论文名称:卓越计划背景下的流体力学课程教学改革与实践 发表刊物:实验技术与管理 所属单位:能源与动力学院 期号:1 页面范围:194-196,200 ISSN号:1002-4956 摘要:According to the requirements for “Remarkable Engineer Training Plan”proposed by the Ministry of Education ,this paper introduces the research work on the transform from the traditional knowledge teaching to the research teaching. Several measures for the course reform are discussed by combining the course reform of energy and power engineering category of Dalian University of Technology (DUT) ,which include the reform of teaching contents for engineering education ,construction of three-dimensional teaching resources combined with the engineering needs ,various research-oriented teaching modes ,the teaching characteristics of the combination of teaching and research and so on. The goat is to provide reference for the reform of professional basic course on energy and power engineering category under the background of remarkable engineer training plan . 备注:新增回溯数据 发表时间:2014-01-01