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A rational analytical approach for buckling analysis of orthotropic double-nanoplate-systems


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2019-03-29

Included Journals:EI



Abstract:A novel analytical Hamiltonian-based approach is proposed for buckling analysis of orthotropic double-nanoplate-systems (DNPSs) under uniaxially compression embedded in an elastic medium. In the Hamiltonian system, the governing equations for in-phase and out-of-phase buckling are established in a unified form based on Eringen's nonlocal plate theory. The buckling analysis of the orthotropic DNPS is reduced to an eigenproblem in the symplectic space. Analytical buckling equations and buckling mode shape functions can be obtained by the symplectic eigensolutions and boundary conditions simultaneously. Comparison studies demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method. Key influencing factors which may benefit the design of complex 3D mesostructures are studied in detail. Some new results are given also. ? Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.

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