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个人信息Personal Information
学科:工程力学. 车辆工程. 生物与纳米力学. 应用与实验力学. 制造工艺力学. 航空航天力学与工程. 固体力学
联系方式:Email: hanxiao@dlut.edu.cn
个人简介Personal Profile
a) 多环境-载荷耦合的力学试验与失效机理分析
b) 复合材料修补力学性能与环境耐久性多尺度建模
c) 基于机器学习的胶接界面损伤检测与性能预测
d) 施胶和固化工艺设计与内应力演化机制分析
担任SCI期刊Journal of Adhesion Science & Technology和Journal of Materials: Design and Applications编委、International Journal of Structural Integrity、《机械工程学报》和《应用力学学报》首届青年编委、全国研究生教育评估监测专家库专家、机械工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录评审专家、英国Society for Adhesion & Adhesives会员、中国力学学会会员、中国机械工程学会高级会员、中国现场统计研究会会员、北京粘接学会会员、5th ICAB、6th ICAB、9th ICNME分会场主席、第27届北京粘接学会学术年会大会邀请报告。担任Composites Part B、Composite Structures、Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing、Polymer Testing、Thin-Walled Structures、机械工程学报等40余个学术期刊审稿人。
发表相关领域学术论文50余篇,其中SCI收录40余篇,机械工程学报(国内机械领域顶刊)6篇,包括:Composites Part B: Engineering (IF: 13.1)、Journal of Power Sources (IF: 9.2)、Composite Structures (IF: 6.3)、Thin-walled Structures (IF: 6.4)、International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives (IF: 3.4)等。所发表论文Google Scholar总引用400余次,单篇最高引用92次,研究成果获《机械工程学报》官方微信公众号推送。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、航空科学基金、上海航天科技创新基金、中国博士后基金、辽宁省教育厅、黑龙江省重点研发计划课题等基金项目以及校企合作课题。
2019.12 - 至今 |
大连理工大学 |
工程力学系 |
副教授 |
2016.12 - 2017.12 |
昆士兰科技大学, 澳大利亚 |
机械工程系 |
访问学者 |
2015.01 - 2019.12 |
大连理工大学 |
工程力学系 |
讲师 |
2011.09 - 2014.10 |
大连理工大学 |
车辆工程 |
博士 |
2012.09 - 2013.09 |
萨里大学, 英国 |
机械工程 |
联合培养 |
2005.09 - 2009.07 |
大连理工大学 |
工程力学 |
学士 |
l 力学(学术型)
l 机械工程(专业型)
l 车辆工程(专业型)
l 航空工程(专业型)
l 航天工程(专业型)
l 船舶工程(专业型)
l 海洋工程(专业型)
l 力学(学术型)
l 机械工程(工程型)
l 车辆工程(工程型)
l 航空工程(工程型)
l 航天工程(工程型)
l Journal of Adhesion Science & Technology 编委(SCI期刊)
l Journal of Materials: Design and Applications 编委(SCI期刊)
l International Journal of Structural Integrity 首届青年编委
l 《机械工程学报》 首届青年编委
l 《应用力学学报》 首届青年编委
l 英国Society for Adhesion & Adhesives 会员
l 5th and 6th International Conference on Adhesive Bonding 分会场主席
l 1st Conference on Mechanical, Aeronautical and Structural Engineering 学术委员会委员
l 北京粘接学会第27届学术年会 大会邀请报告
l 中国力学学会 会员
l 北京粘接学会 会员
l 中国机械工程学会 高级会员
l Composites Part B, Composite Structures, Mechanical Systems & Signal Processing, Polymer Testing, Thin-Walled Structures, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, Journal of Adhesion, Journal of Adhesion Science & Technology, Journal of Materials Design & Applications, Journal of Automobile Engineering, Journal of Mechanical Science & Technology, Advances in Manufacturing, SN Applied Sciences、Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering和机械工程学报、交通运输工程学报、吉林大学学报(工学版)等40余个学术期刊审稿人
l 大连市青年科技之星
l 大连理工大学星海人才培育计划
l 大连市高层次人才
l 钱令希力学奖
l 《机械工程学报》创刊70周年优秀审稿专家
l 大连理工大学 优秀班主任
l 大连理工大学 教学质量优良奖
l 国家自然科学基金项目, 固体发动机粘接界面应力演化及多失效机理耦合损伤预测模型研究, 主持.
l 航空科学基金项目, CFRP结构损伤混合修复相控阵定量检测与性能预测技术研究, 主持.
l 上海航天科技创新基金项目, 防热功能一体化复合结构胶接界面损伤行为建模及预测技术, 主持.
l 大连市青年科技之星项目, 基于微观力学表征的CFRP/铝合金胶接结构复杂工况服役性能预测研究, 主持.
l 国家自然科学基金项目, 湿-热-交变载荷耦合作用下胶接结构强度退化预测模型研究, 主持.
l 中国博士后科学基金项目, 异种材料胶铆接头多场耦合环境耐久性试验和建模研究, 主持.
l 辽宁省教育厅科学研究项目, 异质材料结构胶接接头基本力学性能及其环境耐久性研究, 主持.
l 国家重点研发计划氢能技术重点专项, 兆瓦级电堆组装结构设计开发, 参加.
l 黑龙江省重点研发计划第二批重点领域专项项目, 民用航空胶黏剂国产化替代关键技术, 参加.
l 国家重点研发计划变革性技术关键科学问题重点专项, 自控温高产热纳米材料与肿瘤磁热疗技术, 参加.
l 国家自然科学基金项目, 纤维增强复合材料板壳结构的准周期分析模型与优化设计方法, 参加.
l Han X, Ye J, Xu J, Wang Y, Liu B, Guo X. A fully-coupled damage modelling of hygrothermally aged CFRP open-hole laminate under quasi-static tensile loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2025;313:110653.
l Han X, Ren LZ, Xu X, Ying L, Wu CW, Hou WB. Research on the mechanical properties of single-lap rivet-bonded hybrid joint considering the rivet forming process. Experimental Mechanics. 2024;64(8):1215-1227.
l Han X, Li D, Sun L, Wang D, Xu J, Zhang W. Effect of bondline thickness on the mechanical performance of CFRP laminate with asymmetric damage repaired by double-sided adhesive patch. Thin-Walled Structures. 2024;201:111976.
l Han X, Hu M, Wang Y, Liu B, da Silva LFM, Guo X. Experiments and modelling of competitive failure behaviour of CFRP stepped-lap repairs with different design parameters. Thin-Walled Structures. 2024;199:111836.
l Ma G, Han X*, Ying L, Wang D, Wu C. Mechanical performance of adhesively bonded carbon fiber reinforced boron-modified phenolic resin plastic-titanium single-lap joints at high temperature. Polymer Composites. 2024;45(1):777-791.
l Zhang Y, Wu C, Zhang W, Zeng X, Han X*. Curing kinetics and mechanical properties of magnetocured epoxy adhesive doped with magnetic nanoparticles. Polymer Composites. 2024;45(1):569-580.
l Yu Y, Jia X, Han X*, Ding G, Hou W. Analytical investigation of hygrothermal effects on failure mechanisms of adhesively bonded corrugated sandwich structures under three-point bending. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 2024;128:103561.
l 樊俊铃, 马国庆, 焦婷, 陈曾美, 韩啸. 温度和湿度对碳纤维增强复合材料老化影响研究综述. 航空科学技术. 2023;34(09):1-13.
l 韩啸, 孙亮亮, 刘博, 刘哲远, 吴承伟. 胶层厚度对胶接波纹板三点弯曲力学性能影响研究. 机械工程学报, 2023, 59(02):104-112.
l Hou W, Liu Z, Shi J, Han X*. On the mechanical performance and damage evolution of rivet-bonded composite T-joint under three-point bending: A combined experimental and numerical study. Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 186:110668.
l 王积锐, 刘聪和, 樊俊铃, 焦婷, 巩建坡, 韩啸*. M855A1步枪弹侵彻钢靶板数值仿真. 兵工学报, 2022, 43(9):2339-2349.
l Yang P, Wang S, Li X, Zhang W, Han X. Study on the effect of manufacture parameters on the mechanical property of copper plate/magnetic column bonded structure using a parameter identification approach. The Journal of Adhesion, 2022, 98(15):2474-2495.
l Zhou G, Chen M, Wang C, Han X, Wu C, Zhang W. Machine learning method for extracting elastic modulus of cells. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2022, 21(5):1603-1612.
l Hou W, Li J, Sang L, Ying L, Han X*. On the mechanical performance of honeycomb-core sandwich L-joint under bending load: an experimental-numerical study. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2022, 36(10):1112-1134.
l Chao Y, Ma J, Chen Z, Zhang Y, Yang P, Wang S, Wang L, Han X*, Liu Y, Wu C. Modelling prediction on the degradation in mode II fracture energy of structural adhesive subjected to hygrothermal ageing. The Journal of Adhesion, 2022, 98(5):553-575.
l Yan CC, Ma JL, Zhang YX, Wu CW, Yang P, Wang P, Zhang W, Han X*. The fracture performance of adhesively bonded orthodontic brackets: an experimental-FE modelling study. The Journal of Adhesion, 2022, 98(2):180-206.
l Sun W, Yin P, Wang C, Ren Y, Han X, Wu C, Zhang W. Determination of the elastic modulus of adherent cells using spherical atomic force microscope probe. Journal of Materials Science, 2021, 56(32):18210-18218.
l Zhang Y, Ma J, Wu C, Han X*, Zhang W. Effects of moisture ingress on the mesoscale mechanical properties of epoxy adhesives under elevated temperature. Polymer Testing, 2021:107049.
l Liu Y, Carnegie C, Ascroft H, Li W, Han X, Guo H, Hughes DJ. Investigation of adhesive joining strategies for the application of a multi-material light rail vehicle. materials, 2021, 14(22).
l 张伟, 刘阳, 侯博文, 陈德安, 孙伟, 韩啸*. 螺距误差下的螺纹副应力分布及其对装配预紧力的影响研究. 机械工程学报, 2021, 57(17):132-148.
l Zheng G, Wang H, Han X, Li W. Mechanical behavior of AL/CFRP single-lap joint subjected to combined thermal and constant loading. The Journal of Adhesion, 2021, 97(4):361-379.
l Ying L, Gao T, Hou W, Dai M, Han X, Jiang D. On crashing behaviors of bio-inspired hybrid multi-cell Al/CFRP hierarchical tube under quasi-static loading: An experimental study. Composite Structures. 2021, 257:113103.
l Wu CW, Zhang W, Han X, Zhang YX, Ma GJ. A systematic review for structure optimization and clamping load design of large proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack. Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 476:228724.
l Akhmet G, Yu Y, Hu P, Hou W, Han X. Analysis of the performance of adhesively bonded corrugated core sandwich structures using cohesive zone method. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2020, 22(1):104-124.
l Han X, Akhmet G, Hu P, Hou W, Baubekov Y, Akhmetov M. Numerical prediction on the mechanical degradation of adhesively bonded corrugated sandwich beam after hygrothermal ageing. Composite Structures, 2020, 241:112131.
l Han X, Akhmet G, Zhang W, Chao YX, Jin Y, Yu Y, Hu P, Ibraimov A. The effect of adhesive fillet on mechanical performance of adhesively bonded corrugated sandwich structures: an experimental–numerical study. Journal of Adhesion, 2020, 96(5):515-537.
l Han X, Chao Y, Yang P, Li X, Zhang W, Jin Y, Wu C. Strength prediction of adhesively bonded ferrite pillar–tin bronze plate under axial shear loading. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2020, 34(6):616-634.
l Han X, Jin Y, Silva LFMD, Costa M, Wu C. On the effect of adhesive thickness on mode I fracture energy - an experimental and modelling study using a trapezoidal cohesive zone model. Journal of Adhesion, 2020, 96(5):490-514.
l Han X, Pickering E, Bo A, Gu Y. Characterisation on the hygrothermal degradation in the mechanical property of structural adhesive: A novel meso-scale approach. Composites Part B-engineering, 2020, 182:107609.
l Wang C, Han X, Yang C, Zhang X, Hou W. Assumed stress quasi-conforming formulation for static and free vibration analysis of symmetric laminated plates. Engineering Computations, 2020.
l Zhang W, Bai X, Hou B, Sun Y, Han X. Mechanical properties of the three-dimensional compression-twist cellular structure. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2020, 39:260-277.
l Zheng G, Liu C, Han X, Li W. Effect of spew fillet on adhesively bonded single lap joints with CFRP and aluminum-alloy immersed in distilled water. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2020, 99:102590.
l Liu Y, Zhou S, Han X, Yan C, Lei Z, Wang X. Analysis of the influence of a new type of buccal tube base mesh design on the adhesive layer stress distribution and bond strength. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2020, 34(18):2011-2030.
l 侯文彬, 刘璟琳, 陈广义, 韩啸, 徐翔, 郑文献. 胶层缺陷对胶接-拉铆搭接剪切接头力学性能影响研究. 机械工程学报, 2019, 55(24):37-44.
l Gao T, Ying L, Hu P, Han X, Rong H, Wu Y, Sun J. Investigation on mechanical behavior and plastic damage of AA7075 aluminum alloy by thermal small punch test: Experimental trials, numerical analysis. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2020, 50:1-16.
l Ying L, Gao T, Rong H, Han X, Hu P, Hou W. On the thermal forming limit diagram (TFLD) with GTN mesoscopic damage model for AA7075 aluminum alloy: Numerical and experimental investigation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 802:675-693.
l Wang L, Xu L, Xie Y, Du Y, Han X. A new hybrid conjugate gradient method for dynamic force reconstruction. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2019, 11(1):168781401882236.
l Han X, Hou S, Ying L, Hou W, Aliyev H. On the fracture behaviour of adhesively bonded CFRP hat-shaped thin-walled beam under axial crushing load: An experimental and modelling study. Composite Structures, 2019, 215:258-265.
l Han X, Chao Y, Zhang W, Chao Y, Wu C. Study on the effect of post curing on the mode II fracture energy of structural adhesive using a parameter identification approach. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2019, 95:102398.
l Hu P, Akhmet G, Wu C, Han X, Chao YX, Yu Y, Orazbayeva A. Characterisation on the influence of curing history on the mechanical performance of adhesively bonded corrugated sandwich structures. Thin-walled Structures, 2019, 142:37-51.
l Hou W, Xu X, Han X, Wang H, Tong L. Multi-objective and multi-constraint design optimization for hat-shaped composite T-joints in automobiles. Thin-walled Structures, 2019, 143:106232.
l 韩啸, 金勇, 杨鹏, 李小阳, 侯文彬. 胶层厚度对胶粘剂Ⅰ型断裂韧性影响试验和仿真研究. 机械工程学报, 2018, 54(10):43-52.
l Han X, Jin Y, Zhang W, Hou W, Yu Y. Characterisation of moisture diffusion and strength degradation in an epoxy-based structural adhesive considering a post-curing process. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2018, 32(15):1643-1657.
l 韩啸, 晁岳星, 金勇. 后固化工艺对结构胶粘剂吸水特性和力学性能退化行为影响研究. 京津冀粘接技术研讨会暨北京粘接学会学术年会; 2018.
l Bai R, Bao S, Lei Z, Yan C, Han X. Finite element inversion method for interfacial stress analysis of composite single-lap adhesively bonded joint based on full-field deformation. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2018, 81:48-55.
l Li W, Tang LP, Han X, Gao EP. The effect of constant loading on the mechanical behavior of bulk adhesive. Journal of Adhesion, 2017, 93(12):1-15.
l 韩啸, 金勇, 杨鹏. 结构胶接接头湿热环境耐久性研究概述. 河北科技大学学报, 2017, 38(3):209-217.
l 史昱, 韩啸. 汽车复合材料层合板准静态力学性能的试验测定. 工程塑料应用, 2016, (9):92-95.
l Li W, Pang B, Han X, Tang L, Zhao K, Hu P. Predicting the Strength of Adhesively Bonded T-joints Under Cyclic Temperature using a Cohesive Zone Model. Journal of Adhesion, 2016, 92(11):892-907.
l Li W, Ma M, Han X, Tang LP, Zhao JN, Gao EP. Strength Prediction of Adhesively Bonded Single Lap Joints Under Salt Spray Environment Using a Cohesive Zone Model. Journal of Adhesion, 2016, 92(11):916-937.
l Hu P, Shi ZW, Wang XX, Li W, Zhou SG, Han X. Strength Degradation of Adhesively Bonded Single-Lap Joints in a Cyclic-Temperature Environment Using a Cohesive Zone Model. Journal of Adhesion, 2015, 91(8):587-603.
l Han X, Crocombe AD, Anwar SNR, Hu P, Li W. The Effect of a Hot–Wet Environment on Adhesively Bonded Joints Under a Sustained Load. Journal of Adhesion, 2014, 90:420-436.
l Han X, Crocombe AD, Anwar SNR, Hu P. The strength prediction of adhesive single lap joints exposed to long term loading in a hostile environment. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2014, 55:1-11.
l Hu P, Han X, Li W, Li L, Shao Q. Research on the static strength performance of adhesive single lap joints subjected to extreme temperature environment for automotive industry. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2013, 41:119-126.
l Hu P, Han X, Silva LFMD, Li W. Strength prediction of adhesively bonded joints under cyclic thermal loading using a cohesive zone model. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2013, 41:6-15.
l 韩啸, 李伟东, 胡平. 非平衡胶接接头循环温度场强度退化研究. 机械工程学报, 2012, 48(18):97-103.
l 胡平, 韩啸, 李伟东, 施志伟, 周申光. 考虑汽车车身涂装工艺影响的非平衡胶接接头强度. 机械工程学报, 2012, 48(20):93-102.
l Hu P, Shao Q, Li W, Han X. Experimental and numerical analysis on load capacity and failure process of T-joint: Effect produced by the bond-line length. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2012, 38:17-24.
l 韩啸, 侯文彬, 胡平. 车身薄壁梁结构刚度特性的仿真研究. 汽车技术, 2011, (12):8-13.
图1 数值建模相关: a) 胶层裂纹演化; b) 多软件联合仿真优化; c) 有限元自定义场变量; d) 水分吸收过程; e) 数值仿真结果验证; f) 内部应力和损伤演化
图2 复合材料连接相关: a) 模压成型模具; b) 帽形梁轴向压溃建模; c) 试验与仿真失效样貌对比验证; d) 压溃失效力学性能分析
图3 试验测试相关: a) 胶粘剂拉伸固化模具; b) I型加载夹具; c) 胶接波纹板固化模具; d) 剪切固化模具; e) 数字图像监测技术; f) 微观样貌扫描电镜观测