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个人信息Personal Information
主要任职:Deputy Director of National Research Center of Shipbuilding
学科:动力机械及工程. 轮机工程
其他联系方式Other Contact Information
办公电话 : 0411-84709803
个人简介Personal Profile
2016/12-今, 大连理工大学,能源与动力学院,教授
2013/12-2014/11,美国科罗拉多州立大学,机械系内燃机实验室, 访问学者(国家公派,CSC全额资助)
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,超大缸径船用低速二冲程双燃料发动机早燃机理研究(2025-2028)
2. 高技术船舶科研项目, 520mm缸径氨燃料船用低速机-奥托循环氨燃料发动机燃烧关键技术研究-专题二预燃室射流火焰调控快速燃烧技术(2023-2026)
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,船用低速二冲程氢气发动机异常燃烧机理研究(2021-2024)
4. 国家重点研发计划项目(政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项),低速二冲程船用氢气发动机高效稀薄燃烧技术研究(2020-2022)
5. 高技术船舶科研项目,船用400mm缸径低速双燃料机原理样机研制-子课题:清洁燃烧技术-专题4:不正常燃烧控制技术(2016-2020)
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,低速二冲程双燃料船用主机气缸油自燃引发爆燃机理研究(2015-2018)
7. 高技术船舶科研项目,大功率船用中速天然气发动机设计关键技术研究-专题二B3:稀薄燃烧及空燃比控制优化技术研究(2013-2016)
8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,以分区控制和湍流激扰方式实现气体燃料大型船用主机高效稀燃的基础研究(2011-2013)
9. 辽宁省自然科学基金,实现气体燃料船用主机高效稀燃的分区控制及湍流激扰作用过程研究(2011-2012)
10. 辽宁省教育厅科学技术研究项目,中高速柴油机调和乳化重油燃烧研究(2008-2010)
1. 工信部高技术船舶科研项目,预混合燃烧船用高速柴油机排放控制关键技术研究(2013-2016)
2. 国家高技术发展计划(863计划),轿车直喷汽油机(GDI)研究开发子课题-轿车直喷汽油机 (GDI)燃油喷雾及燃烧系统结构优化研究(2008-2010)
3. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划),强化高压脉动燃料射流湍流混合速率及均质低温火焰燃烧过程的研究(2001-2007)
1. Lu Yao, Que Jinhao, Xia Yu, Li Xingqi, Jiang Qingli, Feng Liyan*. A comparative study of the effects of EGR on combustion and emission characteristics of port fuel injection and late direct injection in hydrogen internal combustion engine[J]. Applied Energy, 375: 123830. 1 December 2024. (SCI Q1)
2. Li Xingqi, Song Meijia, Que Jinhao, Wang Zixin, Qu Wenjing, Feng Liyan*. Study on auto-ignition characteristics of N-heptane/methanol/ammonia mixed fuel[J]. Fuel, 372: 132252, 15 September 2024. (SCI Q1)
3. Fang Yuan, Qu Wenjing, Feng Liyan*. Experimental and kinetic modeling study on auto-ignition of ammonia/n-heptane mixtures at intermediate temperatures[J]. Combustion and Flame, 265: 113488, 1 July 2024. (SCI Q1)
4. Lu Yao, Que Jinhao, Liu Mingqiang, Zhao Huazhi, Feng Liyan*. Study on backfire characteristics of port fuel injection single-cylinder hydrogen internal combustion engine[J]. Applied Energy, 364: 123110, 15 June 2024. (SCI Q1)
5. Qu Wenjing, Fang Yuan, Song Meijia, Wang Zixin, Xia Yu, Lu Yao, Feng Liyan*. Hydrogen injection optimization of a low-speed two-stroke marine hydrogen/diesel engine[J]. Fuel, 366: 131352, 15 June 2024. (SCI Q1)
6. Song Meijia, Wang Qiukai, Wang Zixin, Fang Yuan, Qu Wenjing, Gong Zhen, Feng Liyan*. Auto-ignition characteristics and chemical reaction mechanism of ammonia/n-heptane mixtures with low n-heptane content[J]. Fuel, 364: 131011. May 15 2024. (SCI Q1)
7. Xu Xiaoyan, Wang Zixin, Qu Wenjing, Song Meijia, Fang Yuan, Feng Liyan*. Optimizations of energy fraction and injection strategy in the ammonia-diesel dual-fuel engine[J]. Journal of The Energy Institute, 112: 101455. February 1 2024. (SCI Q2)
8. Xia Yu, Wang Zixin, Zhao Huazhi, Tang Yuanyuan, Lu Yao, Feng Liyan*. Experimental and numerical investigations of heat transfer characteristics of a piston cooling bore impinged by SAE 30 oil. International Journal of Engine Research[J], First published online August 29, 2024. (SCI Q2)
9. Qu Wenjing, Fang Yuan, Wang Zixin, Song Meijia, Wang Qiukai, Feng Liyan*. Hydrogen/PRF skeletal mechanism study based on shock tube experiments and kinetic analysis[J]. Fuel, 333: 126342. February 1 2023. (SCI Q1)
10. Wang Zixin, Zhang Dong, Fang Yuan, Song Meijia, Gong Zhen, Feng Liyan*. Experimental and numerical investigation of the auto-ignition characteristics of cylinder oil droplets under low-speed two-stroke natural gas engines in-cylinder conditions[J]. Fuel, 329: 125498. December 1 2022. (SCI Q1)
11. Qu Wenjing, Fang Yuan, Wang Zixin, Sun Hongjie, Feng Liyan*. Optimization of injection system for a medium-speed four-stroke spark-ignition marine hydrogen engine[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47(44): 19289-19297. May 22 2022. (SCI Q1)
12. Gong Zhen, Hu Mingda, Fang Yuan, Zhang Dong, Feng Liyan*. Mechanism study of natural gas pre-ignition induced by the auto-ignition of lubricating oil. Fuel, 315: 123286. May 1 2022. (SCI Q1)
13. Wang Zixin, Yi Ping, Qu Wenjin, Feng Liyan*, Gong Zhen. Numerical Simulation of Monodisperse Lube Oil Multiple Droplet Evaporation and Autoignition under Nonconstant Cylinder Conditions of Low-Speed Two-Stroke Gas Engines[J]. ACS Omega, 6(49): 33568-33582. December 14 2021. (SCI Q2)
14. Li Lincheng, Hu Mingda, Qu Wenjing, Gong Zhen, Feng Liyan*. Shock tube and kinetic study on auto-ignition characteristics of methanol/n-heptane mixtures at high temperature[J]. Energy, 233:121152. October 15 2021. (SCI Q1)
15. Gong Zhen, Feng Liyan*, Qu Wenjin, Li Lincheng, Wei Lai. Auto-ignition characteristics of methane/n-heptane mixtures under carbon dioxide and water dilution conditions[J]. Applied Energy, 278, 115639. November 15 2020. (SCI Q1)
16. Gong Zhen, Feng Liyan*, Li Lincheng, Qu Wenjin, Wei Lai. Shock tube and kinetic study on ignition characteristics of methane/n-hexadecane mixtures[J]. Energy, 201: 117609. June 15 2020. (SCI Q1)
17. Gong Zhen, Feng Liyan*, Qu Wenjin, Wei Lai, Li Lincheng. Shock tube and kinetic study on ignition characteristics of lean methane/n-heptane mixtures at low and elevated pressures[J]. Energy, 197: 117242. April 15 2020. (SCI Q1)
18. Fu Yao, Feng Liyan*, Long Wuqiang, Tian Hua, Tian Jiangping. Investigation of the performance of double-layer diverging combustion chamber in a single-cylinder diesel engine[J]. Fuel, 208: 117165. May 15 2020. (SCI Q1)
19. Gong Zhen, Feng Liyan*, Wang Zixin. Experimental and numerical study of the effect of injection strategy and intake valve lift on super-knock and engine performance in a boosted GDI engine[J]. Fuel, 249: 309-325. August 1 2019. (SCI Q1)
20. Yi Ping, Long Wuqiang, Feng Liyan*, Chen Lei, Cui Jingcheng, Gong Weixin. Investigation of evaporation and auto-ignition of isolated lubricating oil droplets in natural gas engine in-cylinder conditions[J]. Fuel, 235: 1172-1183, January 1 2019. (SCI Q1)
21. Fang Yuan, Zhao Huazhi, Wang Zixin, Song Meijia, Feng Liyan*. Numerical Simulation for Discrete Multicomponent Lubricating Oil Spray. Proceedings of 30th CIMAC Congress[C], Paper No. 240, June 12-16, 2023, Busan, Korea.
22. Gong Zhen, Qu Wenjin, Pan Min, Feng Liyan*. Experimental and numerical study on the motion characteristics of cylinder oil and the suppressing methods for abnormal combustion in low-speed dual-fuel marine engine[C]. Proceedings of The ASME 2020 the Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference (ICEF2020), November 04-06, 2020, Denver, USA. (SCI)
23. Pan Min, Feng Liyan*, Gong Zhen, Yu Zhengran, Sun Hongjie, Wang Zixin. Experimental study of cylinder oil stripping behavior at the scavenge port of a low-speed two-stroke engine[C]. 2019 JSAE/SAE Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants International Meeting, August 26-29, 2019, Kyoto, Japan. (EI)
24. Wang Zixin, Yi Ping, Feng Liyan*, Pan Min, Liu Qiang, Wei Lai. Numerical Study on Ignition Delay of Lubricating Oil Droplet Auto-Ignition under Natural Gas Engine In-cylinder Conditions[C]. Proceedings of 29th CIMAC Congress, Paper No. 079, June 10-14, 2019, Vancouver, Canada.