Date of Publication:2015-01-01
Page Number:85-91
ISSN No.:1002-1965
Abstract:The structure and evolution of co-authorship networks have been widely discussed in literatures. However, the studies on the co-authorship network in an interdisciplinary research field, which is relatively less, may be complementary to existing works. In this pa-per, we retrieve literatures on"complex network" from Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index, and analyze the structure and evolution of cumulative co-authorship network through social network analysis and statistics. The results indicate the giant component of co-authorship network evolves through three major stages, namely the isolated local clusters, the giant component with a"chained-communities" struc-ture, and then the giant component with a modular small-world structure. Besides, the evolution of co-authorship network is accompanied by the convergence of research topics. The overall results may be helpful to deepen our understandings on the collaboration modes in inter-disciplinary research fields.
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Alma Mater:大连理工大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree
Discipline:Management Science and Engineering. Systems Engineering
Business Address:经济管理学院D533
Contact Information:hxxia(at)dlut(dot)edu(dot)cn 电话:0411-84706689
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