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鲍军江,副教授,博士生导师。博士毕业于天津大学,2015年入职大连理工大学。一直从事先进热力循环构建、高效非共沸工质、低能耗膜分离过程的应用基础研究,目前的研究方向主要包括液化天然气冷能发电系统的构建与优化、热功储能系统、气体膜分离工艺优化等。主持包括国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金等多项国家省部级项目,累积经费超过200万。以第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文20余篇,申请发明专利10余项、授权4项。以第一完成人获得盘锦市学术成果奖一等奖1项,辽宁省自然学术成果奖二等奖1项。目前担任教育部学位论文评审专家、自然科学基金委函评专家、国际可持续能源技术协会(WSSET)member、国际SCI源刊Energies的Topic editor、多个权威期刊的审稿人等多个学术兼职,所指导的学生获得包括大连理工大学研究生标兵(全校仅6人,2人次)、大连理工大学硕士学术之星(全校仅10人,3人次)、研究生国家奖学金(4人次)等国家级、省级、校级奖项近30人次。
1) 提出了多级冷凝过程强化液化天然气冷能发电过程
基于温度匹配的思想,针对液化天然气大温跨的特点,创新性地提出了两级冷凝过程代替传统液化天然气冷能发电过程采用的单级冷凝过程,降低了天然气再汽化过程的传热不可逆性,构建了两级冷凝朗肯循环,大幅提升了传统液化天然气冷能发电系统的发电容量[Energy Convers. Manage.,2017,143,312-325]。
图1 两级冷凝朗肯循环的流程图及与传统循环的对比
在多级冷凝过程思路的基础上,发现存在多种压缩膨胀布局,对冷凝级数和压缩膨胀布局的作用规律进行了探索[Appl. Therm. Eng.,2017,126,566-582;Energy Convers. Manage.,2018,159,299-311]。发现了膨胀布局作用的显著性和压缩布局作用的可忽略性,并发现膨胀布局与循环工质饱和气相线斜率的关联性:当工质饱和气相线斜率大时,应采用串联膨胀布局,当工质饱和气相线斜率时,应采用混联膨胀布局,当工质饱和气相线斜率时,应采用并联膨胀布局, 为多级冷凝过程的工质设计和结构选择提供了理论基础。
2) 构建了热力学系统工质和系统构型协同优化的一步法
传统的热力学系统优化框架基于工质选择、构型构建、参数优化三步递进完成,该框架计算量巨大,同时已陷入局部解。针对这一难题,创新性提出了引入工质选择因子和结构选择模块的一步法,构建了该方面的MINLP数学模型,实现了对离散的工质、经验性的系统构型的协同优化[Energy Convers. Manage.,2018,165,354-362]。
图2 热力学系统工质和系统构型协同优化的一步法
随后将提出的方法成功的应用于单级朗肯循环、两级冷凝朗肯循环和三级冷凝朗肯循环的不同组元数工质以及压缩膨胀结构的协同优化[Energy Convers. Manage.,2018,165,354-362, Appl. Therm. Eng., 2018,140,120-130]。相比于传统方法,该方法性能提升达10%,计算时间缩短1-3个数量级。
3) 建立了非共沸混合工质循环浓度的预测方法
图3 非共沸工质组份迁移的理论模型及实验验证
[6] 2021年12月-2024年11月,科技部重点研发计划青年科学项目课题,面向氢气高效分离的无机二维材料膜精密构筑及限域传质机理研究,在研
[5] 2021年1月-2024年12月,国家自然科学基金面上项目(52076025),以膜分离为特征的变组分共沸工质动力循环的研究,在研
[4] 2019年1月-2020年12月,中央高校基本科研业务费(交叉探索科研专题),大温度滑移混合工质组分迁移机理研究,结题
[3] 2017年1月-2018年12月,辽宁省博士启动基金(201601034),大沸程三元非共沸工质有机朗肯循环构建与优化,结题
[2] 2017年1月-2019年12月,国家自然科学基金青年基金(51606025),利用外部温度匹配与内部能量回收的近洛伦兹循环构建与优化,结题
[1] 2015年7月-2016年12月,中央高校基本科研业务费(引进人才科研专题),非共沸工质有机朗肯循环中膨胀机参数设计与优化,结题
[5] 2013年1月-2016年12月,国家自然科学基金面上项目(51276123),混合工质组份可调型有机朗肯循环关键科学问题研究, 在研
[4] 2012年1月-2014年12月,科技部863项目(2012AA051103),200kW级有机朗肯循环太阳能热发电技术,结题
[3] 2011年7月-2014年6月,天津市科技支撑重点项目(11ZCZDGX19800),聚焦太阳能分布式复合供能系统研究与示范,结题
[2] 2010年10月-2012年9月,天津市国际合作专项(10ZCGHHZ00800),聚焦式太阳能高效复合转换技术研究,结题
[1] 2009年1月-2011年12月,国家自然科学基金面上项目(50876071),高温热泵工况下自然工质混合物两类相变传热窄点的研究,结题
Ø 2022年
[49] Junjiang Bao, Xiang He, Yuanyuan Deng, Ning Zhang, Xiaopeng Zhang, Baigang An, Gaohong He*. Parametric analysis and multi-objective optimization of a new combined system of liquid carbon dioxide energy storage and liquid natural gas cold energy power generation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 363, 132591.
[48] Chendi Yang, Xiaopeng Zhang, Ning Zhang, Gaohong He, Junjiang Bao*. How to identify trade-off of thermodynamic and economic performance of the S-CO2 cycle caused by the cycle structures? Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 266, 115817.
[47] Yuying Wei, Xiaopeng Zhang*, Cheng Gao, Xinxin Wang, Ning Zhang, Junjiang Bao, Gaohong He*. Self-template synthesis of Co3O4 nanotube for efficient Hg-0 removal from flue gas. Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 295, 121240.
[46] Xinxin Wang, Xiaopeng Zhang*, Yuying Wei, Cheng Gao, Junjiang Bao, Ning Zhang. Self-template synthesis of Co3O4 nanotube for efficient Hg-0 removal from flue gas. Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 295, 121240.
[45] Xiaopeng Zhang, Xiangkai Han, Yuying Wei, Xinxin Wang, Ning Zhang, Junjiang Bao, Gaohong He*. Single-atom Co-N-C catalyst for efficient Hg-0 oxidation at low temperature. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 428, 132660.
Ø 2021年
[44] Chendi Yang, Yuanyuan Deng, Ning Zhang, Xiaopeng Zhang, Gaohong He, Junjiang Bao*. Optimal structure design of supercritical CO2 power cycle for gas turbine waste heat recovery: A superstructure method. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 198, 117515.
[43] Ning Zhang, Yang Luo, Zhiwei Li, Hui Yu, En Jiang, Zhiying Li, Yan Dai, Junjiang Bao, Xiaopeng Zhang, Gaohong He*. Molecular investigation on the mechanism of permselective transport of CO2/N-2 mixture through graphene slit. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 282, 119986.
[42] Lili Huang, Zhiying Li, Yang Luo, Ning Zhang*, Wenxu Qi, En Jiang, Junjiang Bao, Xiaopeng Zhang, Wenji Zheng, Baigang An*, Gaohong He*. Low-pressure loose GO composite membrane intercalated by CNT for effective dye/salt separation. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 282, 119986.
[41] Xiaopeng Zhang, Xinxin Song, Xinxin Wang, Yuying Wei, Xiangkai Han, Junjiang Bao, Ning Zhang, Gaohong He*. In-situ grown Co3O4 nanoparticles on wood-derived carbon with natural ordered pore structure for efficient removal of Hg-0 from flue gas. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2021, 98, 206-215.
[40] Xiaopeng Zhang, Hang Zhang, Xinxin Song, Xiangkai Han, Junjiang Bao, Ning Zhang, Gaohong He*. Co3O4-based catalysts derived from natural wood with hierarchical structure for elemental mercury oxidation. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2021, 94, 285-293.
Ø 2020年
[39] Junjiang Bao, Lei Zhang, Chunxiao Song, Ning Zhang, Xiaopeng Zhang, Gaohong He*. Comparative study of combined organic Rankine cycle and vapor compression cycle for refrigeration: Single fluid or dual fluid? Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2019, 37, 100595.
[38] En Jiang, Jun Huo, Yang Luo, Zhiying Li, Xiaopeng Zhang, Junjiang Bao, Xiaoming Yan, Gaohong He, Ning Zhang *. Influence of electric field on nanoconfined proton behaviours: A molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of molecular liquids, 2020, 319, 114113.
[37] Ning Zhang, Wenxu Qi, Lili Huang, En Jiang, Jun Huo, Zhiying Li, Yang Luo, Xiaopeng Zhang, Junjiang Bao, Wenji Zheng, Gaohong He*. A composite membrane of cross-linked GO network semi-interpenetrating in polysulfone substrate for dye removal from water. Journal of membrane science, 2020, 613, 118456.
[36] Hongda Zhu, Xinxin Song, Xiangkai Han, Xiaopeng Zhang*, Junjiang Bao, Ning Zhang,Gaohong He*. Co3O4 Nanosheets Preferentially Growing (220) Facet with a Large Amount of Surface Chemisorbed Oxygen for Efficient Oxidation of Elemental Mercury from Flue Gas. Environmental science & technology, 2020, 54(14), 8601-8611.
[35] Xiaopeng Zhang, Xiangkai Han, Chengfeng Li, Xinxin Song, Hongda Zhu, Junjiang Bao, Ning Zhang, Gaohong He*. Promoting Effect of the Core-Shell Structure of MnO2@TiO2 Nanorods on SO2 Resistance in Hg-0 Removal Process. Catalysts, 2020, 10(1).
Ø 2019年
[34] Junjiang Bao, Tong Yuan, Lei Zhang, Ning Zhang, Xiaopeng Zhang*.
Comparative study of three boil-off gas treatment schemes: From an economic perspective, Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 201, 112185. (IF2019= 7.181, JCR热力学2/60)
[33] Tong Yuan, Chunxiao Song, Junjiang Bao*, Ning Zhang, Xiaopeng Zhang, Gaohong He*. Minimizing power consumption of boil off gas (BOG) recondensation process by power generation using cold energy in liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification process, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 238, 117949. (IF2019= 6.395, JCR环境工程8/52)
[32] Junjiang Bao, Lei Zhang, Chunxiao Song, Ning Zhang, Minggang Guo, Xiaopeng Zhang*. Reduction of efficiency penalty for a natural gas combined cycle power plant with post-combustion CO2 capture: Integration of liquid natural gas cold energy, Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 198, 111852. (IF2019= 7.181, JCR热力学2/60)
[31] Junjiang Bao, Tong Yuan, Chunxiao Song, Xiaopeng Zhang, Ning Zhang, Gaohong He*. Thermodynamic analysis of a new double-pressure condensation power generation system recovering LNG cold energy for hydrogen production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(33), 17649-17661. (IF2019= 4.084, JCR能源与燃料31/103)
[30] Junjiang Bao, Tong Yuan, Lei Zhang, Ning Zhang*, Xiaopeng Zhang, Gaohong He*. Comparative study of liquefied natural gas (LNG) cold energy power generation systems in series and parallel, Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 184, 107-126. (IF2019= 7.181, JCR热力学2/60)
[29] Tong Yuan, Chunxiao Song, Ruixiang Zhang, Xiaopeng Zhang, Ning Zhang, Junjiang Bao*. Energy and Economic Optimization of the Multistage Condensation Rankine Cycle That Utilizes LNG Cold Energy: Considerations on Working Fluids and Cycle Configurations. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7(15), 13505-13516. (IF2019= 6.970, JCR化学工程9/138)
[28] Xiaopeng Zhang, Hang Zhang, Hongda Zhu, Chengfeng Li, Ning Zhang, Junjiang Bao*, Gaohong He*. Co3O4 Nanorods with a Great Amount of Oxygen Vacancies for Highly Efficient Hg0 Oxidation from Coal Combustion Flue Gas. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33(7), 6552-6561. (IF2019= 3.021, JCR化学工程46/138)
[27] Ning Zhang, Boyun Yang, Jun Huo, Wenxu Qi, Xiaopeng Zhang, Xuehua Ruan, Junjiang Bao*, Gaohong He*. Hydration structures of vanadium/oxovanadium cations in the presence of sulfuric acid: A molecular dynamics simulation study. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 195, 683-692. (IF2019= 3.372,化工三大期刊)
[26] 张瑞祥,鲍军江*,张宁,张晓鹏,贺高红,三级冷凝朗肯循环的构型和工质同时优化,工程热物理学报,2019, 40(7), 1476-1480.(EI检索)
Ø 2018年
[25] J. Bao, Y. Lin, R.Zhang, X.Zhang, N.Zhang, G. He. Performance enhancement of two-stage condensation combined cycle for LNG cold energy recovery using zeotropic mixtures, Energy, 157 (2018) 588-598.
[24] J. Bao, R.Zhang, Y. Lin, N.Zhang, X.Zhang, G. He. Simultaneous optimization of system structure and working fluid for the three-stage condensation Rankine cycle utilizing LNG cold energy, Applied Thermal Engineering, 140 (2018) 120–130.
[23] J. Bao, R.Zhang, T. Yuan, X.Zhang, N.Zhang, G. He. A simultaneous approach to optimize the component and composition of zeotropic mixture for power generation systems, Energy Conversion and Management, 165 (2018) 354-362.
[22] J. Bao, R.Zhang, Y. Lin, N.Zhang, X.Zhang, G. He. The effect of the arrangements for compression process and expansion process on the performance of the two-stage condensation Rankine cycle, Energy Conversion and Management, 159 (2018) 299-311. (IF= 5.589,JCR分区-1区,中科院分区1区,Top期刊)
Ø 2017年
[21] J. Bao, Y. Lin, G. He. Working fluids comparison and thermodynamic analysis of a transcritical power and ejector refrigeration cycle (TPERC), International Journal of Refrigeration,82 (2017) 262-272.(IF=2.779,JCR分区-1区,中科院分区3区)
[20] J. Bao, Y. Lin, R.Zhang,N.Zhang, G. He. Strengthening power generation efficiency utilizing liquefied natural gas cold energy by a novel two-stage condensation Rankine cycle (TCRC) system, Energy Conversion and Management, 143 (2017) 312-325. (IF= 5.589,JCR分区-1区,中科院分区1区,Top期刊)
[19] J. Bao, Y. Lin, R.Zhang, N.Zhang, G. He. Effects of stage number of condensing process on the power generation systems for LNG cold energy recovery, Applied Thermal Engineering,126 (2017) 566-582. (IF= 3.356,JCR分区-1区,中科院分区2区,Top期刊)
[18] Y.Lin,J. Bao*, G. He, Study of multi-stage condensation power generation systems for LNG cold energy recovery, the 9th International Conference on Applied Energy, Cardiff,United Kingdom, 21-24 August 2017.
[17] 林岩,鲍军江*,张瑞祥,贺高红, 朗肯循环冷凝级数对LNG冷能发电影响,2017年中国工程热物理学会工程热力学与能源利用学术会议, 浙江,宁波, 2017年10月20-22日.
[16] 张瑞祥,鲍军江*,林岩,贺高红, 压缩和膨胀过程对两级冷凝朗肯循环性能影响的研究,2017年中国工程热物理学会工程热力学与能源利用学术会议, 浙江,宁波, 2017年10月20-22日.
Ø 2016年
[15] J. Bao, L. Zhao, Experimental research on the influence of system parameters on the composition shift for zeotropic mixture (isobutane/pentane) in a system occurring phase change, Energy Conversion and Management, 113 (2016) 1-15.
[14] J. Bao, G. He, Parameter analysis and optimization of a small-scale radial turbine using zeotropic mixture for organic Rankine cycle by multiple-population genetic algorithm, in: 15th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, Singapore, 19-22 July 2016.
Ø 2014年
[13] L. Zhao, J. Bao, The influence of composition shift on organic Rankine cycle (ORC) with zeotropic mixtures, Energy conversion and Management, 83 (2014) 203-211.
[12] L. Zhao, J. Bao, Thermodynamic analysis of organic Rankine cycle using zeotropic mixtures, Applied Energy, 130 (2014) 748-756.
[11] Y. Tan, L. Zhao, J. Bao, Q. Liu, Experimental investigation on heat loss of semi-spherical cavity receiver, Energy Conversion and Management, 87 (2014) 576-583.
[10] 鲍军江, 赵力, 非共沸工质有机朗肯循环的热力学分析, 工程热物理学报, (2014) 1479-1483.
[9] 谭雨亭, 赵力, 鲍军江, 邓帅, 有机朗肯循环太阳能热发电辅助燃煤电厂 CO2 捕集系统技术经济性分析, 机械工程学报, 50 (2014) 151-156.
Ø 2013年
[8] J. Bao, L. Zhao, A review of working fluid and expander selections for organic Rankine cycle, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 24 (2013) 325-342.
[7] J. Bao, L. Zhao, Thermodynamic analysis of organic Rankine cycle using zeotropic mixtures, in: the 5th International Conference on Applied Energy, Pretoria,South Africa, Jul 1-4, 2013.
[6] J. Bao, L. Zhao, A novel auto-cascade Rankine cycle (ARC) for improving the peformance of organic Rankine cycle in: The 2nd International Seminar on ORC Power Systems, De Doelen Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Oct 7-8, 2013.
[5] 鲍军江, 赵力, 混合工质有机朗肯循环的热力学分析, 2013工程热物理年会, 内蒙古,呼和浩特, 2013年9月26-29日.
Ø 2012年
[4] J. Bao, L. Zhao, Exergy analysis and parameter study on a novel auto-cascade Rankine cycle, Energy, 48 (2012) 539-547.
[3] J. Bao, L. Zhao, Analysis of a combined power and cooling cycle, in: the 4th International Conference on Applied Energy, Suzhou, China, Jul 5-8, 2012.
Ø 2011年
[2] J. Bao, L. Zhao, W. Zhang, A novel auto-cascade low-temperature solar Rankine cycle system for power generation, Solar Energy, 85 (2011) 2710-2719.
[1] 鲍军江, 赵力, 宋卫东, 组分迁移对 R407C 相变换热影响的理论分析, 机械工程学报, 47 (2011) 127-132.
[4] 鲍军江,张磊,宋春晓,贺高红;一种基于电厂内部能量回收的CO2压缩液化可调式复合系统,发明专利,(授权号:ZL201811358336.X)
[3] 鲍军江,张瑞祥,林岩,贺高红;一种利用地热能的两级跨临界朗肯循环发电系统,发明专利,(授权号:ZL201710011675.X)
[2] 赵力,郑楠,杨兴洋,鲍军江;蒸汽压缩制冷循环膨胀功回收系统,发明专利(授权号:201410133244.7)
[1] 赵力,黄炜,鲍军江;一种蓄能型余热回收系统,实用新型.(授权号:201420575902.3)