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Outage Analysis of Cognitive AF Relay Networks with Multiple Primary Users and Heterogeneous Non-identical Parameters


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2014-11-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI



Page Number:1031-1051

ISSN No.:0929-6212

Key Words:Cognitive AF relay networks; Exact outage probability expression; Asymptotic outage probability expression; Multiple PUs; Non-identical Rayleigh fading channels; Heterogeneous non-identical parameters

Abstract:In this paper, we investigate outage performance of dual-hop cognitive AF relay networks with multiple primary users (PUs) and heterogeneous non-identical parameters, including non-identical Rayleigh fading channels, non-identical interference power constraints of PUs, and non-identical noise powers in signals. To overcome the analysis complexity resulted from the consideration of heterogeneous non-identical parameters completely, we conduct our analysis in two steps. In the first step, we focus on networks with non-identical Rayleigh fading channels but with identical interference power constraints and identical noise powers. As analysis results, both the exact closed-form expression and asymptotic closed-form expression of the cumulative distribution function of equivalent end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio of the network are obtained. Then in the second step, we propose a method for transforming networks with heterogeneous non-identical parameters into new networks with identical interference power constraints and identical noise powers meanwhile guaranteeing that outage performance of the two networks before and after the transformation are identical. Hence, outage performance of networks with heterogeneous non-identical parameters can be obtained by applying the analysis results in the fist step to the corresponding transformed networks. Numerical simulations validate the correctness of our analysis, and the simulations also indicate that taking multiple PUs and the diversity of the parameters into consideration is of key importance in obtaining a more accurate estimation of outage performance of such networks.

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