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任职 : 建设管理系 系主任
- [1]张明媛, 刘晓丽, 于良成.Combining Computer Vision with Event Logic Graph for Identifying Hazards on Construction Sites[A],2024,237-245
- [2]刘运鹄, 张明媛.Methodology for Determining Key Regeneration Contents of Urban Regeneration Projects Considering ...[J],Journal of Urban Planning and Development,2024,151(1):04024059-1
- [3]赵晓航, 张明媛.Enhancing Predictive Models for On-Street Parking Occupancy: Integrating Adaptive GCN and GRU wit...[J],MATHEMATICS,2024,12(18)
- [4]张明媛, 杨相杰, 李杨, 李钢.Comprehensive Impact Analysis of a Transportation Hub Complex under Earthquake Effects: A Case in...[J],Journal of Infrastructure Systems,2024,4
- [5]Zhang, Juan, Li, Yong, Yuan, Hongqiang, Du, Guofeng, 张明媛.A demand-based three-stage seismic resilience assessment and multi-objective optimization method ...[J],Reliability Engineering and System Safety,2024,250
- [6]于良成, 张明媛.Unsupervised gas pipeline network leakage detection method based on improved graph deviation netw...[J],JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES,2024,91
- [7]Zhang, Juan, 李钢, 张明媛.Multi-objective optimization for community building group recovery scheduling and resilience eval...[J],Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering,2024,38(12):1657-1676
- [8]Li, Jiaqi, 周光毅, 李东方, 张明媛, 赵雪峰.Recognizing workers' construction activities on a reinforcement processing area through the posit...[J],Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management,2024,30(4):1657-1678
- [9]侯宗昊, Zhang, Juan, 张明媛, 李钢.Hospital-system functionality quantification based on supply-demand relationship under earthquake[J],NATURAL HAZARDS,2024,116(1):213-234
- [10]李杨, 张明媛.Resilience Assessment for Streamline Network of Transportation Hub Complex Based on Service Perfo...[J],Journal of Infrastructure Systems,29(2)
- [11]Zhang, Juan, 张明媛.Seismic robustness computational methodology of community building portfolio coupled with water s...[J],Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering,2024
- [12]张明媛, 刘晓丽, Kong, Lingjie.Evaluation of carbon and economic benefits of producing recycled aggregates from construction and...[J],Journal of Cleaner Production,2024,425
- [13]张明媛, Liu, Yunhu.Research on Urban Physical Examination for Renewal Decisions of Old Neighborhoods[A],ICCREM 2023: The Human-Centered Construction Transformation - Proceedings of the International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management 2023,2024,880-889
- [14]张明媛, 朱密, 赵雪峰.任务驱动下的建筑施工现场危险源关联规则挖掘[J],安全与环境学报,2019,19(1):14-20
- [15]Zhang Juan, 张明媛, Li Gang.Multi-stage composition of urban resilience and the influence of pre-disaster urban functionality...[J],NATURAL HAZARDS,2021
- [16]Zhang, Mingyuan, Zhu, Mi, Zhao, Xuefeng, MY (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Dept Construct Management, Dalian 116000, Peoples R China..Recognition of High-Risk Scenarios in Building Construction Based on Image Semantics[J],JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING,2020,34(4)
- [17]Zhang, Mingyuan, Yang, Zhen, Shi, Rui, MY (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Dept Construct Management, Dalian 116000, Peoples R China..A critical review of vision-based occupational health and safety monitoring of construction sit...[J],SAFETY SCIENCE,2020,126
- [18]Zhang, Mingyuan, Cao, Zhiying, Yang, Zhen, Zhao, Xuefeng, MY (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Dept Construct Management, Dalian 116000, Peoples R China..Utilizing Computer Vision and Fuzzy Inference to Evaluate Level of Collision Safety for Workers...[J],JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT,2020,146(6)
- [19]Lang, Kun, Zhang, Mingyuan, Yuan, Yongbo, Yue, Xijian, MY (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Fac Infrastruct Engn, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, Peoples R China..Short-term load forecasting based on multivariate time series prediction and weighted neural ne...[J],CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS,2019,22:12589-12597
- [20]任务驱动下的施工现场危险源关联规则挖掘[-],安全与环境学报,2019,录用待刊