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Application of Improved Software Phase-Locked-Loop in DSTATCOM


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2018-01-01

Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S


Page Number:354-363

Key Words:DSTATCOM; DC-Link voltage; Switch losses; Series capacitor; SPLL

Abstract:In the algorithm of instantaneous reactive power theory (IPIQ), the rotation angle of the synchronous rotating coordinate system is an important parameter that has to be supervised in real time. In this paper, we propose an improved software phase-lock-loop (SPLL) that accurately lock of the rotation angle of the fundamental positive sequence component in the unbalance grid voltage by establishing a virtual symmetrical three-phase system and then calculate the compensation current components. In this paper, we introduce a new structure of the traditional Distribution Static Synchronous Compensator (DSTAT-COM) main circuit, which considered as a combination of the conventional DSTATCOM topology with a capacitor Cf in series and the surfacing inductance. However, unlike the traditional DSTATCOM DC-Link that requires a fairly high DC voltage along with the high switching losses, the series capacitor reduces DC-Link voltage significantly, in the meanwhile compensates the reactive power required by the load without compromising DSTATCOM performance. Finally, a simulation study has been carried out by the author using Simulink to verify the proposed topology.

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