Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Title : Visiting Professor of Chinese Academy of Engineering Innovation Strategy
Title of Paper:The position of preprint in scholarly communication: A bibliometric and empirical study of arXiv
Date of Publication:2017-10-16
Included Journals:EI
Page Number:799-809
Abstract:This paper explores the position of Prepint in scholarly communication through bibliometric and empirical analysis of the arXiv-deposited papers in Information science & library science field and Robotics field, and focuses on four aspects, including 'increasing trend', 'time gap', 'citation advantage' and 'citation trend' in these two fields to demonstrate the effect of Preprint. The results show that the amount of preprints is increasing, most authors prefer to publish a pre-print in a journal or submit a post-preprint to arXiv within two years, the preprints have an obvious citation advantage compared with the papers only published in journals, and the citation increases rapidly after submitting the post-prints to arXiv.
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