation method is presented. By machining with the regenerated toolpath after pre-compensation instead of the uncompensated toolpath, the continuous-path running trajectory error can be effectively decreased without the reduction of the feed speed. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed pre-compensation method, a heart curve toolpath that possesses varied curvature features is employed. Experimental results indicate that compared with the uncompensated processing trajectory, the maximum and average machining errors for the pre-compensated processing trajectory are reduced by 67.19% and 82.30%, respectively. An easy to implement solution for high efficiency and high precision machining of the parts with varied curvature features is provided.

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