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Change in Convection Mixing Properties with Salinity and Temperature: CO(2)Storage Application


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2021-12-15




Key Words:convection mixing; finger; dissolved mass; CO(2)storage

Abstract:In this study, we visualised CO2-brine, density-driven convection in a Hele-Shaw cell. Several experiments were conducted to analyse the effects of the salinity and temperature. The salinity and temperature of fluids were selected according to the storage site. By using charge coupled device (CCD) technology, convection finger formation and development were obtained through direct imaging and processing. The process can be divided into three stages: diffusion-dominated, convection-dominated and shutdown stages. Fingers were formed along the boundary at the onset time, reflecting the startup of convection mixing. Fingers formed, moved and aggregated with adjacent fingers during the convection-dominated stage. The relative migration of brine-saturated CO(2)and brine enhanced the mass transfer. The effects of salinity and temperature on finger formation, number, and migration were analysed. Increasing the salinity accelerated finger formation but suppressed finger movement, and the onset time was inversely related to the salinity. However, the effect of temperature on convection is complex. The dissolved CO(2)mass was investigated by calculating the CO(2)mass fraction in brine during convection mixing. The results show that convection mixing greatly enhanced mass transfer. The study has implications for predicting the CO(2)dissolution trapping time and accumulation for the geological storage of CO2.

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