Cao Jianfang
Associate Professor Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Alma Mater:大连理工大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree
Business Address:D01-313B
Major:Chemical Engineering
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates
Degree:Master's Degree
Current Status:At School
Date of Registration:2022-09-01
曹建芳,2020年9月-今 大连理工大学化工学院盘锦分院副教授,硕士生导师。
(1) 光功能材料的发光机理与分子设计
(2) 荧光探针识别机制的理论研究
(1) Cao J* , Zhang T, Sun W*, The control of chemical structures of dual-functioning photosensitizers as both therapeutic and imaging agents.Dyes and Pigments, 2022,208,110797.
(2)Cao J , Sun W,Fan J*, Insights into bishemicyanines with long emission wavelengths and high sensitivity in viscous environments. Chinese Chem Lette., 2020, 31, 1402–1405.
(3) Xi D, Xiao M, Cao J, Zhao L, Xu N, Long S, Fan J, Shao K, Sun W,* Yan X, and Peng X*. NIR Light-Driving Barrier-Free Group Rotation in Nanoparticles with an 88.3% Photothermal Conversion Efficiency for Photothermal Therapy. Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 1907855.
(4) Zhao X, Long S, Li M, Cao J, Li Y, Guo L, Sun W, Du J, Fan J*, and Peng X. Oxygen-Dependent Regulation of Excited-State Deactivation Process of Rational Photosensitizer for Smart Phototherapy. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 1510−1517
(5) Gao F, Li L, Fan J*, Cao J, Li Y, Chen Y, and Peng X. An Off−On Two-Photon Carbazole-Based Fluorescent Probe: Highly Targeting and Super-Resolution Imaging of mtDNA. Anal. Chem., 2019, 91(5), 3336-3341.
(6) Xiao M#, Sun W #, Fan J*, Cao J, Li Y, Shao Y, Li M, Li X, Kang Y, Zhang W, Long S, Du J, Peng X, Aminopeptidase-N-activated theranostic prodrug for NIR tracking of local tumor chemotherapy. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 1805128.
(7) Li M, Fan J, Du J, Cao J, Peng X*, Inhibiting proton interference in PET chemosensors by tuning the HOMO energy of fluorophores. Sensors Actuators B: Chem. 2018, 259, 626-632.
(8) Zhu H, Fan J*, Li M, Cao J, Wang J, Peng X*.A "Distorted-BODIPY"-based fluorescent probe for imaging of cellular viscosity in live cells. Chem-eur J, 2014, 20(16), 4691-4696
(9) Cao J, Fan J, Sun, Yang Z, Hu C, Peng X*, The ratiometric dual-fluorescence of near infrared absorbing aminocyanine dyes: A mechanistic study. Dyes Pigments, 2017, 141:379-387.
(10) Cao J, Fan J, Sun W, Guo Y, Wu H and Peng X*, The photoprocess effects of an amino group located at different positions along the polymethine chain in indodicarbocyanine dyes. RSC Adv., 2017, 7: 30740-30746.
(11) 曹建芳*, 樊江莉*, 郭宇, 吴红梅. 密度泛函方法研究噻唑橙类菁染料的光谱性质. 应用化学, 2017, 12(34):1474-1480.
(12) Cao J*, Wu H, Zheng Y, Nie F, Li M, and Zou C, Hydrogen-bonding study of photoexcited 4-nitro-1,8-naphthalimide in hydrogen-donating solvents. Open Phys. 2016; 14:621–627.
(13) Cao J, Hu C, Sun W, Xu Q, Fan J, Song F, Sun S, Peng X*, The mechanism of different sensitivity of meso-substituted and unsubstituted cyanine dyes in rotation-restricted environments for biomedical imaging applications. RSC Adv., 2014, 4(26):13385-13394.
(14) Yang Z, Cao J, He Y, Yang J, Kim T, Peng X*, Kim J, Macro-/micro-environment-sensitive chemosensing and biological imaging. Chem. Soc. Rev., 2014, 43(13): 4563-4601.
(15) Zhu H, Fan J*, Li M, Cao J, Wang J, Peng X*, A "Distorted-BODIPY"-based fluorescent probe for imaging of cellular viscosity in live cells. Chem-eur J, 2014, 20(16): 4691-4696.
(16) Cheng G, Fan J*, Sun W, Cao J, Peng X*, A near-infrared fluorescent probe for selective detection of HClO based on Se-sensitized aggregation of heptamethine cyanine dye. Chem. Commun., 2014, 50(8):1018-1020.
(17) Cao J, Hu C, Liu F, Sun W, Fan J, Song F, Sun S, Peng X*, Mechanism and nature of the different viscosity sensitivities of hemicyanine dyes with various heterocycles. Chemphyschem, 2013, 14(8): 1601 -1608.
(18) Cao J*, Wu T, Sun W, Chong Hu, Time-dependent density functional theory study on the excited-state hydrogen bonding strengthening of photoexcited 4-amino-1,8-naphthalimide in hydrogen-donating solvents. J. Phys. Org. Chem., 2013, 26(4): 289-294.
(19) Li H#, Cao J#, Zhu H, Fan J*, Peng X*, Optical Pd2+ sensing by rhodamine hydrazone ligands: different stoichiometries in aqueous/nonaqueous environments, Tetrahedron Lett., 2013, 54(33):4357-4361.
(20) Hu C, Sun W, Cao J, Gao P, Wang J, Fan J, Song F, Sun S, Peng X*, A ratiometric near-Infrared fluorescent probe for hydrazine and its in vivo applications. Org. Lett., 2013, 15(15): 4022-4025.
(21) Liu F, Wu T, Cao J, Zhang H, Hu M, Sun S, Song F, Fan J, Wang J*, Peng J*, A novel fluorescent sensor for detection of highly reactive oxygen species, and for imaging such endogenous hROS in the mitochondria of living cells. Analyst, 2013, 138(3): 775 - 778.
(22) Liu F, Wu T, Cao J, Cui S, Yang Z, Sun S, Song F, Fan J, Wang J, Peng X*, Ratiometric detection of viscosity using a two-photon fluorescent sensor. Chem-eur J, 2013, 19(5):1548-1553.
(23) Sun W, Fan J*, Hu C, Cao J, Zhang H, Xiong X, Wang J, Cui S, Sun S, Peng X*, A two-photon fluorescent probe with near-infrared emission for hydrogen sulfide imaging in biosystems, Chem. Commun. 2013, 49(37): 3890-3892.
(24) Zhu H, Fan J*, Zhang S, Cao J, Song K, Ge D, Dong H, Wang J, Peng X*, Ratiometric fluorescence imaging of lysosomal Zn2+ release under oxidative stress in neural stem cells, Biomaterials Science, 2013, 2(1):89-97.
(25) Jiang N, Fan J*, Liu T, Cao J, Qiao B, Wang J, Gao P, Peng X*, A near-infrared dye based on BODIPY for tracking morphology changes in mitochondria. Chem. Commun., 2013, 49(30): 10620 -10622.
(26) Zhang H, Fan J*, Wang J, Dou B, Zhou F, Cao J, Qu J, Cao Z, Zhao W, Peng X*, Ratiometric fluorescence imaging of lysosomal Zn2+ release under oxidative stress in neural stem cells. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135(46):17469-17475.
(27) Yang Z, He Y, Lee J, Park N, Suh M, Chae W, Cao J, Peng X, Jung H, Kang C*, Kim J*, A self-calibrating bipartite viscosity sensor for mitochondria. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135(24):9181-9185.
(28) Cao J, Wu T, Hu C, Liu T, Sun W, Fan J, Peng X*, The nature of the different environmental sensitivity of symmetrical and unsymmetrical cyanine dyes: an experimental and theoretical study. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012, 14(39):13702-13708.
(1)大 连 理 工 大 学基本科研业务费,DUT20RC(3)076 双半菁染料产生比例双荧光的机理研究,35万元,主持,在研。
(2)2020年辽宁省自然科学基金面上项目,2020-MS-293, 吩噻嗪类荧光染料作为焦磷酸盐探针的设计及应用,5万元,主持,在研。