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个人信息Personal Information
个人简介Personal Profile
2018.12-今 大连理工大学 能源与动力学院 教授, 能源与动力学院副院长
2016.07-今 大连理工大学 能源与动力学院 博士生导师
2013.12-2018.12 大连理工大学 能源与动力学院 副教授,内燃机党支部书记/副所长
2007.07-今 大连理工大学 能源与动力学院 硕士生导师
2006.06-2013.12 大连理工大学 能源与动力学院 讲师,内燃机党支部书记/教研室副主任
2002.07-2006.06 大连理工大学 能源与动力学院 (博士生提前留校) 助教,内燃机教研室副主任
2010.01-2011.01 University of Southampton(英国南安普顿大学) 访问学者(博士后)
2013.03-2014.12 Sao Paulo State University(巴西圣保罗州立大学) 访问学者
1 专著
[1] Brennan M J, Tang B (唐斌). Virtual Experiments in Mechanical Vibrations: Structural Dynamics and Signal Processing[M]. Chichester: Wiley, 2022.09.28. ISBN: 9781118307977.
[2] Brennan M J, Tang B (唐斌), Almeida F C L. Wave Motion in Elastic Structures[M]. Chapter 3 in Dynamics of Smart Systems and Structures—Concepts and Applications, Edited by Lopes Jr. V, Steffen Jr. V, Savi M A, Springer, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-29982-2_3.
[3] 隆武强, 许锋, 冯立岩, 唐斌, 杜宝国, 田江平. 内燃机原理教程(第四版)[M]. 大连: 大连理工大学出版社,2023.
[4] 隆武强, 许锋, 冯立岩, 唐斌, 杜宝国, 田江平. 内燃机原理教程(第三版)[M]. 大连: 大连理工大学出版社,2019.
[5] 许锋, 隆武强, 冯立岩, 唐斌, 杜宝国, 田江平. 内燃机原理教程(第二版)[M]. 大连: 大连理工大学出版社,2015. (“十二五”普通高等学校教育本科国家级规划教材)
[6] 许锋, 隆武强, 冯立岩, 唐斌, 杜宝国. 内燃机原理教程(第一版)[M]. 大连: 大连理工大学出版社,2011.
[7] 许锋, 冯立岩, 唐斌, 刘学术. 内燃机原理教程[M]. 大连理工大学自印教材,2005.
2 期刊论文
2.1 期刊论文 (前二名作者 + 通讯作者)
[1] Cai X Y(研究生), Tang B(唐斌) (通讯作者). Mechanical controlled robotic gripper with bistability for fast and adaptive grasping[J]. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 2023, 18(1): 014001. [SCI: 000905339300001 EI: 20232014081196]
[2] Tang B(唐斌), Chen T, Zhang P, Li S Q. Walking locomotion of a cable-driven soft-legged robot[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2023, 237(9): 2163-2170. [SCI: 000884347800001 EI: 20224713136773]
[3] Zhang P(研究生), Tang B (唐斌)(通讯作者). A two-finger soft gripper based on bistable mechanism[J]. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2022, 7(4): 11330-11337. [SCI: 000849612000018 EI: 20223512668135]
[4] Zhang P(研究生), Chen W C, Tang B (唐斌)(通讯作者). From two-dimensional to three-dimensional: Diversified bending modality of a cable-driven actuator and its grasping characteristics[J]. Soft Robotics, 2022, 9(6): 1154-1166. [SCI: 000757351700001 EI: 20230613550643]
[5] Wang S B, Tang B (唐斌)(通讯作者). A comparative study of parameter identification methods for asymmetric nonlinear systems with quadratic and cubic stiffness[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(15): 5854. [SCI: 000839765900001 EI: 20223612696436]
[6] Wu W L(研究生), Tang B (唐斌)(通讯作者). Performance analysis of a geometrically nonlinear isolation system subjected to high levels of excitation[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022, 108: 612-628. [SCI: 000798171500009 EI: 20221912082223]
[7] Zhang P(研究生), Chen W C, Tang B (唐斌)(通讯作者). Design and feasibility tests of a lightweight soft gripper for compliant and flexible envelope grasping[J]. Soft Robotics, 2022, 9(2): 376-385. [SCI: 000658440500001 EI: 20221812058568]
[8] Wu W L(研究生), Tang B (唐斌)(通讯作者). Analysis of a bio-inspired multistage nonlinear vibration isolator: an elliptic harmonic balance approach[J]. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2022, 92(1): 183-198. [SCI: 000702969100001 EI: 20214010979890]
[9] Wang S B(研究生), Tang B (唐斌)(通讯作者). Estimating quadratic and cubic stiffness nonlinearity of a nonlinear vibration absorber with geometric imperfections[J]. Measurement, 2021, 185: 110005. [SCI: 000704908700003 EI: 20213510832414] (Nov 2021)
[10] Wu W L(研究生), Tang B (唐斌)(通讯作者). The elliptic harmonic balance method for the performance analysis of a two-stage vibration isolation system with geometric nonlinearity[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2021, 2021: 6690686. [SCI: 000627393800002 EI: 20211110077396]
[11] Wu W L(研究生), Tang B (唐斌)(通讯作者). An approximate method for solving force and displacement transmissibility of a geometrically nonlinear isolation system[J]. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2020, 124: 103512. [SCI: 000560543700001 EI: 20202308777697]
[12] Tang Bin(唐斌), Wang S B, Brennan M J, Feng L Y, Chen W C. Identifying the stiffness and damping of a nonlinear system using its free response perturbed with Gaussian white noise[J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2020, 26(9-10): 830-839. [SCI: 000502489400001 EI: 20200207986663]
[13] Tang Bin(唐斌), Brennan M J, Manconi E. On the use of the phase closure principle to calculate the natural frequencies of a rod or beam with nonlinear boundaries[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018, 433: 461-475. [SCI: 000442656300026 EI: 20183005603586]
[14] Tang Bin (唐斌), Brennan M J, Gatti G. Use of the dynamic stiffness method to interpret experimental data from a nonlinear system[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018, 421: 91-110. [SCI: 000427997600006 EI: 20181104901937]
[15] Feng L Y, Zhai J, Qu C, Li B, Tian J P, Chen L, Wang WY, Long W Q, Tang B (唐斌)(通讯作者). The influence of enrichment injection angles on the performance of a pre-chamber spark-ignition natural gas engine[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2018, 232(5) 679-694. [SCI: 000429915400007 EI: 20181605025291]
[16] Tang Bin (唐斌), Meng X, Zhang F L, Brennan M J, Lau G K, Wang Z, Feng L Y(通讯作者). Theoretical and practical investigation into the use of a bio-inspired "click" mechanism for the flight motor of a micro air vehicle[J]. International Journal of Micro Air Vehicle, 2017, 9(2): 136-145. [SCI: 000403468600005 EI: 20172503800392]
[17] Feng L Y(共同通讯作者), Zhai J, Chen L, Long W Q, Tian J P, Tang B (唐斌)(共同通讯作者). Increasing the application of gas engines to decrease China’s GHG emissions[J]. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 2017, 22(12): 1-23. [SCI: 000405606900001]
[18] Tang Bin (唐斌), Brennan M J, Gatti G, Ferguson N S. Experimental characterization of a nonlinear vibration absorber using free vibration[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2016, 367: 159-169. [SCI: 000369059500011 EI: 20160301819548]
[19] Tang Bin (唐斌), Brennan M J, Lopes Jr. V, da Silva S, Ramlan R. Using nonlinear jumps to estimate cubic stiffness nonlinearity: An experimental study [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2016, 230(19): 3575-3581. [SCI: 000392870900017 EI: 20165003104073]
[20] Carranza J C(研究生), Brennan M J, Tang B (唐斌)(通讯作者). Sources and propagation of nonlinearity in a vibration isolator with geometrically nonlinear damping[J]. Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2016, 138(2): 024501. [SCI: 000371389700019 EI: 20155101688227]
[21] Feng L Y, Du B G, Tian J P, Long W Q, Tang B (唐斌)(通讯作者). Combustion performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine using a water-emulsified heavy fuel oil and light diesel blend[J]. Energies, 2015, 8(12): 13628-13640. [SCI: 000367531500018 EI: 20160101757341]
[22] Tang Bin (唐斌), Brennan M J. On the shock performance of a nonlinear vibration isolator with high-static-low-dynamic-stiffness[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2014, 81: 207-214. [SCI: 000335098200021 EI: 20141317517274]
[23] Brennan M J, Tang B (唐斌), Pechoto Melo G, Lopes Jr. V. An investigation into the simultaneous use of a resonator as an energy harvester and a vibration absorber[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2014, 333(5): 1331-1343. [SCI: 000330553500008 EI: 20135217124478]
[24] Tang Bin (唐斌), Brennan M J. On the influence of the mode-shapes of a marine propulsion shafting system on the prediction of torsional stresses[J]. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2013, 21(2): 209-214. [SCI: 000318457800013 EI: 20132016327467]
[25] Tang Bin (唐斌), Brennan M J. A comparison of two nonlinear damping mechanisms in a vibration isolator [J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2013, 332(3): 510-520. [SCI: 000311195400003 EI: 20124415616239]
[26] Tang Bin (唐斌), Brennan M J. A comparison of the effects of nonlinear damping on the free vibration of a single-degree-of-freedom system[J]. Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2012, 134(2): 024501. [SCI: 000310500400021 EI: 20120414705676]
[27] Tang Bin (唐斌), Brennan M J. On the dynamic behaviour of the "click" mechanism in dipteran flight[J]. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2011, 289, 173-180. [SCI: 000296222800018]
[28] Tang Bin (唐斌). Dynamic analysis of crankshafts using dynamic stiffness matrix[J]. Journal of Ship Mechanics (English Edition), 2009, 13(3): 465-476. [EI: 20092912195470]
[29] Tang B. (唐斌). Continuum element method for analysing free-vibration behaviour of crankshafts [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2009, 223(1): 49-64. [SCI: 000263370500005 EI: 20092812181717]
[30] Tang Bin (唐斌). Combined dynamic stiffness matrix and precise time integration method for transient forced vibration response analysis of beams[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2008, 309(3-5): 868-876. [SCI: 000251627500029 EI: 20074510913484]
[31] 夏震昊, 唐斌(通讯作者), 于紫江. "Click"运动高升力机制[J]. 大连理工大学学报, 2024, 64(1): 9-20.
[32] 孙英淳, 唐斌(通讯作者), 蔡先阳. 基于倒谱–对称点图谱–卷积神经网络的内燃机增压器滚动轴承故障诊断[J]. 内燃机工程, 2023, 44(6): 69-76.
[33] 陈涛, 唐斌(通讯作者), 张平. 三足软体爬行机器人设计与研究[J]. 大连理工大学学报, 2022, 62(6): 633-640.
[34] 许文峰, 唐斌(通讯作者), Brennan M J, Manconi E, Gonçalves P J P. 具有非线性刚度边界的杆梁结构的动态特性分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2022, 41(14): 158-163. [EI: 20225013221581]
[35] 蒋万里, 唐斌(通讯作者), 张平. 线驱动柔性臂捕获装置的多体动力学特性分析[J]. 现代制造技术与装备, 2021, (7): 28-29.
[36] 赵帅, 唐斌(通讯作者), 唐运榜, 安西方. 计及活塞销间隙的内燃机曲柄连杆机构动力学分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2013, 32(4): 133-137. [EI: 20131416162325]
[37] 唐斌, 安西方, 何鑫, 金玉奇, 王正, 宋希庚. 橡胶钢丝绳复合隔振器动力学建模与参数识别[J]. 振动、测试与诊断, 2012, 32(5): 746-749. [EI: 20124915770468]
[38] 王江涛, 唐斌(通讯作者), 薛冬新, 宋希庚. 橡胶钢丝绳复合隔振器的试验[J]. 振动、测试与诊断, 2011, 31(4): 488-491. [EI: 20113914375017]
[39] 尹燕平, 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚. 基于ADAMS的柴油机配气机构动力学分析[J]. 船舶工程, 2010, 32(Sup. 2): 52-54.
[40] 唐斌. 连续梁单元动态刚度矩阵数值问题的研究[J]. 力学与实践, 2009, 31(4): 32-36.
[41] 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚. 复杂分支轴系扭转振动分析的研究进展[J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2009, 29(3): 1-5.
[42] 王平, 唐斌, 宋希庚, 孙有根. 共轨柴油机燃烧系统的匹配研究[J]. 热科学与技术, 2008, 7(3): 252-255.
[43] 孙连科, 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚. 柴油机曲轴有限元分析及结构优化设计[J]. 拖拉机与农用运输车. 2007, 34(3):54-55.
[44] 孙连科, 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚. 6110柴油机曲轴的三维有限元分析[J]. 车用发动机,2007, (2):81-84.
[45] 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚. VA-10振动分析仪通讯程序的实现及应用[J]. 仪表技术与传感器, 2005, (8): 8-10.
[46] 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚. 双机并桨船舶推进轴系扭转振动分析[J]. 船舶工程, 2004, 26(2): 32-35.
[47] 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚. 复杂分支轴系扭转振动计算的解析矩阵法[J]. 东北大学学报, 2003, 24(s2): 17-20.
[47] 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚. 复杂分支轴系扭转振动计算的动态矩阵法[J]. 船舶工程, 2003, 25(3): 24-27.
[48] 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚. 应用Visual C++集成内燃机CAD系统[J]. 小型内燃机与摩托车, 2002, 31(5): 32-35.
[49] 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚. 应用Visual C++实现内燃机CAD应用程序与数据库的通讯[J]. 交通与计算机, 2002, 20(3): 49-51.
2.2 其他期刊论文
[1] Gonçalves P J P, Shaw A D, Brennan M J, Tang B (唐斌), Gatti G. An investigation into the interaction between a nonlinear resonance and a fixed anti-resonance in a harmonically excited system[J]. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2023, 157: 104531. [SCI: 001086976300001 EI: 20234114848975]
[2] Qu W J, Fang Y, Wang Z X, Song M J, Wang Q K, Tang B (唐斌), Feng L Y. Hydrogen/PRF skeletal mechanism study based on shock tube experiments and kinetic analysis[J]. Fuel, 2023, 333: 126342. [SCI: 000880307600003 EI: 20224312994030]
[3] Shaw A D, Gatti G, Gonçalves P J P, Tang B (唐斌), Brennan M J. Design and test of an adjustable quasi-zero stiffness device and its use to suspend masses on a multi-modal structure[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, 152: 107354. [SCI: 000634844500003 EI: 20205009613222]
[4] Iwanaga M K, Brennan M J, Tang B (唐斌), Scussel O, Almeida F C L. Some features of the acceleration impulse response function[J]. Meccanica, 2021, 56(1): 169-177. [SCI: 000604881000004 EI: 20210109732800] (Doi: 10.1007/s11012-020-01265-4, JAN 2021 WOS)
[5] Ledezma-Ramirez D F, Tapia-González P E, Ferguson N S, Brennan M J, Tang B (唐斌). Recent advances in shock isolation: A overview and future possibilities[J]. Applied Mechanics Review, 2019, 71(6): 060802. [SCI: 000506856500002 EI: 20193907474850]
[6] Gonçalves P J P, Brennan M J, Peplow A, Tang B (唐斌). Calculation of the natural frequencies and mode shapes of a Euler-Bernoulli beam which has any combination of linear boundary conditions[J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2019, 25(18): 2473-2479. [SCI: 000483845700006 EI: 20192707146887]
[7] Gatti G, Brennan M J, Tang B (唐斌). Some diverse examples of exploiting the beneficial effects of geometric stiffness nonlinearity[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 125: 4-20. [SCI: 000466061300002 EI: 20184105914486]
[8] Ledezma-Ramirez D F, Ferguson N S, Brennan M J, Tang B (唐斌). An experimental nonlinear low dynamic stiffness device for shock isolation[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2015, 347: 1-13. [SCI: 000353197100001 EI: 20151500733764]
[9] Abolfathi A, Brennan M J, Waters T P, Tang B (唐斌). On the effects of mistuning a force-excited system containing a quasi zero stiffness vibration isolator[J]. Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2015, 137(4): 044502. [SCI: 000357162500021 EI: 20151300686504]
[10] 周禛, 薛冬新, 唐斌, 孟浩. 某中速柴油机冷却液流动及流固耦合传热计算分析[J]. 柴油机, 2013, 35(1): 17-21.
[11] 薛冬新, 于学兵, 唐斌, 宋希庚. 6110柴油机曲轴静动态特性分析[J]. 东北大学学报, 2004, 25(s1): 92-95.
[12] 薛冬新, 韩冰, 陈亮, 唐斌. 基于有限元和多体动力学的柴油机支座作用力的计算[J]. 科学技术与工程, 2012, 12(8): 1917-1919.
[13] 宋希庚, 顾大鹏, 薛冬新, 唐斌. 某柴油机机体支反力的有限元分析[J]. 内燃机, 2012, (2): 20-22.
[14] 姜男, 薛冬新, 宋希庚, 唐斌. 基于独立分量分析方法的柴油机噪声分离研究[J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2010, 30(5): 141-144.
[15] 王平, 宋希庚, 薛冬新, 唐斌, 石磊, 丁春雨, 胡朝阳. 基于独立分量分析和时频分析的柴油机燃烧噪声研究 II:预喷射影响分析[J]. 内燃机学报, 2009, 27(4): 359-362. [EI: 20093412260679]
[16] 王平, 宋希庚, 薛冬新, 唐斌, 石磊, 丁春雨, 胡朝阳. 基于独立分量分析和时频分析的柴油机燃烧噪声研究 I: 燃烧噪声分析[J]. 内燃机学报, 2009, 27(4): 352-358. [EI: 20093412260678]
[17] 迟志伟, 宋希庚, 薛冬新, 唐斌. 基于Ansys的6110柴油机曲轴有限元分析[J]. 小型内燃机与摩托车, 2009, 38(3): 1-4.
[18] 陈亮, 宋希庚, 明章杰, 唐斌, 薛冬新. 基于有限元和多体动力学的柴油机曲轴动态强度与冲击响应分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2008, 27(11): 186-189. [EI: 20085111797899]