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3DCS: A 3-D Dynamic Collaborative Scheduling Scheme for Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks with Heterogeneous Chargers


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2018-01-01

Included Journals:CPCI-S


Page Number:311-320

Key Words:3-D Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks; Heterogeneous Chargers; Collaborative Scheduling

Abstract:With the rise of wireless power transfer technology, charging scheduling issue is prevalent in wireless rechargeable sensor networks (WRSNs). Most prior arts focused on two-dimensional (2-D) networks with homogeneous mobile chargers. However, three-dimensional (3-D) networks with collaborations among heterogeneous mobile chargers are more practical. In this paper, we consider 3-D networks in which wireless charging vehicles (WCVs) are employed with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). To prolong network lifetime, we focus on device sleep time and energy usage and propose a 3-D Dynamic Collaborative Scheduling scheme (3DCS). Theoretical values of energy threshold and partition number are determined to assign charging tasks to chargers. Then, scheduling algorithms that include target selection, infeasibility test, and target update, are developed. In addition, a collaborative algorithm is developed to re-assign charging tasks from busy chargers toward their neighboring chargers to further improve charging efficiency. Test-bed experiments and extensive simulations reveal that, compared with several distinguished scheduling schemes, our scheme has a superior performance in charging throughput, energy efficiency, and other characteristics.

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