Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2016-11-01
Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus
Page Number:161-173
ISSN No.:1359-835X
Key Words:Delamination migration; Crack interactions; XFEM; Cohesive elements; Progressive damage; Composite laminates
Abstract:Progressive damage and failure in composites are generally complex and involve multiple interacting failure modes. Depending on factors such as lay-up sequence, loading and specimen configurations, failure may be dominated by extensive matrix crack-delamination interactions, which are very difficult to model accurately. The present study further develops an integrated extended finite element method (XFEM) and cohesive element (CE) method for three-dimensional (3D) delamination migration in multi-directional composite laminates, and validates the results with experiment performed on a double-cantilever beam (DCB). The plies are modeled by using XFEM brick elements, while the interfaces are modeled using CEs. The interaction between matrix crack and delamination is achieved by enriching the nodes of cohesive element. The mechanisms of matrix fracture and delamination migration are explained and discussed. Matrix crack initiation and propagation can be predicted and delamination migration is also observed in the results. The algorithm provides for the prediction of matrix crack angles through the ply thickness. The proposed method provides a platform for the realistic simulation of progressive failure of composite laminates. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.