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Enhancing the attacking efficiency of the node capture attack in WSN: a matrix approach


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2013-11-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI



Page Number:989-1007

ISSN No.:0920-8542

Key Words:Node capture attack; Wireless sensor networks; Attacking efficiency; Energy cost

Abstract:In the node capture attack, the adversary intelligently captures nodes and extracts the cryptographic keys from their memories to destroy the security, reliability and confidentiality of the wireless sensor networks. However, it suffers from low attacking efficiency and high resource expenditure. In this paper, we approach this attack from an adversarial view and develop a matrix-based method to model the process of the node capture attack. We establish a matrix to indicate the compromising relationship between the nodes and the paths. We propose a Matrix-based node capture attack Algorithm (MA in short), which can maximize the destructiveness while consuming the minimum resource expenditure. We conduct several experiments to show the performance of MA. Experimental results manifest that MA can reduce the attacking round, shorten the execution time, enhance the attacking efficiency and conserve the energy cost.

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