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Thermal fracture analysis for coolant circulation pumps of nuclear reactors under thermal shock loads


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2011-12-01

Journal:Binggong Xuebao/Acta Armamentarii

Included Journals:EI、PKU、ISTIC、Scopus


Issue:SUPPL. 2

Page Number:366-370

ISSN No.:10001093

Abstract:To guarantee safety operation of the nuclear reactor coolant circulation pumps, symplectic technique was used to investigate the mechanism of the key scientific problem, i.e., the fracture problem under the thermal shock. The axial symmetry transient temperature function, displacements and stresses were obtained by using a generalized symplectic approach and separation of variables. Thus, the analytical formulations of the stress intensity factors (SIF) were derived. In numerical examples, a parametric analysis was performed to study the crack behavior. For practice, a certain mainshaft of the nuclear main pump was evaluated.

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