Date of Publication:2013-01-01
Affiliation of Author(s):建设工程学部
Page Number:160-164
ISSN No.:1672-1683
Abstract:In order to investigate the effects of different film placed under
ground forms on the deep percolation of cultivating vegetable in
greenhouse,celery was chosen as the experimental sample, and four
experimental groups with different film placed under ground forms in the
horizontal strip and U-shaped strip with different interval widths were
designed in the study area and another group without film placed under
ground was also conducted for comparison. The variation process of soil
moisture was measured by the PRl layered moisture probe combining with
the oven drying method. The time for irrigation was determined based on
the observation data of soil moisture in the root layer. The automatic
meteorological station was set up in the greenhouse to collect the
meteorological data. The evapotranspiration of celery during the growth
period was calculated using the energy balance method. The deep
percolation for each type of film placed under ground was calculated
using the water balance equation, which can be used to determine the
impacts of different film placed under ground forms on the deep
percolation. The results showed that under all types of film placed
under ground, the celery grows well and the deep percolation is reduced
to some extent. The film placed under ground in the U-shaped strip has
better effects on reducing deep percolation that that in the horizontal
strip and the effect of reducing deep percolation is better for the same
film placed under ground form with smaller interval widths. After the
film placed under ground, the time interval between irrigations
increases, the total amount of irrigation and the frequency of
irrigation reduce for most cases, and the deep percolation reduces by
50% under the ideal situation. Consequently, the deep percolation can be
reduced and irrigation water can be saved using the film placed under
ground when cultivating vegetable in greenhouse, but the optimal
configuration parameters under various conditions need further
experimental or numerical analysis.