高威帷是开源激发态性质计算软件包NanoGW的主要开发者之一。软件包括了GW近似,LR-TDDFT,和Bethe-Salpeter方程等方法[网址:https://www.osti.gov/doecode/biblio/60032;https://gitlab.com/real-space/nanogw];在Phys. Rev. Lett.(2篇),Nano Lett.(2篇),Phys. Rev. Appl./B/Mater.(10篇)和J. Chem. Theory Comput.(2篇)等计算凝聚态物理和计算原子分子物理领域主流期刊发表SCI论文32篇,h-index为15。
在国内外学术会议做邀请报告多次;为Nat. Comm., PRL,npj Comp. Mat.等期刊的审稿人;获国家级自然科学基金项目(一项)和企事业横向项目(一项)支持;大连市青年才俊。
2021.09 ~ 2024.06 李雪傲:中芯国际(北京)
(A kind reminder: My group does not have available positions for international graduate students in 2025.)
1. 基本线性代数,微积分,复变函数知识
2. 基本固体物理,量子物理知识
3. python, numpy基本操作
4. Linux基本操作
5. 阅读英文论文
6. 附加(这些不强求,都能按研究需要现学):学过量子多体微扰理论,使用过DFT计算软件(VASP或Quantum Espresso),擅长英文写作且阅读英文刊物无压力,有一定Fortran或C语言编程经验,有MPI并行程序编程经验,调用编译过一些基础计算数学库(如Lapack,BLAS,FFTW,Scalapack),使用过流行机器学习框架(如Scikit Learn,Tensorflow)。
博士:纽约州立大学布法罗分校,物理学院(导师:张培鸿 Peihong Zhang)
博士后:德州大学奥斯汀分校,Oden Institute for computational engineering & sciences(导师:James R. Chelikowsky)
Efficiently charting the space of mixed vacancy-ordered perovskites by machine-learning encoded atomic-site information
Tunable multi-q states caused by frustrated and long-range exchange interactions in monolayer 1T-CrTe2 and related heterostructures
Physical Review B (2025), accepted
Recent studies show different results on the magnetic orders of monolayer 1T-CrTe2, an emerging two-dimensional (2D) magnetic material with a high magnetic transition temperature. Herein, based on first-principles calculations and Monte Carlo simulations, we find 1T-CrTe2 can host diverse magnetic orders, ranging from colinear antiferromagnetic states to helimagnetic states with single or multiple incommensurate propagation vectors, which can be sensitively tuned by strain and inter-layer coupling effects in Van der Waals heterostructures. Some of these magnetic orders can host Z6 topological domain-wall structures that are rarely seen in 2D magnets. While compressive biaxial strain tends to induce un-conventional antiferromagnetic states, increasing tensile biaxial strain generally stabilize 1T-CrTe2 in ferromagnetic orders with single-ion magnetic anisotropy energies affected by its substrates. The highly susceptible magnetic order of monolayer 1T-CrTe2 originates from the synergic effects between the triangular Cr lattice that can mediate magnetic frustration and the itinerant electrons that can lead to long-range magnetic couplings and significant charge transfer with substrates.
Cluster Sliding Ferroelectricity in Trilayer Quasi-Hexagonal C60
npj Computational Materials volume 11, Article number: 5 (2025)
计算发现多层六方晶C60二维材料存在滑移铁电相,是一种罕见的单质铁电体系。(Electric polarization typically originates from non-centrosymmetric charge distributions in compounds. In elemental crystalline materials, chemical bonds between atoms of the same element favor symmetrically distributed electron charges and centrosymmetric structures, making elemental ferroelectrics rare. Compared to atoms, elemental clusters are intrinsically less symmetric and can have various preferred orientations when they are assembled to form crystals. Consequently, the assembly of clusters with different orientations tends to break the inversion symmetry. By exploiting this concept, we show that sliding ferroelectricity naturally emerges in trilayer quasi-hexagonal phase (qHP) C60, a cluster-assembled carbon allotrope recently synthesized. Compared to many metallic or semi-metallic elemental ferroelectrics, trilayer qHP C60’s have sizable band gaps and several ferroelectric structures, which are distinguishable by measuring their second-harmonic generation (SHG) responses. Some of these phases show both switchable out-of-plane and in-plane polarizations on the order of 0.2 pC/m. The out-of-plane and in-plane polarizations can be switched independently and enable an easy-to-implement construction of Van der Waals homostructures with ferroelectrically switchable chirality.)
Robust altermagnetism and compensated ferrimagnetism in MnPX3-based (X = S or Se) heterostructures
Efficient Full-frequency GW Calculations using a Lanczos Method
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 126402 (2024) (Editor's Suggestion)
几年前看到Lanczos方法在TDDFT和Bethe-Salpeter方程中的应用时,就隐约感觉到可以移植到GW近似计算。但是,奈何线性代数功底实在太差,学得比较慢,一直到去年才想明白具体要怎么用。我们实现Lanczos方法后,测试发现计算效率出乎意料的高,而且很适合GPU加速,适配了主流GPU芯片(NVIDIA GPU或国产芯片)。开发工作完成以后还是很开心的。
Rich structural polymorphism of monolayer polymeric from cluster rotation
Physical Review Materials 7 (11), 114001
Giant excitonic effects in vacancy-ordered double perovskites
Physical Review B 107 (23), 235119
Multiferroicity in a Two-Dimensional Non-van der Waals Crystal of AgCr2X4 (X = S or Se)
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13 (48), 11346-11353 (2022)
Out-of-plane polarization and topological magnetic vortices in multiferroic CrPSe3
W Gao, J Zhao*, JR Chelikowsky*
Physical Review Materials 6 (10), L101402 (2022)
Sumanene Monolayer of Pure Carbon: A Two‐Dimensional Kagome‐Analogy Lattice with Desirable Band Gap, Ultrahigh Carrier Mobility, and Strong Exciton Binding Energy
X Shi, W Gao, H Liu, ZG Fu, G Zhang, YW Zhang, T Liu, J Zhao, J Gao*
Small 18 (40), 2203274 (2022)
Strong Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in monolayer CrI3 on metal substrates
F Zhang, X Li, Y Wu, X Wang, J Zhao*, W Gao*
Physical Review B 106 (10), L100407 (2022)
Prediction of protected band edge states and dielectric tunable quasiparticle and excitonic properties of monolayer MoSi2N4
Y Wu, Z Tang, W Xia, W Gao, F Jia, Y Zhang, W Zhu, W Zhang, P Zhang
npj Computational Materials 8 (1), 129 (2022)
Phonon-Assisted Nonradiative Recombination Tuned by Organic Cations in Ruddlesden-Popper Hybrid Perovskites
F Zhang, X Wang, W Gao*, J Zhao*
Physical Review Applied 17 (6), 064016 (2022)
Effect of liquidlike cations on electronic and defect properties of solid solutions of Cu2Te and Ag2Te
X Wu, C Ming, W Gao, J Shi, K Zhao, H Wang, YY Sun
Physical Review B 105 (19), 195206 (2022)
Numerical methods for efficient GW calculations and the applications in low-dimensional systems
W Gao, W Xia, P Zhang, J Chelikowsky, J Zhao
Electronic Structure (2022)
Quasiparticle energies and optical excitations of 3C-SiC divacancy from GW and GW plus Bethe-Salpeter equation calculations
W Gao, FH da Jornada, M Del Ben, J Deslippe, SG Louie, J Chelikowsky
Physical Review Materials 6 (3), 036201 (2022)
1. W. Gao, W. Xia, X. Gao, P. Zhang, Speeding up GW calculations to meet the challenge of large scale quasiparticle predictions,
Scientific Report 6, 36849 (2016)
2. W. Gao, X. Gao, T. A. Abtew, Y. Sun, S. Zhang, P. Zhang, Quasiparticle band gap of organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites: Crystal structure, spin-orbit coupling, and self-energy effects,
Phys. Rev. B 93, 085202 (2016)
3. Y. Tian#, W. Gao# (共同一作), E. Henrikson, J. Chelikowsky, L. Yang, Optically Driven Magnetic Phase Transition of Monolayer RuCl3,
Nano Lett. 19, 7673-7680 (2019)
4. W. Gao* and J. Chelikowsky*, Accelerating time-dependent density functional theory and GW calculations for molecules and nanoclusters with symmetry adapted interpolative separable density fitting,
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 16, 2216 – 2223 (2020)
5. W. Xia, W. Gao, G. Candales, Y. Wu, W. Ren, W. Zhang and P. Zhang, Combined subsampling and analytical integration for efficient large-scale GW calculations for 2D systems,
npj Computational Materials, 6, 118 (2020)
6. W. Gao, W. Xia, Y. Wu, W. Ren, X. Gao, P. Zhang*, .Quasiparticle band structures of CuCl, CuBr, AgCl, and AgBr: The extreme case, Phys. Rev. B 98 (4), 045108 (2018)
7. W. Gao*, J. Chelikowsky*, Prediction of intrinsic ferroelectricity and large piezoelectricity in monolayer arsenic chalcogenides,
Nano Lett. 20 (11), 8346-8352 (2020)
8. W. Gao, X. Gao, T. A. Abtew, Y. Sun, S. Zhang, P. Zhang, Quasiparticle band gap of organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites: Crystal structure, spin-orbit coupling, and self-energy effects,
Phys. Rev. B 93, 085202 (2016)
9. TA Abtew, W. Gao, X Gao, YY Sun, SB Zhang, P Zhang, Theory of Oxygen-Boron Vacancy Defect in Cubic Boron Nitride: A Diamond Isoelectronic Center,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 (13), 136401 (2014)
2004.9 -- 2007.6
2007.9 -- 2011.6
2011.9 -- 2017.5
2017.5 -- 2020.6
美国德州大学奥斯汀分校 Oden计算科学和科学研究院 博士后
2021.1 -- 至今
大连理工大学物理学院 副教授