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Heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics for condensation of R113 in a vertical micro-finned tube with wire insert


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2000-01-01

Included Journals:CPCI-S

Page Number:384-388

Key Words:condensation heat transfer enhancement; finned tube; wire insert; pressure drop

Abstract:The present paper reports an experimental investigation of film condensation in a vertical, internally finned tube with a wire insert. The finned tube and wire insert were chosen as the best performing from a series of tubes and inserts tested separately in previous investigations. Compared with previous results for the finned tube, it was found that only for Delta T>10 K did the addition of the insert somewhat improve the heat transfer performance. However. the pressure drop for the finned tube with insert was increased. Empirical correlations for friction factors for the three tube configurations are proposed based on the present data.

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