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学科:结构工程. 岩土工程
- [21]高幸, 贾金青, Bao, Xiaohua, Mei, Guoxiong, 张丽华, Tu, Bingxiong.Shaking Table Model Tests and Stability Analysis of Slopes Reinforced with New Anti-Seismic Ancho...[J],KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering,2024
- [22]Wang, Ziyi, 贾金青, Zhang, Lihua.A Transparent Soil Experiment to Investigate the Influence of Arrangement and Connecting Beams on...[J],SENSORS,2024,24(16)
- [23]孙悦, 朱伟庆, 贾金青, 龙刚.型钢高强混凝土柱破坏模式与变形特征研究[J],内蒙古工业大学学报(自然科学版),2024,43(4):351-359
- [24]陈霁溪, 贾金青, Zhu, Mengyu.Roles of water film thickness and CaCl2/TEA dosage in mobility and hardening performance of cemen...[J],ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2024,35(11)
- [25]陈霁溪, 贾金青, Zhu, Mengyu.Multi-objective optimization of seawater mixing in cement-based materials with supplementary ceme...[J],MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS,2024,41
- [26]陈霁溪, 贾金青, Zhu, Mengyu.Optimizing the content of Li2CO3, Na2SO4 and TEA in fly ash–cement system by response surface me...[J],Construction and Building Materials,2024,451
- [27]王子怡, 贾金青, 张丽华, Tu, Bingxiong.Computational modeling of three-dimensional slope reinforcement by anchor cable micropile group c...[J],European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering,2024
- [28]Shi, Jingrong, Zhu, Weiqing, 张丽华, 贾金青, Zhang, Yafei.Deterioration laws of static and fatigue bond performance between rebar and concrete with initial...[J],Construction and Building Materials,2024,452
- [29]汤琦, 崔瑶, 贾金青.Machine learning-based surrogate resilience modeling for preliminary seismic design[J],Journal of Building Engineering,2024,98
- [30]涂兵雄, 魏健, 贾金青, 俞缙, 李志伟, 蔡奇鹏.新型拉压复合型锚杆锚固性能研究Ⅳ:数值模拟[J],岩土工程学报,2024
- [31]高幸, 贾金青, Bao, Xiaohua, Mei, Guoxiong, 张丽华, Tu, Bingxiong.Investigation of dynamic responses of slopes in various anchor cable failure modes[J],Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,2024
- [32]贾金青.Dynamic Monitoring and Numerical Simulation of Tunnel Under Difficult Ground Condition[J],2008 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MODELLING, SIMULATION AND OPTIMIZATION,2009,420-423
- [33]唐琦, 党纪, 崔瑶, 王欣, 贾金青.Machine Learning-Based Fast Seismic Risk Assessment of Building Structures[J],Journal of Earthquake Engineering,2021
- [34]曹旗, 贾金青, 张丽华, 叶浩.Steel reinforced post-filling coarse aggregate concrete columns under eccentric compression[J],Construction and Building Materials,2021,270(121420)
- [35]贾金青, 王树钧, 李璐.后掺骨料混凝土与钢筋粘结性能的研究[J],水力发电,2019,45(8):122-125
- [36]贾金青, 杨庆, 陈湘生, 张丽华, 林青坤.深基坑半刚性半柔性支护结构及力学特性分析[J],水利与建筑工程学报,2019,17(4):16-20,38
- [37]涂兵雄, 俞缙, 何锦芳, 程强, 许国平, 贾金青.新型拉压复合型锚杆锚固性能研究Ⅱ:模型试验[J],岩土工程学报,2018,41(3):475-483
- [38]涂兵雄, 刘士雨, 俞缙, 何锦芳, 周建烽, 贾金青.新型拉压复合型锚杆锚固性能研究:Ⅰ简化理论[J],岩土工程学报,2018,40(12):2289-2295
- [39]贾金青, 叶浩, 周佳玉, 李璐.后掺骨料混凝土柱大偏心受压性能[J],建筑科学与工程学报,2018,35(6):10-20
- [40]辛明奇, 陈建荣, 贾金青.某独塔不等跨斜拉桥温度效应研究[J],水利与建筑工程学报,2018,16(5):23-29