Dr Russel is currently working as an Associate Professor for Environmental Pollution and Ecological Monitoring at School of Chemical Engineering, Ocean & Life Science, Dalian University of Technology, P. R. China since September, 2013. Dr Russel is an environmental science and engineering expert with more than 14+ years’ experience and worked with several local and international organizations as well as research institutes. He served as a scientific reviewer, consultant and associates for ADB,WB and IFC funding projects national and internationally through Easen International Ltd. (Shanghai based consulting firm). Dr. Russel has contributed to the research and development sector with his novel research of developing novel dielectric spectroscopic sensor monitoring the environmental soil and water contamination challenges. He also has developed novel biological approaches to remediate the current water pollution challenges. His novelty and creativity in the research field of environmental science is commensurate with his publication in various sci indexed journals. To date he has published more than 50 sci-indexed international journal and international conference proceedings, 3 patents, and 6 Keynote speech. He has also Chair in couple of international conference. Dr Russel coedited and edited a couple of books and a book chapter which were published in prestigious Elsevier journals. Dr. Russel is currently 3 international journal editorial board member and working as reviewer.
Experience Summary: I have more than 14 years of experience in administration, teaching, research, consulting, management/leadership, in local and internationally.
Current Research interest: Current research interests mainly concern: - “Algae-bacteria combine approache, bioresource exploration, and dielectric spectroscopy approach to mitigate the Environmental challenges”. More specifically , characterizing and isolating the novel algae and bacterial strain to desgining the novel algae-bacterial method to treat the current wastewater challenges. In Addison, exploring novel marine algae and characterize,identifying theier metaboliltes to implemented in high value food products and environmental application. And designing electromagnetic probe, Microwave measurement, dielectric spectroscopy method for online monitoring the soil health quality, fresh and marine water environmental pollution (characterization, identification, and monitoring).
a) Currently working as an Associate Professor for Environmental Pollution and Ecological Monitoring at School of Chemical Engineering,Ocean and Life Science, Dalian University of Technology, P. R. China since September, 2013. Engaged with undergraduate major Environmental Ecological Engineering curriculum development member of this department from the beginning.
b) Actively take part of various international cooperation project for research and exchange fellowship program between China and Iran,Malaysia,Thailand,Pakistan, bangladesh and so on.
I have been teaching various course for undergraduate and graduate student major in Environmental ecological engineering. The teaching course details as follows:
Course Title |
Type of course |
Credit hours |
Graduate / undergraduate student |
Course Teaching years |
Average no of student |
Environmental Geosciences |
Compulsory Course |
32hrs |
Undergraduate |
2015-present |
80+ |
Pollution Eco-Chemistry |
Compulsory Course |
32hrs |
Post-Graduate |
2013-present |
10+ |
Modern Environmental Ecology |
Elective course |
48hrs |
Post-Graduate |
2014-Present |
20+ |
Modern Environmental Ecology and Engineering Practice |
Elective course |
32hrs |
Post-Graduate |
2024-present |
20+ |
Environmental Protection and Food Safety |
Elective course |
32hrs |
Undergraduate |
2021-Present |
12+ |
Research and Funding:
I have been working and involving with various local and international research funding project. More specifically, till now worked with 7 fundamental and national level research funding projects as a principal investigator. Out of this research project one is highly prestigious national natural science foundation research project from Chinese state government. I do have a chance to work one entrepreneur project was funded by local industry. Meanwhile, do had worked experiences with some environmental infrastructure development project funded by IFC, WB and ADB. Those research project novelty and creativity in the research field of environmental science is commensurate with publication in various sci indexed journals. To date has published more than 50 sci-indexed international journal and international conference proceedings, 3 patents, and 6 Keynote speech. I had chances to worked as Chair in couple of international conference. I do coedit and edited a couple of books and a book chapter which were published in prestigious Elsevier journals. And currently 3 international journal editorial board member and working as scientific reviewer. For more details please refer to see the below section:
Currently Project Involvement as an Principle investigator (PI):
Institute name: Dalian University of Technology,Panjin Campus
1. Project Title: Enterpriser research project, Using bacteria and algae co-culture system to degrade eutrophic water quality in Taihu Lake,
Funds Amount: 100,000RMB
Funds ID No : HX20221646
Project Duration:January,2023-December,2024
Supported by “Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences Environmental Technology Engineering Co., Ltd., China”
2. Project Title: Developing a new dielectric spectroscopy method to study food and environmental safety issues.
Funds Amount: 100,000RMB
Funds ID No : DUT19JC42
Project Duration:January,2019-December,2020
Supported by “The fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities grants from Dalian University of Technology”
3. Project Title: Investigating the influence of metal pollutants on soil microbial community by rapid microwave diagnosis.
Funds Amount: 200,000RMB
Funds ID No : 41603069
Project Duration:January,2017-December,2019
Supported by “National Natural Science Foundation of China”
4. Project Title: Developing the novel sensor (electromagnetic/electrochemical/optical image) method and its application for analysis the environmental issues.
Funds Amount: 50,000RMB
Funds ID No : DUTPJ14RC(3)002
Project Duration: October,2013-December,2015
Supported by “the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities”
5. Project Title: Optimization or designing a aquacultures (sea cucumbers, mussels and crabs) habitat system to improve aquaculture production.
Funds Amount: 40,000RMB
Funds ID No : DUT14QY48
Project Duration: October,2014-December,2015
6. Project Title: Exploring the smart sensor (Microwave/Calorimeter) method to analysis the Environment Ecological (Soil/water) issues
Funds Amount: 40,000RMB
Funds ID No : DUT15QY54
Project Duration: January,2015-December,2015
Previous Project involvement at Easen International:
Worked in different Project At Easen International Co.Ltd.:
Position Held: Environmental Specialist
ADB financed (2647-PRC) Wuhan Urban Environment Improvement Project
June –August , 2012
PRC (SC100494): Xinjiang Akesu Integrated Urban Development And Environment Improvement Project
Position Held: Environmental Monitoring Specialist
Position Held: International Environment Management Specialist
ADB Loan Central and Western Airports Development Project (ADB private sector)
April 2010-July 2012
Position Held: Environmental Specialist
ADB grants (0171-PRC) Hebei Demonstration Project Development of Small Towns
Previous Project involvement At Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences:
September 2012-September 2013.
Position Held: Visiting Scholar
Project Title: Integrated Technologies on Aquatic Ecological restoration of polluted water.
Co-advisor of two PhD thesis project:
1. Growth responses and adaptations of emergent macrophyte Acorus calamus Linn to different water-level fluctuations.(Accepted for publication in Journal of Fresh water ecology IF 0.36)
2. A comparison study on the phytoremediation ability of triazophos by twelve species macrophytes(Accepted for publication in Journal of environmental science IF 1.7)
Co-advisor of one Masters thesis project:
1.Exogenous Application of Calcium Improving Cold resistance in Wetland Plants
Project Involvement During Masters and PhD Research work :
Funding Agent |
Title |
2010-2013 |
Outstanding Youth Project Foundation (National Natural Science Foundation of China) (40925010) |
Biogeochemical behavior of chemical pollutants and response of geomicrobe |
2010-2013 |
Key International Joint Project (National Natural Science Foundation of China) (40920134003) |
Geomicrobial Life Formation and Geology under Unique Geological Environment of Dagang Oil Field |
2009.01-2010.12 |
Key International Joint Project (Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology) (2009DFA92830) |
Microcalorimetric technique to on-line real-time in situ continuously monitor and analyze environmental change |
2009.01-2011.12 |
National Natural Science Foundation of China (40873060) |
Thermochemical Studies on interaction and mechanism between geo-microbes and endocrine disruptors chemicals in contaminated soil |
2007.01- |
National Natural Science Foundation of China (40673065) |
Thermochemical studies on interaction and mechanism between microbes and lead, cadmium and arsenic in contaminated soil |
2007.01- |
The Key Project of Chinese Ministry of Education (107077) |
Application of microcalorimetric technology in the screening the flocculant-producing microorganism and flocculating activity |
2007-2009 |
China Scholarship Council, Sino-Germany PPP Project (20063139) |
Bioindicator,using microcaloriemetic method to analyse environmental change |
The special international cooperation project of Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (2006127) |
The constructing of Sino-Hungarian Governmental Joint Laboratory of Environmental Science and Health in China University of Geosciences |
2006.9- |
The Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (20060491508) |
Thermochemical studies on interaction and mechanism between microbes and arsenic of different species |
Industry Experiences:
06.2012-08.2013 Easen International Co. Ltd. Shanghai, P.R.China
Environmental Specialist
Responsibility and achievements:
Giving technical support,preparing scientific report, attending conference and mission for completing the project with in time frame. We are working for different local and international provincial cities Environmental Improvement projects Phase I, II and III financed by ADB,WB,IFC, GEF, USTDA, etc,working in the areas of site assessment, remediation, EIA, Environmental monitoring, wastewater treatment, solid waste, central heating and roads etc.
04. 2004-07.2006 Chemical Engineer In Shetu International (Pvt) Ltd.
Chemical Engineer Responsibilities and achievements: To maintain the quality production, modify the chemical process for better production; control the pollution due to the chemical process. Monitor Health and safety of worker due to industrial production. International export import management.
Professional Experiences:
Professional Academic training
University of Cambridge, Department of Plant
Science, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Take part in a Professional Training Course Algal Biotechnology
Techniques and Opportunities for the Sustainable Bio-economy.
Responsibility and achievements:
This is a European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Sponsored High-Level Professional Training..was organized by the Department of Plant Science, University of Cambridge. This course is to provide introductory hands-on training and theory in algal biology, culturing, growth and subsequent molecular and metabolite analysis under laboratory and small-scale pilot facilities. The format includes a daily programme of lecture/seminars introducing the theory of techniques, then SOPs best practice followed by a hands-on session in the afternoon. This programme provided the unrivaled opportunity and trained in algal biotechnology research. In order for the sustainable algal food industry to be widely implemented, a core base of skilled and informed workers is required.
01.2022-Present Iraqi Journal of Civil Engineering
Associate Editor
Working as a scientific reviewer. Manage the manuscript
publishing on time. Looking for a suitable international expert to review the manuscript. To evaluate the quality of the manuscript based on the reviewer comments and final decision maker to publish the work.
01.2020-Present IEEE Sensors Journal
Associate Editor
Working as a scientific reviewer. Manage the manuscript
publishing on time. Looking for a suitable international expert to review the manuscript. To evaluate the quality of the manuscript based on the reviewer comments and final decision maker to publish the work.
12.2017-Present Advances in Agriculture and Environmental Science: Open
Editorial Board Member Access (AAEOA) Budapest, Hungary.
Serving as a scientific reviewer
11.2016-Present EC Pharmacology and Toxicology Journal,UK
Editorial Panel Member Serving as a scientific reviewer
09.2014-Present Endeavour Capital, Ltd. Wellington,NewZealand
Associate Giving technical support,preparing scientific report, attending conference and mission for completing the project with in time frame. We are working for different local and international provincial cities investment of Environmental Improvement projects, in the areas of site assessment, remediation, EIA, Environmental monitoring, wastewater treatment, solid waste, central heating and roads etc. Established in 1999, Endeavour Capital a leading Asia/Pacific investment company with a focus on developing globally competitive companies based on science and technology innovations. Endeavour has made investments across biotechnology, software, cleantech, healthcare and medical device sectors.
The Endeavour Team is comprised of experienced entrepreneurs and investment professionals, each having key involvement in building and exiting at least one significant company in Asia/Pacific or USA.
18-08-2011 Judge for Waikato 2011 science and technology fair in
Judge Hamilton,Newzealand. Organized by NIWA.
Responsibility and achievements:
Judging the junior school students innovative work and evaluate their understanding of basic science.
09.2010-11.2010 United Nation Head Quarter New York,USA ,2010 fall Internship Internship Worked with Global Policy Management group for
Sound Chemical management of Under developing country and developing the international policy management for Commission of sustainable development.
Responsibility and achievements:
Prepare report for state government and present it to international delegates meeting and conference. Attending the mission for different UN environmental sustainable development project round the world, Millennium development goal, Rio2020 so on. Understanding the state government chemical management policy and future aspects of waste management policy for developed and under-developing country.
Chair of the conference and Key note speech:
1. I was invited as an International speaker to give my 6th keynote speech regarding “Microwave Sensor Approach to Real-time Monitoring the Current Environmental Challenges” in an interesting Webinar for a Special issue (SI) of the Intelligence and Robotics journal..The topic for SI issues is "Advanced Technologies in Service Robots: Design, Control, and AI Approaches for Enhanced Human Assistance” which will be held virtually in Beijing time on 13th July 2024, 14:00-16:30..
2. Prof.Mohammad Russel was appointed as a Chair of the conference and invited Key speaker for “2022; 2nd International Conference on Ocean Engineering and application Technology (ICOEAT 2022)” which will be held on October 21-23,2022; in Wuhan,China.I am going to give my 5th Keynote speech.
3. I was invited as an International speaker to give my 4rd keynote speech regarding “Sustainable green approach to monitoring the environmental current challenges" in “2nd International Conference for Engineering Sciences and Information Technology (ESIT 2022)” to be held at the University of Anbar, Ramadi, Anbar west of Iraq during Aug 17-18, 2022..This is organized by the University of Anbar, Ramadi, Anbar west of Iraq.
4. Key note Speech Title: "Microwave sensor measurement system to monitoring the current smart city environmental challenges" By Prof.Mohammad Russel
Organizer: Naming Normal University,P.R.China. “The 3rd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, Energy Resources and Environment Engineering (ACCESE 2021), held on May 28-30, 2021 in Qingdao, China.”
5. Prof.Mohammad Russel was appointed as a Chair of the conference and invited Key speaker for “The 2021 International Conference on Ocean Engineering and Application Technology (ICOEAT 2021) will be held in Shenyang on October 22-24, 2021.
6. I was invited as an International speaker to give my 3rd keynote speech regarding "Smart measurement systems to monitor the current environmental challenges"..This is organized by the Department of Environmental Science, FLSI, BUITEMS, Quetta, Pakistan. This is virtual conference meeting about "How covid-19 affects nature?" and "Impact of climate change on the regional ecosystem" Dated 24th, Nov. 2021, time 10am- 4:40pm Pk standard time.
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan),School of Environmental studies, Wuhan, P.R.China
Doctor of Science (PhD)- 2009-2012
Major: Environmental Science and Engineering
Dissertation Concentration: Environmental Pollution and geomicrobiology
Dissertation: Studying the geo-microbial behaviors of Environmental Pollutants using combine method.
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan),School of Environmental studies, Wuhan, P.R.China
Master of Science (MSc) - 2006-2009
Major: Environmental Science and Engineering
Dissertation Concentration: Environmental Pollution and microbiology
Dissertation: Micro-calorimetric method for studying the toxic effect of organic arsenic on bacillus thuringiensis of wild and engineering strains.
University of Dhaka, Leather institute of Technology, Hazaribagh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Bachelor of Sciences (BSc) - 1997-2004
Major: Leather Technology
Dissertation concentration: Leather Chemistry and engineering
Dissertation: Studies on investigate of the physical properties of upper leather, which affects the comfort of footwear.
Academic Experiences:
12.2023- Present School of Chemical Engineering, Ocean and Life Sciences, Associate Professor Dalian University of Technology, Panjin, Liaoning province,
Responsibility and achievements:
Actively take part in Undergraduate and Graduate Environmental Science and Engineering major courses teaching and Research.
Current research interests mainly concern: - Designing electromagnetic probe, Microwave measurement, dielectric spectroscopy method for online monitoring the Marine environmental health quality, Marine Bio-security and Marine water environmental pollution (characterization, identification, and monitoring). Local marine bioresources exploration and algae-bacteria consortium methods to deal the current environmental challenges.
09.2019-12.2023 School of Ocean Science and Technology, Dalian University of Associate Professor Technology, Panjin, Liaoning province, P.R.China
Responsibility and achievements:
Actively take part in Undergraduate and Graduate Environmental Science and Engineering major courses teaching and Research.
Current research interests mainly concern: - Designing electromagnetic probe, Microwave measurement, dielectric spectroscopy method for online monitoring the Marine environmental health quality, Marine Bio-security and Marine water environmental pollution (characterization, identification, and monitoring).Microcalorimetric study of biological stress measurements, CO2 sequestration study using thermodynamic approaches and algae-bacteria consortium methods to deal the current environmental challenges.
07.2018-08.2019 Food and Environment, Dalian University of Technology,
Associate Professor Panjin, Liaoning province, P.R.China
Responsibility and achievements:
Actively take part in Undergraduate and Graduate Environmental Science and Engineering major courses teaching and Research.
Current research interests mainly concern: - Designing electromagnetic probe, Microwave measurement, dielectric spectroscopy method for online monitoring the soil health quality and fresh and marine water environmental pollution (characterization, identification, and monitoring). Microcalorimetric study of biological stress measurements, CO2 sequestration study using thermodynamic approaches and electrochemical methods for environmental pollutant analysis.
09.2013-07.2018 Food and Environment, Dalian University of Technology,
Assistant Professor Panjin, Liaoning province, P.R.China
Responsibility and achievements:
Teaching Graduate and Undergraduate students, “Pollution Eco-Chemistry”, “Modern Environmental Ecology” courses and “Environmental Geosciences”. Lead a small research team (8 person) and supervised Graduate and undergraduate thesis project and innovation. Writing research proposal and take part of national and international conferences. Writing scientific papers and preparing to publishing it international journal (SCI). Take part of different national and international research collaboration activity. Consulting local environmental development project. Specially waste water treatment plan, contaminated soil remediation and surface water remediation projects.Working towards the national research funding opportunity for Green Environment and sustainable energy development Program.
06.2012-08.2013 Institute of Hydrobiology, China Academy of Science.
Visiting Scholar
Responsibility and Achievements:
Project Title: Integrated Technologies on Aquatic Ecological restoration of polluted water.
· Study the mechanism of pollutant removal in constructed wetland and their application.
· Study the input of each chemical pollutant to the Lakes and river independently.
· Study the water quality management.
Assisting the PhD and M.Sc student thesis writing and research article preparation.
01.2010-12.2011 Research fellow at Food and Bio-based group, Agresearch
Research fellow Ltd.Ruakura research Centre, Hamilton, Newzealand,
Bio-security threat
control issue.
Responsibility and achievements:
Design an electromagnetic sensor to understanding of bacterial cells dielectric properties and trying identifying of their species using of their electromagnetic signature. That could lead the environmental scientist and policy maker to investigate the rapid environmental risk assessment.
03.2008 -06.2008 Post Graduate Exchange fellow Hong Kong Baptist University,
Post Graduate Department of chemistry,Hong Kong,P.R.China
Exchange fellow
Responsibility and achievements:
Synthesis of nano-particle(NP) and application of NP for entrap the GOx enzyme on natural fiber membrane for developing the bio-sensor for determination glucose content from food sample and soil sample. Understanding the Biosensor application for analysis of different Environmental issues.
Student Supervision:
Graduate Student Thesis Advisors: Thirteen Post graduate thesis Projects, Eight Undergraduate innovative project and around thirty undergraduate thesis advisor.
Nine Post graduate Student thesis Successfully completed. And Three Post graduate student thesis on going.
The thesis title as follows:
1.Student name: Sun Zheng xiang , Study period: 09.2014-06.2017
Thesis Title: “Microwave based dielectric spectroscopic method for rapid monitoring the meta-cresol contamination in beach sand”
2.Student name: Liu Changrui, Study period: 09.2014-06.2017
Thesis Title: “Developing an Isothermal Microcalorimetric Method to Characterizing the Thermodynamic Properties of Microalgae to Better Understanding Their Role in CO2 Bio-Fixation”
3.Student name: Li Xiaomeng, Study period: 09.2015-06.2018
Thesis Title: “Exploiting the local indigenous strains to degrading the crude oil contaminants and monitoring their biodegradation performance”
4.Student name: Qumei xue, Study period: 09.2016-06.2019
Thesis Title: “Exploring Algae - Bacteria Combined System to Remove Nutrients from Domestic Sewage”.
5.Student name:Liu xichao, Study Period:09.2017-06.2020
Thesis Title: “Exploring Electromagnetic Behavior of Harmful Algae by Dielectric Spectroscopy”.
6. Student name:Xu jingrui, Study Period:09.2019-06.2021
Thesis Title: “Investigating the potentiality of indigenous bacteria strain and algae co-culture to remove tetracycline from synthetic wastewater”.
7. Student name:Wu wenchao, Study Period:09.2020-06.2023
Thesis Title: “Investigating the potentiality of indigenous bacteria strain and algae co-culture to remove tetracycline from synthetic wastewater”.
8. Student name:Wang jing, Study Period:09.2020-06.2023
Thesis Title: “Investigating the effects of microplastics and released phthalates on marine algae”.
9.Student name: Quyi He, Study Period:09.2021-06.2024
Thesis Title: “Explore the novel algae-bacteria coculture system on dibutyl phthalate removal effect and mechanism”.
Awards and fellowship:
28.09.2022 Dalian's overseas outstanding experts and foreign high-level talents
03.20.2023 Excellent Quality Teaching Award for the year of 2022.
01.11.2021 Excellent Quality Teaching Award for the year of 2020.
08.08.2019 Panjin Natural Science Academic Achievement Award.
01.09.2018 Excellent Quality Teaching Award for the year of 2017.
14.09.2017 Best presentation and best paper award in the “Eighth
international Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications (SENSORDEVICES) 2017 was held between September 10-14, 2017-Rome,Italy.
Paper Title: “Printed, microwave-based, transmission-line sensor for investigating the electromagnetic behavior of pure bacteria culture and algae in water”.
18.09.2016 Young faculty awarded for outstanding research and academic
18.08.2016 200,000 RMB National Natural Science Foundation of China
research grant.
15.05.2015 40,000 RMB research grant has been awarded for one year
fundamental research project from Central school funding department.
01.10.2014 40,000 RMB research grant has been awarded for one year
fundamental research project from Central school funding department.
27.12.2014 Best paper award in 3rd, International Conference on Mechanical,
Industrial and Energy Engineering (ICMIEE 2014) 26-27 December, 2014, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology ,Khulna ,Bangladesh. Paper Title: Quantifying the contributions of different time-scales to wind speed using wavelets.
10.2009-10.2012 Postgraduate research fellowship for Advanced Bio-security
Sensors Commencing, Agresearch Ltd. Ruakura research centre, East private bag 3123, Hamilton New Zealand.
09.2009-07.2012 Distinguish PhD Fellowship from Chinese Government Scholarship council. School of Environmental Studies, China University Of Geosciences.
07.2010-04.2011 Slovenian Exchange fellowship in School of environmental science,
University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia.
09.2010-11.2010 United Nation Head Quarter 2010 Fall Internship.
09.06.2009 Excellent Dissertation Award for outstanding research work in 2008-
06.05.2009 Excellent Foreign Student Award for 2008-2009 academic years,
School Of Environmental Studies, China University Of Geosciences.
03.2008-06.2008 Post Graduate Exchange Fellowship in Hong Kong Baptist University for Using Biosensor Technology of Environmental analysis.
09.09.2006 Chinese Government Scholarship Which is provided by Chinese
scholarship council for M.Sc in Environmental Science and Engineering.
20.12. 2002 Certificate of Bangladesh scholarship council and the Nippon
foundation Japan due to outstanding academic achievements.
Social activity and Media coverage reports:
1. Dr.Mohammad Russel was invited to take part of an interview by China Radio International, title of the interview is “Chinas spring festival experiences”.Dated: Feb.,9th,2024.weblink of this report in Bengali: and
2. Dr.Mohammad Russel was invited to take part of an interview by China Radio International, title of the interview is “Chinas national days”.Dated: Oct.,1st,2023.weblink of this report in Bengali: and
3. Dr.Mohammad Russel was invited to take part of an interview by China Radio International, title of the interview is “Chinas 50th anniversary at the UN.”.Dated: Oct.,29th,2021.weblink of this report in Bengali: and
4. Dr.Mohammad Russel was invited to take part of Biggani org news portal scholarly report interview. Dated: May,28th ,2019. Weblink of the report in Begali:
5. Dr.Mohammad Russel Was invited by the local elementary school headmaster to helping their grade 3-6 students to improve their English level. Its a part of social activity. Dated: April,29th ,2019
Weblink of the report in Chinese:
6. Dr.Mohammad Russel was invited to take part of an interview to sharing the personal opinion, thoughts, and experiences to overcome the current smart city development project. Published by local popular medium wechat platform.
Dated:January,23rd,2019. Organized by Dr. Xu Zhenqiang, deputy director of the Digital City Center of the Chinese Academy of Urban Science, Chinese representative of the BRICS Smart City Summit, "2017 China Smart City City Influential Person. Weblink of the publication in English:
7. Dr.Mohammad Russel was invited to give an speech for the Scientific research and development lecture to the visiting international Undergraduate Student of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember , Surabaya,Indonesia. The title of the speech is “Green analytical approaches to investigating the current environmental challenges”. Dated:April,19th,2018. Published by campus media: Weblink of this report in chinese:
8. Dr.Mohammad Russel was invited to write a bibliographical chapter regarding current Chinese higher education challenges and future opportunities for overseas student to do their higher study in china. Book title: "China education system and the current opportunities to get your higher education". Publishd by China Radio International Bengali department, Edited by Enamul Haque Tutul, Miss Chai Wanhua. Language: Bengali, Published year: 2017, page no 137-139.
9. Dr.Mohammad Russel was invited to take part of an interview by local channel CCTV china journalist to sharing the experience live and work in panjin city. Dated: March,20th,2017. Weblink of this report in Chinese:
10. Dr.Mohammad Russel was invited to take part of an interview by China Radio International, title of the interview is “Current education challenges,solutions and Sharing some experiences”.Dated:March,28th,2017.weblink of this report in Bengali:
11. Dr.Mohammad Russel was invited to take part of an interview by Dalian university of technology campus media to talk about campus development and future plan. Dated: September,10th, 2016. Weblink of this report in chinese:
Professional Membership:
1. The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) general member. Membership ID no: 60089522, 2019-2023.
2.The Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ) affiliate member from Jan,2010-Present. Membership ID no: 1017184, 2010-2017
3. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) member. Membership ID no: 91169662, 2021-2022
4. Executive committee member of Bangladesh community at Hamilton, New Zealand, from Jan,2010-Dec,2011.
List of local Patents:
1. Mohammad Russel, Xu jingrui; “Method for removing tetracycline based on
bacteria-algae consortium”.Application No:202210058730.1 (Patented)
2. Mohammad Russel, Liu changrui, Sun zhenxiang,Liu lifen, Li xiaomeng;
“An automatic calorimetry device for the determination of algal growth curves” Application date: 06-12-2016, Application No: 201610403227.X,
Public Announcement no: CN106093110A
3. Mohammad Russel, Sun zhenxiang,Liu changrui,Liu lifen,Sun shoulin; “A closed coaxial transmission line test system and method for characterizing the dielectric properties of the sample under tested” Application date:04-29-2016, Application No: 201610272097.0 Public Announcement no: CN105929246A (Patented)
4. Mohammad Russel,Liu changrui,Qu meixue,Sun zhenxiang,Li xiaomeng,Liu lifen “A method for measuring algae growth curve and its application” Application Date:11-25-2016, Application No.: 20161104833.4
5. Mohammad Russel,Li xiaomeng,Sun zhenxiang,Liu changrui,Qu meixue “A method for detecting petroleum hydrocarbon content in oily wastewater” Application Date:09-08-2017, Application No.:201710804708.6 (Patented)
LIST Publications international Science citation indexed (SCI) journal:
1. Yihe Qu, Junyi Chen, Mohammad Russel ,* Wei Huang , Yang Bingke, Wu lei,Dayong Zhang, Christopher Blaszczak-Boxe, Optimizing concentration and interaction mechanism of Demodesmus sp. and Achromobacter pulmonis sp. consortium to evaluate their potential for dibutyl phthalate removal from synthetic wastewater, Bioresource Technology, 2024, 395:130372. (SCI-IF 11.88) Q1
2. Shuhang Wang, Yang Bingke, Yong Zhou, Yihe Qu, Dayong Zhang Junyi Chen,**, Mohammad Russel,*, Kishore Biswas, Dielectric spectroscopy with machine learning integrated approach to analysis the influence of N:P ratio on algae growth modeling for forecasting,Microchemical Journal,2024,110254. (SCI-IF 4.8) Q1
3. Wu Wenchao, Dayong Zhang, Marios Sophocleous, Yihe Qu, Wang Jing, Suramate Chalermwisutkul, Mohammad Russel,* Measuring the effects of diethyl phthalate microplastics on marine algae growth using dielectric spectroscopy, Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 865, 161221.SCI-IF 10.75 Q1
4. Wang Jing , Yihe Qu , Jiajia Shan, Md. Asraful Alam, Mohammad Russel⁎, Wu Wenchao, Dayong Zhang, Yong Zhou, Isolating Fistulifera pelliculosa from the northern Bohai Sea and analyzing biochemical composition, antibacterial and nutrient removal potential, Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 871, 162002. SCI-IF 10.75 Q1
5. Yong Zhou, Russel Mohammad , Wenwei Guo, Zuhong Zheng, Chao Hu,
Changchun Li, Huankai Li, A green approach to copper biodetoxification and sustainable agriculture application by vermicomposting in pig manure , Science of the Total Environment, Available online 18 February 2023, 162329. SCI-IF 10.75 Q1
6. Yihe Qu, Li Zhao,Zheng hai Jin, HaoranYang, Chengqi Tu, Feifei Che, Mohammad Russel, Xinshan Song,Wei Huang*, Study on the management efficiency of lanthanum/iron co-modified attapulgite on sediment phosphorus load, Chemosphere,2022, 137315. SCI-IF 8.94 Q1
7. Xu Jingrui
, Md.Asraful Alam
,Wang Jing
,Wu Wenchao
,Zetty Norhana Balia Yusof
,MohammadRussel*,Enhanced removal of tetracycline from synthetic wastewater using an optimal ratio of co-culture of Desmodesmus sp. and Klebsiella pneumoniae, Bioresource Technology, 2022, 351:127056. (SCI-IF 11.88) Q1
8. Liu Xichao, Marios Sophocleous ,Zhang xiangfeng, Qi Na, Dayong Zhang, Suramate Chalermwisutkul, Subpiramaniyam Sivakumar, Paula Gwendoline Anne Buckley, Mohammad Russel* ,Towards the direct and online detection of freshness and health-threatening additives in milk, Spectroscopy Letter, Accepted,1st May 2022. (SCI-IF 1.34) Q3
9. Mengke Jin, Xue Wang, Mohammad Russel, Jiajia Shan, Towards the rapid detection of multiple antibiotics in eggs by Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy coupled with hollow fiber micro-extraction, Microchemical Journal,2022,181:107743. (SCI-IF 4.821) Q1
10. Editorial note published in IEEE Sensor Journal, Guest Editor: Julius Georgiou,Andreas Andreou,Yosi Shacham-Diamand,Theerawit Wilaiparsitporn,John Atkinson,Paddy French,Eduardo Garcia-Breijo,Mohammad Russel, Marios Sophocleous (Lead Guest Editor) Title:Guest Editorial Special Issue on Sensors Tutorials: A Vigorous Dive Into the Vast Sea of Sensor-Related Knowledge-Part II. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,VOL. 22,NO.11,May 30,2022. Q1
11. Hairuo Zhang, Pengyu Chen, Mohammad Russel, Jie Tang, Peng Jin and Maurycy Daroch, Debottlenecking Thermophilic Cyanobacteria Cultivation and Harvesting through the Application of Inner-light Photobioreactor and Chitosan. Plants, 2021, 10:(8)1540. (SCI-IF 4.0) Q2
12. Editorial note published in IEEE Sensor Journal, Guest Editor: Julius Georgiou,Andreas Andreou,Yosi Shacham-Diamand,Theerawit Wilaiparsitporn,John Atkinson,Paddy French,Eduardo Garcia-Breijo,Mohammad Russel, Marios Sophocleous (Lead Gues Editor)Title:Special Issue on Snesors Tutorials: A vigorous Dive Into the Vast Sea of Sensor related Knowledge-Part I. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,VOL. 21,NO.20,October 15,2021. Q1
13. Mohammad Russel*, Qu Meixue, Md. Asraful Alam, Liu Lifen, Maurycy Daroch, Christopher Blaszczak-Boxe, Girish Kumar Gupta, Investigating the potentiality of Scenedesmus obliquus and Acinetobacter pittii partnership system and their effects on nutrients removal from synthetic domestic wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 299:122571. (SCI-IF 9.642) Q1
14. Xue Wang,Mohammad Russel,Yiwen Zhang,Junbo Zhao,Yituo Zhang,Jiajia Shan, A Clustering-Based Partial Least Squares Method for Improving the Freshness Prediction Model of Crucian Carps Fillets by Hyperspectral Image Technology. Food analytical Methods,2019, 12:9, 1988–1997. (SCI-IF 6.10)Q1
15. Mohammad Russel*, Sophocleous Marios,Shan Jia Jia, Weiping Xu, Lehui Xiao, Thomas Maskow, Md. Mahbub Alam, Julius Geogiou, High Frequency, dielectric spectroscopy for the detection of electrophysiological/biophysical differences in different bacteria types and concentrations. Analytica Chemica Acta, 2018, 1028:86-95.(SCI-IF 6.558) Q1
16. Mohammad Russel*, Liu Changrui,Sharif Alam, Fei Wang, Jun Yao, Maurycy Daroch, Md. Mahfuzur Rahman Shah, Zhongming Wang, Exploring an in-situ LED-Illuminated Isothermal Micro-Calorimetric Method to Investigating the Thermodynamic Behavior of Chlorella vulgaris during CO2 Bio-Fixation. Environmental Science and pollution research, 2018, 25:18519–18527 (SCI-IF 2.74) Q1
17. Mohammad Russel*, Xiaomeng Li, Meixue Qu, Minghuo Wu, Lifen Liu, Md.Mahbub Alam, Exploring the novel indigenous heavy metal endurance strains for degrading the crude oil contaminants in soil sample. International
Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2018, pp.1-12, (SCI-IF 2.035) Q1
18. Chen Ke, Mohammad Russel*, Changrui Liu, Jun Yao, Lifen Liu, Md. Mahbub Alam, and Sangil Kim. “Simple Heat Profiles and Biogeochemical Patterns for Analysis the Influence on Soil Microbial Community of Plastic-Greenhouse and Open Field Condition”. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 2018, 29(12): 960-967. (SCI-IF 0.70) Q2
19. Jiajia Shan,Xue Wang,Mohammad Russel,Junbo Zhao,Yituo Zhang,Comparisons of Fish Morphology for Fresh and Frozen-Thawed Crucian Carp Quality Assessment by Hyperspectral Imaging Technology, Food Analytical Methods, 2018, 11 (6):1701–1710. (SCI-IF 6.10) Q1
20. Velu Manikandan, Palanivel Velmurugana, Sung-Chul Hong, Pyong-In Yi , Seong-Ho Jang , Jeong-Min Suh , Eun-Sang Jung , Mohammad Russel, Subpiramaniyam Sivakumar, Novel green synthesis of a reduced graphene oxide/zinc oxide hybrid nanocomposite adsorbent of Prunus × yedoensis leaf extract: Its catalytic potential to remove phosphate, Desalination and Water Treatment,2018, 130:124-131. (SCI-IF 0.854) Q3
21. Mohammad Russel*,Sun Zhengxia,Liu Changrui, Zhou Hao, Liu Lifen, Sophocleous Marios, Zhou Yong, Development of a detection method based on dielectric spectroscopy for real-time monitoring of meta-cresol contamination in beach-sand. Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, 2017, 268(C):16-26. (SCI-IF:2.49) Q1
22. Jiajia Shan, Xue Wang,
Mohammad Russel, Junbo Zhao, Rapid determination of flavonoids in green tea by synchronous fluorescence spectra coupled with chemometrics, Spectroscopy letters, 2017, 50:501–506. (SCI-IF:0.8) Q3
23. Sangil Kim, Md. Mahbub Alam and Mohammad Russel, Aerodynamics of a cylinder in the wake of a V-shaped object, Wind and Structures, 2016, 23(2):143-155. (SCI-IF:0.8) Q2
24. Yiguang Qian, Jun Yao, Mohammad Russel, Xiaoyu Wang , Edward H. Sandy “
Exploring Medium-term Impact of Oxide Nanoparticles on Soil Microbial Activity by Isothermal Microcalorimetry and Urease Assay. Journal of Environmental Progress and Sustainable enegy, 2016, 35(2):395–403 (SCI-IF:1.4) Q2
25. Yiguang Qian, Jun Yao, Mohammad Russel, Ke Chen, Xiaoyu Wang " Characterization of Green Synthesized Nano-formulation (ZnO-A. vera) and Their Antibacterial Activity against Pathogens". Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2015, 39:736-746. ( SCI-IF 1.85) Q1
26. Mohammad Russel, Jun Yao, Qianyi Guang, Martin M. F. Choi,. Potential of glucose measurement in soil and food sample using low molecular weight O-(2-hydroxyl)propyl-3-trimethylammonium chitosan chloride nanoparticle-glucose oxidase immobilized-natural fiber membrane. International Journal of Environmental Analytical chemistry, 2014, 94: 1317-1329. ( SCI-IF 1.32 ) Q2
27. Ke Chen, Jun Yao, Shihua Qi, Shixue Zheng, Yi Luo, Gyula Z´aray, FeiWang, Mohammad Russel, and Martin M. F. Choi. Characterization of Depth-Related Microbial Community Activities in Freshwater Sediment by Combined Method. Geomicrobiology Journal, 2011, 28:328-334. ( SCI-IF 1.80 ) Q2
28. Fei Wang ;Jun Yao ; Mohammad Russel; Huilun Chen; Ke Chen; Martin M. F. Choi; Brunello Ceccanti; Gyula Zaray; Yong Zhou, Development and analytical application of a glucose biosensor based on glucose oxidase/O-(2-hydroxyl)propyl-3-trimethylammonium chitosan chloride nanoparticle-immobilized onion inner epidermis.Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2010, 25:2238-2243. ( SCI-IF10.61 ) Q1
29. FeiWang, Jun Yao, Yang Si, Huilun Chen, Mohammad Russel, Ke Chena, Yiguang Qiana, Gyula Zarayb, Emilia Bramanti. Short-time effect of heavy metals upon microbial community activity. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2010,173: 510–516. ( SCI-IF 14.70) Q1
30. Mohammad Russel, Jun Yao, Huilun Chen, Fei Wang, Yong Zhou, Martin M. F. Choi, Gyula Zaray and Polonca Trebse, Different Techniques of Microcalorimetry and Their Applications to Environmental Sciences: A Review. Journal of American Science, 2009, 5(4):194-208. (ISI-ICV 7.63)
31. Mohammad Russel • Jun Yao • Huilun Chen • Fei Wang • Yong Zhou • Rensheng Zhuang • Martin M. F. Choi • Brunello Ceccanti • Polonca Trebse • Gyula Zaray Biological and microcalorimetric studies of the toxic effect of organoarsenic(V) compounds to wild strain of Bacillus thuringiensis” Biol Trace Elem Res, 2009,131:192–203 . ( SCI-IF 6.10 ) Q1
32. Yong Zhou, Jun Yao*, Martin M. F. Choic**, Yanjiao Chena, Haiyan Chen, Mohammad Russel, Rensheng Zhuang, Huilun Chen, Fei Wang, Thomas Maskow, Gyula Zaray A combination method to study microbial communities and activities in zinc contaminated soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 169: 875–881. ( SCI-IF 14.70 ) Q1
Book chapter:
1. Md. Asraful Alam, Gul Muhammad, Abdul Rehman, Mohammad Russel, Mahfuzur Shah, and Zhongming Wang, Standard Techniques and Methods for Isolating, Selecting and Monitoring the Growth of Microalgal Strain. Microalgae Biotechnology for Development of Biofuel and Wastewater Treatment, Publisher: Springer; April 2019, page no 75-93.
2. Currently working as an Editor of one book, Title of Book- Soil Microbiome: Futuristic Application for Sustainable Agriculture. Publisher: CRC Press which will be publish under Tailors and Francis group publication platform.Proposal submitted date: 15th July,2021. This is under processing.
International Conference:
1. Mohammad Russel* , Yang Bingke , Suramate Chalermwisutkul “Impact of Ibuprofen on Marine Algal Metabolites Investigated Using a Coplanar Microwave Sensing Probe and Machine Learning”, oral presentation was done in “The 21st International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON 2024) conference”, which was held in Khon Kaen, Thailand, from May 27th to May 30th, 2024. As well as published in IEEE journal conference proceeding.
2. Mohammad Russel* “Towards the Green Sustainable Algae-Bacteria combine approach to deal current water quality challenges”, organized by the College of Arts and Sciences, Dept. of Earth, Environment and Equity , Howard University, Washington D.C.,USA, INTERDISCIPLINARY ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES PROGRAM,Feb.22nd, 2024
3. Mohammad Russel* “Microwave sensor measurement system could be a smart approach to monitoring the current environmental challenge”. The 5th (2023) International Forum on “Non-ferrous Metal Mine pollution prevention and control and green mine constructions.”, November 11,2023,Beijing,China.
4. Quyi He, Mohammad Russel*, Poster presentation for the research title “Green sustainable approach to remove the PAEs of microplastic from wastewater using Desmodesmus sp. algae.” A virtual event organized by Bioprocessing and biomanufacturing research complex faculty of biotechnology and biomolecular sciences University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia and Thailand institute of scientific and technological research, Thailand, 25-26th July 2023.
5. Mohammad Russel*, Wu Wenchao, Qu Meixue, Zhongyang Cheng, Keqin Xu “Study the impact of microplastic pollutants on marine algae by novel dielectric spectroscopy method”. ICDL’22, 21st IEEE international conference on dielectric liquids, May,29th to 2nd June, , 2022-Sevilla,Spain.
6. Dr. Mohammad Russel, was selected to judging the 2021 post graduate Student E-poster Competition for their oral presentation at American Association for the Advancement of Science’s 2021 Annual meeting dated Jan.4-17th , 2021, Washington DC, USA.
7. Dr. Mohammad Russel, invited to give a lecture in their conference meeting called "2nd Seasonal School on Technology and Agribusiness: Feeding a Growing Population" Title of lecture is : “ Microwave sensor measurement system could be a novel approach to monitoring the current agriculture challenges ” That was held virtually from December 6th to 10th, 2021, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Chile time (GMT -3). This is organized by IEEE CAS about Electronics for Agrifood.
8. Dr. Mohammad Russel, got the invitation from the Yantai local government to attend the conference on “International exchange of professional (Peninsula Branch & Yantai International Technology Trade Fair)” 23-25th October 2021.
9. Mohammad Russel*, Jingrui Xu, Wu Wenchao, Wang Jing, Keqin Xu, Application of dielectric spectroscopy to monitoring the algal biomass using customized open-ended coaxial probe, 2020 National Marine Ecological Environmental Protection and Monitoring Technology Seminar,organized by Chinese society for environmental sciences, Shenzhen city, 18-19th , December,2020.
10. Mohammad Russel, was selected for both E-poster judging and oral presentation and the title of oral “Current environmental challenges, which are directly threaten to the food safety” at American Association for the Advancement of Science’s 2019 Annual meeting dated feb.14-19th, 2019, Washington DC, USA.
11. Mohammad Russel, “Investigating the Algae and bacterial interactions to dealing the current environmental challenges” invited speaker at Environmental Biogeochemical behavior and responses mechanism of mine pollutants. Organized by china university of geosciences, Beijing, dated 8-10th dec.,2019.
12. Mohammad Russel, Take part in a Professional Training Course Algal Biotechnology Techniques and Opportunities for the Sustainable Bio-economy. Organized by University of Cambridge, Department of Plant Science, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 27-28th sep.,2018.
13. Mohammad Russel*, Li Xiaomeng, Qu Meixue Thomas Mascow, “Printed, Microwave-based, Transmission-line Sensor for Investigating the Electromagnetic Behavior of Pure Bacteria Culture and Algae in Water”. Eighth international Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications (SENSORDEVICES) 2017, September 10-14, 2017-Rome,Italy.
14. Mohammad Russel*, Xiaomeng Li, Shan Jiajia, Lifen Liu, Subpiramaniyam Sivakumar,“Influence of cadmium on the microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbon” . 2017 International Seminar on Mine Pollution Prevention and Rehabilitation" in Beijing from October 27 to 29, 2017. Organized by jointly China Society of Environmental Science and China University of Geosciences.
15. Mohammad Russel* and Liu Changrui “Developing a photo-micro-calorimetric method to investigating thermodynamic behaviors of marine & fresh water algae and their role in CO2 fixation” abstract published in international conveference on metabolic science, October,20-23rd 2016, international conference on metabolic science,Organized my Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai,P.R.China.
16. Mohammad Russel* and Liu Changrui “Developing a photo-calorimetric method to identify the suitable microalgae for CO2 bio-fixation” Poster presentation , International Conference on Metabolic Science: Driving Bioindustry and Beyond October 20-23, 2016; Shanghai, China.
17. Mohammad Russel* and Sun Zhengxiang, “ Rapid assessment of soil heavy metal pollution using the dielectric properties of the soil microbes” Oral presentation and abstract publication in The international workshop of geomicrobiology, December 18-20, 2015,China University of Geoscience, Beijing P.R.China.
18. Mohammad Russel & Changrui Liu, Micro-calorimetric techniques could be useful tools to solve the constructed wetland current ecological challenges,The Sixth cross-strait Symposium of constructed wetland and summit forum,Hangzhou, China 27-31 October,2014.
19. Mohammad Russe1, Sun zheng xiang, Md. Mahbub Alam, Dielectric properties could be the potential tools for investigating the materials (VOCs) toxicity, 3rd,International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Energy Engineering (ICMIEE 2014) 26-27 December, 2014, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology ,Khulna ,Bangladesh.
20. Md. Mahbub Alam , S. Rehman , L. M. Al-Hadhrami , Mohammad Russel , J.P. Meyer, Quantifying the contributions of different time-scales to wind speed using wavelets, 3rd, International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Energy Engineering (ICMIEE 2014) 26-27 December, 2014, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology ,Khulna ,Bangladesh. (Awarded for Best Paper)
21. Mohammad Russel, Jun Yao, Martin M. F. Choi, Yiguang Qian. Study the Group Delay and Dielectric constant of Volatile organic compounds using Close-Ended Coaxial Airline probe with combine methods. Published in Proceeding IEEE 2nd ICTCE Conference, May 18-20,2012 in three gorges hubei, China.
22. Mohammad Russel,Yao Jun, Yiguang Qian,Wang Fei,Yan Jiao Chen,Adam Stuart,M.M.F.Choi, Study the toxic effect of Oranoarsenic(V) compounds to engineering strain of Bacillus thurengesis Using Combine Methods. Conference of Environmental Pollution and Public Health (CEPPH2011) wuhan,Hubei P.R.China. ( ISTP )
23. Mohammad Russel,Yao Jun,Wang Fei,YanJiao Chen,Peter M.Dobbie,Martin.M.F.Choi. Comparative study the toxic effect of inorganic and organoarsenic compound to engineering strain of Bacillus Thuringiensis by Microcalorimetric method. Environmental Research Event, June 2011, Moreton bay research station, north stradbroke Island,QLD,Australia.
24. Jun Yao, Brunello Ceccanti, Ke Chen, Fei Wang, Huilun Chen, Rensheng Zhuang, Mohammad Russel, Alhaji Brima Gogra, Edward Hinga Sandy, Veronica Bianchi. 2009, Study of pollution and metabolic activities of microbial community in the sediment of Lake Honghu, Center-China by combined methods, Colloquium Spectroscopicum International XXXVI and 3rd Sino-Hungarian Symposium on “Environmental impact of inorganic and organic pollutants on ecosystems”, August 30- September 5, 2009, Budapest, Hungary.
25. Mohammad Russel, Yao Jun, Microcalorimetric study on toxic effect of the environmental contamination in soil, Resilience of Ecosystems against Anthropogenic Disturbance: New Analytical Tools for Ecological Systems, Abstract. 2nd Sino Hungarian workshop,2008
Mohammad Russel , Yao Jun,New strategies and requirements for exposure assessment to toxic substances in the environment. Abstract. 1st Sino Hungarian workshop,2007
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1997.6 -- 2001.7
2006.9 -- 2009.7
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Associate Editor(Advances in Agriculture and Environmental Science: Open Access (AAEOA) Budapest, Hungary.)
2016.11 -- 至今
Associate Editor(EC Pharmacology and Toxicology Journal,UK)
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